I have succesfully used steambackup on planetside 2... If backup before validation steam will say that the backup was unsuccesfull If you...
The 310.70 seems to be a regular update because it was pushed through the nvidia update tool.
Just uninstall it and install it through Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/
Sticky please :P.
If you take a look at the screen you will notice that high results in an unfair disadvantage. Anyway I have figured out which graphics setting...
Thanks and yes. Planetside 2 does not communicate with the OS to unpark cores. Therefore I recommend creating that new power profile and only...
There are a ton of "guides" preaching for max performance, most of them are full of rubbish and unnecessary or even outdated settings. This guide:...
Actually no.. as I said I have 2 machines running next to each other (lan play) and the one with all settings on low had no fog and could see...
Sometimes I can hardly see 100m in Esamir. On my older pc (all settings on low) whilst playing at the same time, this fog is not rendered. Hence I...
Just run prime95 for 4 hours on the beld test to confirm your system is stable: http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=103
Chain reaction? Lol. We are talking about computers not nucleair reactors. Even if your case would get too hot the only thing that can happen is...
Actually it will not damage your hardware. Only overvolting will damage your hardware (beyond the safe limit). Your system will have thermal...
Dont confuse hardware instability with issues caused by a game. Your symptoms all point towards overheating (cpu and or motherboard). This will...
Headsup the 660Ti uses the same chip as the 670. Only difference is the memory bandwith (which only impacts some games).
The 3750K does not exist. Closest real thing is the i5 3570K or the i7 3770K ;). 35xx is 3rd gen i5 37xx is 3rd gen i7. 25xx is 2nd gen i5 27xx is...
You can try with your current cpu. An i5 hardly uses power. The 7870 has a peak of 115W. I dont think I have seen my pc draw more than 350W so far....
I have never seen this game use over 1400 MB. Your problem probably lies in the fact that on a 32bit OS by default it support max 2 GB ram per...
Regarding gpu: Radeon HD 5870 2518 GeForce GTX 650 1875 GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2727 GeForce GTX 660 3957 GeForce GTX 660 Ti 4666 Topicstarter: Radeon...
I doubt it matters if your folder is read only or not... The game will never change the name of your folder:D. You could check the individual files...
Steam users, please avoid using the Steam Validate files feature for our game. Their validate feature does not properly calculate what needs...
Separate names with a comma.