This is also happening for A2A lockons.
Tomcat Missiles - You can now switch weapons once the missile is in flight and still maintain lock ????? Please do explain
It was disabled for Pro7 customers for the last 9 days.
Stuck at 96% on loading screen ....
:( for the love of ... get rid of lettuce
And the winner of third week is .... TR. That is a surprising development..... I think I will go and make a TR character.
a shocker .. week 2 winners are .. TR. Who would have predicted that, ha ? Let me be the first to predict week 3 winner..... its TR... another...
Who cares about WDS ? Any outfits actually purposefully "participating" in it? It just promotes 4th faction or switching factions altogether. On...
No, It shows you have no idea how this game plays, that's what it shows.... Read the comments, and dont let the "player" write any more...
Yesterday during the alert on Esamir I was at new octagon while it was under attack by NC. I stood there at the top of the central tower looking at...
Here I go what ?, You are still showing only one continent. What is pop stat on other continents ? Indar was the like 50% NC and Esamir with 40%....
ok, show pop on Indar and Amerish at the same time .... As trend graph shows you that population is almost always more or less evenly...
What I have heard from people from the outfit that have tried other side TR/NC is that you have better weapons. SOE should enable all weapons...
[media] Look at 1:56 I see maybe 2-3 other planes than galaxy. Once those galaxies were destroyed I believe people took next available aircraft...
Still a nice picture and it kinda represents how we see things. Always teaming up against VS. But I admit, recently things feel different. NC...
I find my self unwilling to comply to your sound logic because my opinion is that MBT are slightly OP and that C4 bring just enough balance so...
Sure, well it may not be deliberate but during alerts it always looks like
Yea, I see SOLAR has been on your tail a lot, but please, I have one question. What have you been doing to have managed to kill your self today...
Nice post, this was visible from last server event. The fight at crown a week ago where every VS outfit participated, some TR and Nc ... Nc...
Separate names with a comma.