NC vs TR Can't Decide.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceMuppet, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Gheeta

    If you like playing with at tank i suggest something else than TR. The prowler is just straight out worse than the other main battle tanks especially the magrider. It will eventually be fixed but that might take a while.
  2. santuckcasper

    join the NC, we need more people to help us turn the tide, the VS and TR seem to be ganging up on us on most of the servers!
  3. Badname3073

    final edition
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  4. Ultralord

    You mean the faction that blew up a ship in a terrorist attack, killing all 592 aboard? Yup, real role models.
  5. TheInterim

    When it comes to the lore, no side in this conflict is the "good guy."

    The Terran Republic believes in peace, order, and strength through unity--and they willingly force this belief through the barrel of their guns. They're conservative, but at the same time incredibly left wing and egalitarian with their rigorous screening and law enforcement of their entire population. The TR are universally known to be too harsh and too oppressive to their own people; however, they are also universally known as the best, and only lasting hope for lasting peace and equality.

    To be TR is to be a slave for justice.

    The New Conglomerate believes in libertarian goals and freedom--and they're so hung up on this belief they think any form of government is oppressive. Are they freedom fighters, or anarchist terrorists? They would burn down the governments without putting any check and balance in its place--and after that, what's to stop one dangerously ambitious individual to rise and crush the people in tyranny yet again, under the name of "Liberty and Freedom?"

    To be NC is to be a slave for freedom.

    The Vanu Sovereignty believe in scientific progress, the expansion of knowledge, and the evolution of mankind--admirable goals, were they not such fanatics that they treat science as a religion. They are a technocratic society, where the brightest scientific and philosophical minds lead their empire--ironically, they inspire ruthless zealotry and mindless devotion from their followers, willingly indoctrinating them. Though the Vanu try to "enlighten" their own race and broaden their minds, they (willingly or no) end up closing their minds further from additional goals than their own--even if the alternatives are vastly superior than the status quo.

    To be Vanu is to be a slave to progress.

    The choice is yours, soldier.
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  6. santuckcasper

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  7. Chandon

    Sign on to the NC. I believe that long term NC will be in a very good place. Okay now but in the future much better.

    Lore wise..

    TR = Red and Black. Nancy boys with easy toys. Them song = "In the Navy" by the Village People.

    VS = Purple and Black. Mirror ball loving, spandex wearing, space cadets, that run on batteries! Them song = "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees.

    NC = Blue and Yellow. Down to earth faction with good firepower requiring much skill to play. Them song = "Hammer to fall" by Queen.
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  8. Nayrx

    if you are a fan of occupy wall street play NC
    If you are a fan of the cops that beat up occupy wall street hippies play TR
    If you like to hide in your room and cut yourself play VS
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  9. Twign

    Hahaha best response yet! Although NC is technically a group run by large corporations so I'm not sure occupy wall street name works...maybe overworked, underpaid, and under-respected workers from Foxconn?
  10. Warhawx

    Vanu, because when you go into battle, you scream "FOR SCIENCE!"
  11. Antivide

    Purely on lore choose between whichever suits your fancy.

    Totalitarian government seeking order at the cost of oppression

    Anarchist rebels seeking freedom, at the cost of chaos

    Technoreligious zealots seeking.... aliens, at the cost of aliens

    If you want best guns choose TR. If you want best vehicles choose NC. If you want disco lights choose VS.
  12. Kameho

    NC the good guys? Gotta be kiddin me.

    TR are the only good. Especially in the situation their stuck in. Maybe i've read abit to much into the lore, but im gonna summarize it short:
    Mankind found a wormhole, they travelled through it, found Earth-like planets wich were habitable. Settled down on the planets, started colonizing. War starts breaking out (As war always follows colonization). Terran Republic is formed and manage the stabilize the entire situation, creating peace that lasts for couple of 100 years or so.)
    Terran are not Fascist, nor Communist. They are actually Democratic, but run by militaristic goverment.
    Then comes the big ****. The wormhole closes, Leaving the human planetary colonies stuck, with no contact back to our homeplanet Earth. Terran Republic are constantly trying to figure out how to open the wormhole and establish contact with Earth again. Henche the name: Terran Republic. Terra = Latin name for Earth.
    Mankind does not know how to open wormholes or how they work, and the ones they were relying and using for so long was not manmade at least.

