SOE, are you going to add the MAX flamethrowers from the NC trailer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Searingarrow, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Searingarrow

    I saw them in the trailer and I was extremely excited. I got on and looked at the MAX weapons and they aren't there unfortunately. Please actually add them to the game and make sure all empires can use it. I would definitely pay more attention to my MAX suit.
  2. Bill Hicks

    i would farm biolab all day with that
  3. Alexii

    With render distance as it is flamers will be too op
  4. Torque221

    they rocked in beta.
  5. JohnnyMaverik

    If Vanu's doesn't shoot sticky blue plasma napalm to a dubstep soundtrack I will be on here raging.