[Suggestion] Make a new continent (or subarea) with no air allowed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Megrim, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Yeo-Yin

    have both no-air and air-only zones would be nice. I can understand and respect people who want epic dogfight. I can understand but i have no respect for people who want to farm others with a completly broken tool.
  2. Jestunhi


    I'm not opposed to something like an orbital map with 2 main ships (and perhaps some other smaller bits) where gal's are required to transport troops and ESFs are vital to keep them safe, etc.

    Or even something air-only (though god knows what the objective would be other than "PWN NEWBS!!!" as all I can see it being is a team deathmatch with just air).


    To confirm, my first example is a ground vehicle free map, air vehicles are vital and then infantry take the ship.
  3. Conq

    This is wrong. The time you are talking about in beta? That was right after a server wipe, no one had SKEP launchers because they took a week to grind out, mines didn't exist and C4 didn't work. All people could do to tanks on the was dumb fire rockets.

    We have the tools to deal with those zergs now, we don't need overpowered air anymore.
  4. Treehuggerish

    This thread is an excellent example of splitting something that doesn't need splitting.
  5. smokemaker

    “"Unfortunately, the rest of us mere mortal..."
    I believe you are the loud minority”
    Most PS2 players are immortal?"

    It took me a second.... then i laughed.

    All arguments aside, there are plenty of games out there for the infantry to play that don't have air. Don't come to PS2 knowing it has aircraft, and asking for a map without them or a weather system preventing them or what ever other game mechanic that in the end would remove air from your pocket of space simple for the reason you dont like them. Go play the games already out there that allow you to run and gun without air. I like PS2 as is. I think ( hope ) I am in the majority. But time will tell.
  6. f0d

    no i dont like the OP's idea at all (limiting is never the answer)
    planetside should be a game of no limits - want to get a tank or aircraft? then go ahead

    if they do this then they should be fair and make areas where infantry or tanks cannot go
  7. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    This!!! In every single way!
  8. Jestunhi

    How about you offer the feedback that you want and stop trying to dictate the feedback I offer?
  9. DemoEvolved

    Stock Maxes can't do anything against pay2win air players.
    There are many good reasons not to like the way the air superiority fighters handle to counter air with air.
    As a player what are you going to do about it?
    Maybe stop playing for the night.
    That is less fun for everyone.

    If stock MAX had a dual AA option MAYBE the air problem would not be so frustrating.

    My vote: Sell MAX other-hand AA gun for 100 certs. See what happens.
  10. Trinith

    We don't need no air, we just need more viable areas for infantry. Underground facilities or larger indoor complexes. Air can get you in the door but once you're there, it's an infantry battle. We have a few of them with bio labs but the main issue there is there's a handful of entry points and it tends to be a camp fest.

    More entry points is nice, but not putting them right beside each other would be better.
  11. smokemaker

    Ok my solution is simple
    You don't like playing on a battlefield with aircraft. PS2 has aircraft, how to balance? Hmmm....!!!!ding ding (light above head)
    Easy = go play a different game. There, its balanced.

    Now if you want to discuss tweaking stats that entirely acceptable, removal is not.
    Getting the shakes, need to log on and farm some infantry.
  12. Jestunhi

    Repeatedly accusing me of asking for air to be removed makes you look the fool, not me.

    I will continue to offer feedback, as will everyone else who posts on this forum. If you don't like that then I suggest YOU leave the forum.
  13. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    I have dual AA guns on my MAX and can rip through esf's but as soon as a light assualt or even a medic get near me im useless as **** on a bull! I mean Cmon were is the logic with this concept, i can rip through metals to blow planes out of the sky, but i can kill infantry 10 feet away from me???? i know there AA and not for Infantry but the sheer explosions from my guns should destroy infantry! So having a full speced out MAX with AA's is not a suitable solution, plus i think it needs a Buff from standard fire from Infantry he is too weak!
    Now saying all this if your protecting a BIolab or any other big areas, you just get plugged by LA,Medics,Engineers that drop pod out of the sky straight onto the top of the labs and slowly pick you off, my AA guns dont do **** to him so i have him and Air to worry about so i dont use the Duall AA MAX anymore because he is a **** for everyone to kill!
  14. Jestunhi

    Only air is allowed to pwn everything. Everyone else has to specialize.

    That's "balance" (as pilots see it).
  15. Yeo-Yin

    plus once again the AA don't allow you to clear the sky as your allies will still be there. For people looking for "inch-by-inch" battles, like me, air is realy boring.
  16. smokemaker

    So you want to be affective against air AND against infantry?
    pick one or the other.
  17. smokemaker

    Finally.... your getting it.. come alittle more and the next thing you know... Bam you in an esf.
  18. Jestunhi

    Like air has to?

    Oh snap...


    I wonder what pilots would say if their weapons did as little damage to the target type which they are not designed for as AA MAX does.

    e.g. their roflpods didn't even scratch anything but ground vehicles.
  19. TheMeph

    Has nothing to do with aiming and you know it. An air unit can kill any AA in less than a clip, while any AA unit would need at least a full reload. No AA will stand a chance when it has an ESF/Lib's full attention.
  20. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    I dont think you understood what i wrote "Why is it that i can blow away huge pieces of metal but cant kill Infantry from 10 feet away, is there logic to that" hell i'd understand if he was a TERMINATOR or ****, Let me put it this way then "Why do rocket pods insta kill AI, they should make them AA or anti tank only and not do anything to AI like my bursters!"