Underbarrel Grenade Launcher

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Maer, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Maer

    BUMP. Lack of attention is concerning.
  2. Omnipotency

    For the love of Auraxis, please someone look into this.

    It's ridiculous that I can bounce a grenade off someone's helmet and all it turns up being is a big, "HERE I AM COME SHOOT ME!" sign...

    For official:
    I find that explosions work about 40-50% of the time. Slightly less than half in my unscientific, biased study.
    Random reload issues. Sometimes it works, others not. No rhyme, reason, or known fix other than resupplying at a terminal.
  3. Joehunk

    I have noticed this as well. Sometimes kaboom, sometimes no damage at all, no red X, no nothing.

    It seems to most often fail to do damage when it lands on a horizontal surface. For instance if it lands on the ground, no one seems to take damage even if it lands super close to someone's feet. If someone is kind enough to stand next to a vertical wall, then they will usually take damage from a hit to that wall. I would say direct hits still appear to work fine as well.

    I have gotten a slightly higher success rate by aiming high going for a direct hit or side wall hit, but of course that does not work if there is no "back stop" so to speak.

    Yes and as long as we're on general bugs, there is the intermittent issue with not reloading from an ammo pack that despite extensive testing I have found no reliable way to reproduce. Also sometimes it will get "stuck" in GL mode where you cannot switch back to normal mode unless you first switch to your pistol or repair gun or something. If you thought that fights where you have to switch from GL to gun are deadly normally, how about when the switch doesn't even work? That will kill you dead.
  4. Joehunk

  5. Maer

  6. Neural Nightmare

    I reported this bug on the 6th of december as a support ticket. The support person verified the bug and told me to use the in game bug report option to send it in directly to developers. This is what they responded to me with. They're aware of it. Just a matter of time for them to get it fixed I think.

    Greetings Neural,
    Thank you for contacting Planetside 2 in game support regarding this weapon issue. I have tested out the bug you reported and you are correct. It looks like to swap back to regular fire you have to swap to some other weapon and then go back to the Solstice SF. If you see any bugs in game then I would highly encourage you to send a bug report straight to our development team by taking the following steps:

    1) Hit Esc while in-game to access the menu.
    2) Click Support in the lower left corner of the screen.
    3) Select Submit a Bug.
    4) Choose the Category and Topic that best apply to the bug. These are very important and a huge help to the Support Team in resolving the issue as quickly as possible.
    5) Enter a detailed description of the bug. Include when and where the bug occurred, what the character was doing at the time, and any recurrences of the bug.
    6) Submit the report and it will be sent directly to the Support Team.

    Remember, a response will not be sent out to everyone who submits a bug. Rest assured that every bug report is received and reviewed, and that your diligence in finding and reporting them is greatly appreciated.

    If you have any further questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact us again.

    Operative Guvner
    Planetside 2
    Sony Online Entertainment
  7. Omnipotency

    I know there are plenty of bugs in this game, but you'd think that this would be a little higher on the list than, "When we get to it." I only say that because most of the people using it, myself included, bought the gun with SC. (Not the launcher, that's certs.)

    I don't mind investing some cash in this game, but I like to know that when I spend my money that it's not for nothing. A nerf here/there etc doesn't bother me as much as something just flat out does not function half the time.
  8. Ruxxis

    Thanks for the usefull information.
    I now realize that many of my grenades did no damage because I pulled out the grenade launcher while in combat, without waiting.
    It's better to equip the grenade launcher before you enter combat. And later, switch to your main weapon.
    I still notice that damage at close range seems to not work so well.
    I shot a grenade into the back of an enemy compromising a generator, at about 2-3 meters distance. Did not kill him but my main weapon did. One time, I killed a medic in a small room, distance about 2-3 meters. but he was standing next to a wall.
  9. Swine

    This problem seems to be worse for me after the latest patch, anyone else? It could be due to me fighting in relatively close quarters, but even at medium range the grenades clearly did no damage to a sunderer, and appeared to inflict none to enemies.
  10. XLU1

    i have all of the before mentioned problems myself.
    + i also have a smoke launcher and occasionally i have both equipped and no one will get ammo.
  11. Mansen

    You'll find that instead of replying to posts such as yours, they are actually working on fixing bugs. Generally Cycle and the other programmers only reply if they need any additional information (or people actually write posts that they can/will answer). The support crew don't have this kind of information, nor is it their job. They pass on posts from the community to the "higher ups" for work.
  12. QuantumMechanic

    I've been wanting to try an underslung grenade launcher out, but even if I do a weapon trial I still would have to pay up the certs for the grenade launcher right? I'm not gonna do that. And it sounds too buggy to just buy outright without trying it first.
  13. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    Meh not even gonna try explaining myself to you, Mr Planetside fanboy man, this issue has been here since BETA,they fix other stuff thats not necessary like "Horns" so i have every right to complain any were i want!
  14. Maer

    BUMP. I'm getting out of the habit of using this at all.. which is a shame. It has gotten much worse over the past few patches, and the success rate is less than 10% right now.

    Please post some kind of confirmation of this issue. I know it's a busy job, but seriously. A smiley face would suffice.
  15. llNomadll

    This is what I got for reporting the issue:


    1) Resupply - Grenade Launcher sometimes resupplies and sometimes does not. I've yet to find out what causes this as it happens randomly.

    2) Hit Detection - At times, a direct hit does not register and does ZERO damage to the enemy. This problem also persists when the grenade lands on the feet of the enemy (i.e. Splash Damage detection)

    3) Equipping Main Gun - After using this weapon, there's a problem equipping my main gun (Slot 1). The only way to switch to the main gun is via Mouse wheel. "1" key will cease to work.

    4) Weapon Offset - A huge problem is when in a firefight, and you run out of ammo, you'll naturally press "2" for the pistol (Do bear in mind that this has become an instinctive move for most of us who've played countless of FPS). But with the GL equipped, you'll end up pulling out the GL and either killing yourself due to splash damage or shooting nothing (as there's no more ammo). Please help us fix this by assigning the grenade launcher to the Rocket Launcher slot (Slot 3).
  16. Raka Maru

    I shot a friendly Max unit with my pistol because I thought slot 3 was still my repair tool.
  17. KI-Natas

    Please fix it.