Have you ever accidently jumped off a cliff playing as another class?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by centurionvi, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. centurionvi

    Tell me I'm not the only one..
  2. Velron

    Lol yes, definitely have more than once.
  3. vilehydra

    No, but I've accidently jumped out of my half dead tank to accidently rocket it in the rear.
  4. Nuubo

    Yes, I did. My friend also frequently ejects from aircraft mid-air, thinking he is playing his LA, while not playing his LA...... x)
    • Up x 1
  5. VKhaun

    Yeah this...

    I don't jump off things forgetting I have a jetpack, but I start to associate numbers with capabilities when I play one class for a while, and since weapon swap is slow I will be spamming a key trying to get things going ASAP... and I rocket someone, or start repairing the air instead of resto kitting myself, or I pull out my medical applicator to shoot at an enemy sunderer... it's really embarrassing how often I do this haha..
  6. raw

    happens to me all the time... even in a magrider
  7. Eric Smith

    I had the JumpJet bug. I *WAS* a LA but it wasn't working. I jumpped from the top of a tower and... fwoomp.
  8. Trenyt

    I run up to the side of towers and subsequently spend the next 10 seconds jumping up and down wondering why the jet pack isn't working, swearing loudly that something has busted, then go to profile and realize I'm on the engineer. *whistles*
  9. FA_Q2

    LOL, YES.

    I play LA almost exclusively if I am not in a vehicle and I have done this a few times.
  10. Winterspawn

    Yes, it almost killed me on quite a few occasions.
  11. TheShotgun

  12. TheShotgun

    I HATE it when this happens
  13. Vilmond

    It happens more than I care to admit since I jump between LA and Engie and they both use the same gun so at a quick glance they seem the same unless I really look at the hud.
  14. Sparks

    Does dying from a high altitude gal drop count?
  15. Snarkyfoo

    Me- 'I'll go ahead and drop so I can check on the point."
    Friend- "Wait, didn't you just swap from...*[X] Snarkyfoo* yeah, yeah you did."
  16. Purple

    this happens all the time to me.
  17. Vilmond

    I also get the "I'm not a smart man" feelings when I try to jump over a wall only to go *jump* and then I'm left going "wtf why isn't my rockets working!!! oh wait I'm a medic :(" and then I feel so dumb...
  18. Nehlis

    YES. I hate it when that happens. I think "Ok, now to make my grand escape! Wait, why aren't my jumpjets working. Oh yeah i'm an engie. sonofa-" *SPLAT* Then respawn and do it all over again. CURSE YOU MUSCLE MEMORY! CURSE YOU TO OBLIVION!!
  19. Hellkyte

    Jumped out of many a ship thinking I had JJ on