    Thats the lore summerized at least (the unbiased aspect at least).

    Rest of the lore continues (might be slightly biased, but its how i see it).

    Alien tech is being found on human colonies. This technology is being heavily researched upon, aswell as giving hope to estabalish contact with Earth once more, perhaps even figuring out how to create a wormhole.

    Terran Republic, being the militaristic goverment they are: Does not want this alien technology to be freely dwelled upon by everyone, unless they have permission from the goverment. As researching into alien technology, for all the fascinisation and what we could learn from it, can be just as dangerous as it is inspiring. And thus you go with the principle that you dont want to tinker with **** that you have no idea what it is without precautions. Incase you unlock something big and nasty you didnt really want.
    However, despite being militaristic run goverment, they are still democratic, where leaders are elected by the people.

    New Conglomorate, being the rebels funded by big Coorporation: Does not want this alien technology locked behind a iron viel, where only Goverments and official has access to it. They want Civilian coorporation and just alike everyone else has the right to know and be able to research on alien technology, aswell as not wanting to be run by a militaristic goverment, with strict rules and regulations, and that people should be free to reign the way they want to.
    Aswell as they dont really see why the TR are so obsessed by re-estabalishing contact with earth again.

    VANU sovereignity, are just bunch of latex wielding alien wannabe fanatics, who believes that alien technology are the key to evolve mankind into the next step of evolution. and that Humans arent really "Perfected", and thus the blessing of advance alien knowledge can evolve the human race, making them more ideal for intergallactic travelling and colonization, and become the new protoss super race.

    And here comes my Opinion into play.
    When you're dealing with Alien technology, being stuck somewhere off in a random corner in space, having really no idea where you are. I think the TR are doing the right thing, they might be strict and militaristic run goverment, but when youre stuck and have alien tech in your hands, you really dont want to just hand it out to everyone to use and play with. God knows what it actually might be, and its to late to do anything if it happens to be a giant nuclear bomb beyond any scale imaginable. So its better running off with precautions and just let a few but selected and controlled amount of people dwell into it.
    And when youre running around with colonies and several planets, not to mention huge population. If you dont have a strict goverment, there is no way youre gonna controll and keep peace with everyone. And if everyone reigns the way they wish to reign, well then you just beckon to get more war.

    So TR might be RED and misunderstood for being reflection upon great soviet russia, not to mention RED is typically the villain colour. I dont really think the TR are the "Bad guys".
    if anything, its the VANU, and NC for breaking a peace that was lasting for many years, and wanting to tinker with **** noone really knows what is, and not even trying to be carefull with it. (well vanu at least).
    And NC having Dollar signs on their eyes. (fighting and being funded by corporation isnt exactly what a freedom hero would do)

    However when it comes to choosing between factions. Choose what you feel like fits you best. When it comes to weaponry and designs.
    I choose TR because I like the music, i like their lore, i like that their Military run, and mobility based, aswell as moar bullets is always the answere for any problems, and they have good color aswell (red dosnt stand out that much)
    Althou i do prefer NC weapons as im more of a AK47 (large caliber) user myself, preferring having a punch and a kick to your rifle than just spraying lots of pebbles at someone. but thats about only thing i like about NC.
    However, their Blue n Yellow colour mish mash i really find appauling with NC.

    VANU for me are just as i mentioned earlier.
    I hate lasers and wannabe wizard weapons, might aswell play Harry Potter fps instead.
    their max suits are cool, but thats about it. I really cant stand their latex armor. (cant stand TR Infliritator armor either).
    but again, I prefer actually hitting something with a physical projectile that actually gives alot of hurt, than making people blind with a souped up flashlight attached to a super-soaker.

    but thats just my opinion.
  13. MNO

    VS to join the zerg and be purple (being purple can be a pro or a con), shoot lasers.

    TR to join the Carv fest and spend your days being accused of using OP weapons. And wear gear that looks like it was taken straight out of Iron Fist.

