I hate it when this happens...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Nyscha

  2. JonJonPoPong

    What class are you? Are you also heavy assault and using your shield?

    Also theres a bug where if you exit a turrent right as it blows up you end up with 0hp and god mode.
    If this guy is exploiting the bug and killing people while in god mode then the ban hammer commeth.
  3. MeDPaX

    Your aim is off and the gun you use isn't that great. I found that out the hard way by recording myself play.
  4. Littleman

    I oughtta do this, but I'm waiting on my new PC first (better FPS.)

    I have to admit, a lot of the time my aim is off when I die horridly (cue screaming, swearing, generally being upset about how unfair the world is, etc.) I have been getting good at forcing burst fire even in CQC however, and even stopping right as my aim is no longer on my target. Conserves ammo and it lets me calm down as apparently I go blind when I'm shooting. Ironically, I've actually won more firefights than I've lost doing this, it's just remembering to do it that's hard!
    • Up x 1
  5. ForceM

    Cheaters, aimbots?

    Just guessing. I am by no means a really good shot and i know there are guys that are really good. But i have experienced it too. I am unnoticed by someone and start shooting and hitting. He seems immediately to know where exactly i am located. Turns around instantly and headshots me in some 3 shots. Hipfire what else how could he aim so fast. And this despite him getting hit. In this game this means your view and movememt is hindered. So how on earth is it possible.

    I barely can imagine someone being this good to turn that around and still outdamage me. This literally happens in 1/10 seconds. If it is skill okay so be it. I will never be this good. But if someone is that skilled it should be perhaps one person in 10k. But it happens more often than you would think, ever day. I am no statistics junky and not quick to call someone cheater. But this is kinda superhuman and improbable.

    This game is full of cheaters like any FPS. I saw someone come out a wall and knife a teammate. If that is only skill i would like to learn that XD.
  6. Nyscha

    I don't think it is anything to do with the gun, I'm using the serpent as a light assault which shoots extremely fast and has good accuracy, I'm also using a laser sight and a supressor and the supressor makes the recoil even better accuracy wise.

    Just don't understand, fire like 30 shots in the span of 3 seconds with this gun and he goes to 0% hp and I die?
  7. Jestunhi

    Everyone who kills me is a hacker.

    True story.
  8. Battlegear2099

    Yep, sucks, cheaters with aim bots, there days are numbered, they also need to stop warp gate team mate trolls, crashing/attacking you. They need to make credit card age varifcation ' to keep out underage trolls.
  9. Mordrake

    Maybe, but when you are the one turning around and 3-shotting your assaulter?

    Feels good man...