Tech plant - all the fight outside now?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duckforceone, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. MuNrOe

    Yer , It was like stages of battle. Hack the tower (Solid Spawn Point) Kill the turrets knock out the AA. EMP the front gate. Clear the AMS's from the courtyard. Push tanks into Courtyard. Take the walls. Get an AMS or or 10 and keep bringing them into the courtyard. Now comes the fun. GET OUT OF VECH AND ASSAULT THE BASE. Lock down the air pad. Assult The BD/FD/Vbay . Max crash The CC /SpawnRoom/Gen.

    PS2 Drive/Fly vech to generator. Blow it up Drive vech to spawn room camp it.


    To be honest some of the best battles I have had in PS2 was when one empire was forced back to the warpgate and only one avanue of attack was available. Seeing the 2 factions Duke it out even being on the defending side is fun. Having so many options and places to go has and is killing allot of potential for truly epic fights. That combined with the lack of enclosed areas or tactical infantry combat is whats really missing from this game.
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  2. Basti

    Yea, you could do that to prevent people from using sundys to break in.

    UNless they get smart and use 2 Sundys. One to take the mines, one to deliver the troops.
    Or you use LA and just hop into the middle. Or use a Tanks gun as a bridge and let everyone get in. Or take the Roof With galaxys / beacons and drop in through the evelator, suprising the defenders.

    Tech plants were fine!
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  3. ColdBackHAND

    Looks like it would be hella fun.
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  4. HMR85

    I agree, at least they where figuring out a way to counter it.
  5. Tamas

    Assuming people will defend it now...
  6. MuNrOe

    There were 4 levels inside to this base I have only shown 1 in the second pic.

    To new players it was like a maze to people who had played for a while it was amazing potential.
    The generator was in the basement lowest level and the hardest place to get to.

    InB4 rose colored tinted glasses grass is always greener ect people.
  7. OniKiy

    Please don't destroy the Tech plant, it's one of the few large bases that is defendable with infantry. It's not a suitable structure for defending the area around it and will be easily zerged if there is no defendable positions near the shield gens. The AA and AV turrets don't provide a good enough deterant to give the defenders an advantage. At least as it is now there are a lot of tactical choices for both attacking and defending the internal structure. With the back door there is an open entrance that can be pushed with good co-ordination and solid team work. The lift and air pad and underside offer a lot of places for infantry to gain a safe point to push from. You can even jump over the side shield walls without tanks and other vehicles, if you know what you are doing. Plus it's the only base where the Sundies Shield Distruptor is useful and pivitol to a really good push.

    If this change happens and there isn't enough done to remedy the external area it will destroy one of the only decent defences in the game. Making it's defence redundant to all but the most persistant zerg who want to maintain tech. This could be very bad for the balance of Esamir as it only has one tech plant this is already constantly under seige and switching sides. I for one know there is plenty of routes in and accept the difficulty is in organisation over just rushing in blindly. If you change the Tech plant the only viable and solid base for defence will be gone and frankly that's some thing SOE should not let happen if it want's to maintain intrest from both tactical players and veterans alike.
  8. treeHamster

    They did it to "fix" the problem with rendering that happened every time at the Tech facility. Instead of fixing their game engine they changed the map thinking "now infantry will have to defend this instead of amassing inside, problem fixed". Yeah because the losers in the vehicles will have the decency to get out of them now and fight with their gun right?

    ^ Sarcasm for any of the SOE staff to dumb to realize it.

    The problem stands is that SOE's trying to pander to the "casual" gamer that wants to play for 30 minutes and be done for the day. The kind that don't want to do 30 minutes of something and feel like they didn't get anything accomplished. If you want that, go play on a freakin' Xbox or PS3. This is suppose to be a game that is much more like a REAL war. Real battles in war don't take 10 minutes and they're done. They take hours if not days. Hour long battles with advancement of a couple feet an hour is what we should be looking for.

    A good battle should be one that requires everyone to be on COMPLETELY equal footing and not be able to advance in one direction or the other with equal infantry numbers. Then it requires you to be smarter rather than lazier (vehicles). We need infantry bases where vehicles can't roam and air can't stalk you like a cat and mouse waiting for you to leave the building.
  9. Daish

    all you had to do to take a tech plant was take out the sunder inside the main room

    there was a large gap ontop of the shields you could shoot over from a aircraft or fly over with a jet pack and throw C4

    tech plants will be boring now
  10. nella

    Tech plants were good for farming as the defender and occasionally as the attacker if two factions were going for it. Nothing else. Horrible design, but this update doesn't fix it, if anything it makes it worse. Huge zergs will have an easy time capping it now, which is not what any of us wants I don't think.
  11. Vachek

    I don't understand why so many are against this change. Tech's were fast becoming the crapfest fight, nearly every fight came down to a grenade spam fight. I don't know that moving the gen outside was the best solution, but I welcome better fights.
  12. Xil

    The people who enjoyed tech plant fights were often the people inside tossing explosives everywhere only to complain about how they lost all their territory to 'newbs' when the fight stalemated for longer than Titanic.
  13. Vortok

    Probably gonna be easier to take than Amp Stations now. Any requirement of organized strategy to break them faster than the zerg's "run through the chokepoint until it works" method is severely diminished.

    On the bright side, you'll probably be able to see enemies that are further than 15 feet away at Tech Labs now.
  14. Gavyne

    Thanks to the complainers, what was once a hard meatgrinder with GREAT exp for both attackers & defenders will now be just another amp station, where once the generators are down, it's over. People complained about infantry being affected by vehicles & aircraft will now be affected even more so by vehicles & aircraft.

    All because folks can't utilize strategy and figure out the multiple ways in. Score one for the forum complainers, many probably are secret tank spammers that sit in the tank and never go on foot to take something.
  15. Neelkanth

    Nobody asked for this.
  16. Apophus

    It would appear that the spawn room teleporter has also been removed. I really have no idea what SOE is doing. I think they've forgotten the roots of what made PS1 good. Adapting PS1 systems and changing them is fine, but completely alienating the concepts that made PS1 so great because this is not a re-skin of PS1 is just stupid.
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  17. Quickscope

    LOL broken map design got fix deal with it. No way in hell did i enjoy attackin a tech plant.
  18. Flarestar

    Plenty of people asked for this, unfortunately. It was the mindless zerg crowd that couldn't figure out there were other effective ways to assault a tech plant besides flinging yourself through the back doors endlessly.
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  19. treeHamster

    The facility wasn't designed poorly, the game engine was designed poorly. The flaws with the engine were just most notable in the tech facility. Instead of fixing the engine they thought it was easier to change the base to something that pointless. I have NO problem with spreading out the generators but they spread them to stupid little buildings OUTSIDE where you have to WALK OUT INTO THE OPEN to get to them. Vehicles and air are already spamming weapons fire into the openings at spawn rooms. You don't honestly think they won't just do that now for the generator buildings?

    Just watch guys, biodomes will be the next one to go with all the important stuff being moved to somewhere outside. This game had a LOT of potential and it's just sliding down hill extremely fast. They wanted to make a game that was meant for "giant battles" but designed the game for battles the size you find in BF3 or MAG which honestly weren't "giant battles". They screwed up the design from the get go and now are going to ruin the game in the process.
  20. malutki

    SOE please change it back!