    NC to join the underdogs and have **** vehicles. And MAXes that have giant ******* shotguns.
  14. Freyar

    Come to the VS. We have the best hardware and the best prices.
  15. Konstantinn

    If you enjoy losing most 1v1 engagement to any semi skilled player due to terrible weapons roll NC. TR and VS are easymode. I wish I tried out TR or VS before I spent $100 on NC....
  16. Antivide

    You take this faction loyalty thing a bit... far. Lore is second to gameplay, my friend. Chillax.
  17. SpaceMuppet

    This is exactly how I feel, TR have the best music imo, Im attracted to there mobility in there veichles despite it not showing as much of an advantage. The NC weapons do feel more fluid with there hight .cal and smaller mag, but theres not much more I like about them.
    Might play NC a bit longer and see if I can tolerate there music colours this tine round.

    Also At medium to long range distaces (besides infiltrator) who wins out in what classes? I'd like to think NC is better here with single well aimed shots/bursts, but from what im hearing the TR spray is more effective? I had to teach myselu to spray when I first started playing.... Wondering if this is due to the fact I went TR and not NC.
  18. Pax Empyrean

  19. TheInterim

    You sound like a very... conservative person. Now, I don't want to start a political war here, so I'm not going to make any jabs. I'll just state my point.

    You say your point as if the TR would never suffer overly-ambitious or morally-lopsided individuals as their leaders. That's not true; these kind of leaders have been the downfall of every "oppressive for your protection!" nation ever created on Earth--Soviet Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea, heck, even the U.S. can make the list. The funny thing is, they all originally strived "to serve the people and their rights," but later became stifiling forces against the citizens they swore to protect, whether openly and blatantly, or through more subtle, abstract methods.

    We must strive to distribute power equally among the masses. That's the only way that humanity is ever going to get past their petty wars and pointless conflicts. Now, of course, it's hardly likely this would ever happen--and even if it did, we'd never be able to get anything done, since 7+ billion people are bound to have different viewpoints--but the concept is still sound. It is healthy to have power decentralized, and not in the hands of an individual, even if he/she seems "altruistic and generous." Power corrupts--the more you have, the more susceptible you have to its wiles and the dirty deeds than inevitably will need to be done to sustain said power. The TR keeps trying to assert its power, but its citizens are fed up. They have a right to rebel against a supposedly "democratic" government that's denying the central democratic right to let the citizen participate in their own governing.

    The NC have this going for them. They believe that the TR has had enough power and oppresion, and they are fighting to free themselves from it and bring power back to the people, rather than the government. However, their methods are flawed--their "preferred" government would interact so little with its own citizens it would likely collapse to a powerless figurehead, leaving a power-vacuum--and inevitably some unscrupulous fellow will seize the opportunity, becoming a tyrant who once fought against tyrants. This was seen in the French Revolution's Reign of Terror, Soviet Russia's violent revolution, Cuba's current state, the collapse of imperial power in Africa, etc.

    The Vanu are... well, the Vanu are technocratic fanatics. They strive for progress and the betterment of all humanity, which is very admirable, but their fervor for this goal falls to zealotry. Not only do they have power centralized to a few--in their eyes, almost "Godlike"--leaders, they willingly follow with a fanaticism that's blinding. It's a society that will someday topple, and when it does, it does so violently and very quickly. It's a situation similar to contemporary Arab society, and the modern Arab Spring. In all fairness, though, it seems the main conflict is between TR and NC, with the VS being a bit deviant and "thrown in" for the sake of it.

    tl;dr there are no "good guys," and there are no "bad guys." They all have many things going for them, and many things going against them. It would be wrong to over-generalize by lumping them as "Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Neutral" (for TR, NC, and VS respectively), because there are far more variables to consider than just the obvious.

    The lore is actually quite well done; it's a pity it never really shows up or is explained in the actual game. I would have loved to see some civilian areas where you can have intense, bloody CQB firefights amidst a rapidly-decaying metropolis whilst you get more insight to the viewpoints of the non-combatants and their respective faction ideals.

    P.S. When you're a rebel faction trying to topple a planet-wide government, at some point you're going to accept all the help you can get--the fact that they've been backed by powerful civilian corporations is quite possibly the only reason the NC has survived and thrived to this point.
  20. Aerius