Incentive to play Infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pant, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. CitizenSoldier

    Not yet implemented. Please see the (still missing) development road map for additional information.
  2. Ixal

    Good thing that most bases have a early warning system and barricades to prevent tanks from simply rolling up to the spawn room and camp there.

    Oh wait...

    When they can get close enough they can. I though a tankboy like you who whines about every weapon which can damage tanks would know that.
  3. Xind

    Honestly it'd be pretty damn easy. Reduce exp gain from infantry kills while in a vehicle?
    If Air Farmers and ground vehicles didn't get the same value for killing infantry as infantry did...people might consider it more viable for cert gain.
    More over, if there was a "penalty" for farming men, it might encourage more Air to Air combat roles and even encourage tanks to fight each other moreso than farm men. I'd recommend a reduction of 2/3rds. So you still get exp for farming a more or less defenseless man (Unless they are Heavy) but it isn't nearly as much for taking him on as another more or less defenseless man.

    Also. REMOVE THE ABILITY FOR VEHICLES TO CAP, except for the Sunderer. I don't know how they have allowed people in tanks to cap points, but yeesh. MAX suits can't cap points...why can people in tanks?
    • Up x 1
  4. MarlboroMan-E

    Man I don't know, footzerging in PS1 got you killed just as dead as footzerging in PS2 - unless it was the right time and place. How many times did you try to run from the tower at (name escapes me, dropship center on Hossin), get in the trees, return some fire to the dudes on the wall, then have a magrider zoom up and smoosh you? I know it happened to me far more frequently than I'd like trying to get into that back door.

    In the same way, it's not always advantageous to be in a tank. Anyone that claims to not have had a tank killed by (something) within a minute of rolling off the pad is a liar. Actually, the more I think about it, the same applies to air. Just 30 minutes ago, some idiot in /orders called for air to come help Hvar. I responded and got absolutely crushed by a combo of AA and Scythe fire. It was a horrible time to be in the air, but sitting on top of a building with a G2A launcher would have paid.

    Ok, yeah, sure, you can always play a fighter, if you want to just circle around in the air and wait for some unsuspecting noob to appear. It's not always tactically the right move.
  5. VoidMagic

  6. MilitiaMan

    How did I know you would take a shot at me, I feel honored that you love me so much Ixal.

    Moving on..

    Like the other poster said, if your getting camped in the spawns. You lost several minutes ago, move on.
  7. Ixal

    Your whining was pretty memorable.

    Too bad that the fight was only going for several minutes. Tanks show up -> fight over.
  8. MilitiaMan

    Or your team doesn't defend the generators.

    Now Aircraft can farm all they want, they don't have to worry about shields.

    You are probably thinking of them.
  9. Ixal

    A good thing that every base in the game has vehicle shields which cover 100% of the base, right?
  10. infinite loop

    Been saying this since tech test:

    A couple of devs commented on a different reddit post back then that basically, they know this is the case but can't do anything about it. For the most part, they can't just spam the map with more structures to keep vehicles out, it would kill everyone's fps.

    That said, I still am of the opinion that the current base and outpost designs are horrible and invite HE + rocket pod spam relentlessly. Bio labs were supposed to be infantry fun, but as pointed out by someone already, are just a spam fest w/ choke points and not all that interesting. If they were hoping to capture players from CoD and BF it's going to be a tough sell w/o better balance between infantry and vehicles. Personally I prefer playing infantry, and wouldn't mind if I never got in a vehicle again, but getting farmed is not fun at all. Sure there are brief battles where it's infantry vs infantry for the most part, but the tanks show up eventually and ruin it. In the current state I imagine most people are going to burn out pretty quickly, even those of us who have been huge fans of this series and supporting it since beta.
  11. MilitiaMan

    From ground vehicles the basically do, do you play planetside 2 at all?

    You seem to have some weird veiws....
  12. Jimmy DeSouza

    Tanks dont have jetpacks. Nuff said.

    (Ignore the VS scum of course!)
  13. Viktor

    Compared to the times said person would have been instantly killed stepping out of a spawn room...
    If being in a tank isn't advantageous you can just get out, in a split second, at no cost to you whatsoever and continue to have a viable existance as inf. They are essentially a huge boost in health and fire power with no down side to them and as such there should be mechanics to make them fewer, be it driver/gunner, higher resource cost, changed xp incentives or more specialized and effective tank hunting equipment.
  14. Pin_Cushion

    When I'm infantry I get bombed by rocket pods (air),tank cannons (vehicles), but mostly I die to grenades (infantry).

    When I'm in a tank I get exploded by rocket pods (air), tank cannons (vehicles), but mostly I die to rocket launchers (infantry).

    When I'm in an ESF I get blowed up by A2A missiles (air), burster cannons (MAX infantry), and G2A missiles (infantry). I think one time a Skyguard shot at me, but it might have been a Sunder gunner (vehicles).

    Man....nerf everything, because everything is so OP!
  15. Marked4Death

    just adding my 2c here. If the flash didn't suck so bad (handling / lack of grip is the real problem) then infantry would be far more mobile and be in a far better position against vehicles.

    It's actually pretty hard to get behind tanks with a HA when you're being camped. If you could flash out, it would be more viable but now you sped 30s stuck in that weird rut, then another 30s trying to climb that slope that looked doable, reverse and do a double take at that little pass you missed because it was on the side of a hill and your flash slid and then oh wait, the tanks moved on anyway and all your buddies are dead :(
  16. Vastly

    Infantry killed by infantry = 100xp
    Infantry killed by vehicle = 100xp

    Equal footing. Why wouldn't a min/maxer just pull a vehicle and achieve the same result for less effort?
  17. Xandax

    Problem is that there's pretty much no case where infantry is the better choice for anything. Thus the incentive to play infantry is only: Do I like it.
    If you want to farm certs or kill lots of people or actually make more impact in the front lines - there are better choices than infantry.
  18. Kunotron

    Infantry vs infantry kill = 100exp
    Ground Vehicle infantry kill = 50exp (includes base turrets vs infantry)
    Air vehicle infantry kill = 25exp
    Stop giving exp from blowing up terminals / unmanned turrets. Repairing this crap is annoying.
    Bring back reduced exp for spawn camping like in PS1. If killed within 60 seconds of respawning = 75% exp reduction off kill exp for that target.