Physics simulation in this game is horrible

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marko Box, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Marko Box

    Dunno from where to start really, everything is broken and odd. Starting from the first time i trew grenade up to driving a tank game felt clunky, non responsive and counter intuitive. And since this is engine related thing, i guess, im not seeing it improving any time soon :(
  2. wildknight

    funny, i see none of that. maybe its something on your end.
  3. Phyr

    Better physics would cause more lag.
  4. P4nda

    Ironically this game has one of the most advanced physics engines on the market.

    Troll OP?
  5. Hydragarium

    It's PhysX - What did you honestly expect? Limited PhysX sure, but PhysX nonetheless. It has never looked good in a gameplay enviroment imho.
  6. SarahM

    The physics are quite ... unusual... indeed. Compared to most other games, they feel somewhat weird, especially when you don't have any performance upgrades on your vehicles.

    Also, best physics engine.... y u have sliding stationary vehicles?
  7. TheBloodEagle

    The GPU PhysX are currently disabled by the way.

  8. Hydragarium

    I never said anything about the GPU PhysX. The game uses CPU PhysX for some of the physics in the game - mandatory for all players by the way.
  9. TheBloodEagle

    That's why I said, "by the way". I should of said "in addition to this comment, etc"
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  10. Neovita

    What physics are you talking about? Try to drive a sunderer, to see, that there is no physics at all in this game xD
  11. Machine Spirit

    I feel stupid but, why aren't they on.. that looks outrageous! xD
  12. Neovita

    You can enable it in your UserOptions.ini if you are using a NVIDIA GPU. Dont ask me, how to do it, there are millions of posts about it here and i am using an ATI GPU
  13. Hydragarium

    There's a difference between "wonky physics" and no physics at all. Planetside is the former.

    It was causing constant crashing for people in the beta. We're still waiting for nVidia and SOE to co-fix the issue so they can re-enable it for users.
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  14. Machine Spirit

    alrighty thanks!
  15. TheBloodEagle

    Ever ride on the Flash? Notice how the spring bounces nicely?

    BTW, they are probably optimizing the GPU PhysX. There's going to be a huge optimization patch in January.
  16. Kantner

    Compared to the occasional ghost launch halfway across the map in Halo 4, I think Planetside 2 wins as far as physics engines...

    You jump out of a vehicle you are going the same exact speed and trajectory, spacebar incorporates vertical thrust, and the lovely flash and lightning are too much of a vehicle for the average driver who can't handle the force they produce, which usually spins the vehicle out of control. But great physics.
  17. Principle

    OMG why the hell did they disable it? it's the difference between 2 and 5 star!
  18. TheBloodEagle

    Because a ton of people are having issues with performance. They are optimizing it now.
  19. TheBloodEagle

    I'd actually prefer that they worked on animations. The game feels kinda stiff at the moment.
  20. Iksniljiksul


    PhysX is disable folks, it is not in the game yet.