Why are the missions so bad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Skytta, Dec 16, 2022.

  1. Skytta

    Today, as has been lately, most of my missions simply will not get done.

    Transport Pilot: pilot a galaxy/valk X meters with passengers, and get transport kill assists while piloting. Yay, doing something I don't want to do, with people I don't care to interact with.
    Galaxy of Solidarity: resupply squad vehicles as a galaxy. Ok, sure, only 50 certs, but it also requires being in a squad. Could join a random squad, hope they have vehicles I can resupply, and that I don't get shot down. Tried it once, not doing it again.
    Elite Squad Leader: Have 6 squadmates and get squad XP. Nope.
    NSX Weapon Eval: I don't have the weapon (NSX Tengu) and I don't want it. I have other NS weapons, but, no, it picked one I don't want to waste certs on.

    What I have left is harvesting cortium, which is dull and a waste of time but whatever, and the christmas one (3 kills with the C4 present) and to capture bases, ie playing the game normally.

    This is just awful. I'm not desperately in need of certs, but why am I not getting the normal missions of, y'know, playing as a given class? Or something else that's just "play the game, but focus on X"?

    I get this is a multiplayer game and that we're encouraged to play in squads, but this is going too far.

    Whine/rant over.
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  2. OSruinedPS1

    Why are there missions?
  3. Grandizer

    Because they updated the game to "streamline" the missions. They took away all the missions that flow with normal gameplay, ie, engineer, LA, medic, Heavy and put these out of the way, won't even bother missions, with some people can't even do because they aren't leading squads or have a galaxy fully certed. The one mission that offers certs is only 80 now with an extra 20 certs if you sub.

    Another great way for new players to feel left out.
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  4. Botji

    Cool story, did the LA mission today, yesterday were Medic and HA(with a bunch of other missions ofc).
    Not sure why some people are saying they were removed or whatever, they are not.
  5. Nogrim313

    i love how every time i come back to the game, they make sure to drive me away with the next patch update where they "fix" something that wasnt broken.
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  6. melioa

    and this is what happens when you employ inept Dev's that are far above their pay grade. :(
  7. Somentine

    The gun game mission is pretty obnoxious. 3 kills each for 8 different weapon types, and you can't gain progress on other types until you finish the one listed.
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  8. TheSunlikeOne

    While they aren't completely removed, they are appearing less often now. Before you could have up to 3 class specific missions at the same time. Now you can get only one IIRC. And rewards are lower.
  9. Botji

    I dont know if they appear less often or not but I have had at least 2 of them at the same time at least. While the rewards are lower non-members can pick more missions per day as well and cert rewards are still good imo but the A7 and ISO-4 should be raised again since its much harder to gain those outside of missions, esp A7.

    Though I dont really get the logic with lowering the rewards for membership too, for non-members I this change might actually be a net gain due to more missions and no member only missions to pick from but as a member I didnt really gain anything with these changes, could already pick all the missions but the rewards were also lowered.

    A little bit like a kick to the nuts but I did think the cert rewards were a bit too good tbh, still stings to just get downgraded like that anyway.
  10. Kontrollo

    NSX Weapon Eval: It's just so much worse than Bounty Hunter. I don't think I've ever completed one since the mission structure change, and I'm (non-ASP) BR 115 on my highest character by now.

    I ususally accept it and it gives me a weapon I either don't own or have no desire to unlock at that point, because even at BR 115 there are still better Cert investments. And even if I had it, right now it's NSX Amaterasu, the gimmicky ranged knife. I might not even bother even if I owned that (e.g. when an Alert is on).

    Gun Game: I think I've completed that exactly once, and it took forever. I usually switch classes for what I feel is required at the moment, and for other missions that usually counts a bit towards it and I finish them at some point. Playing like this, the mission is way too tedious, especially for the pittance of A7 it gives.

    P.S. I don't dislike the mission changes, especially after the latest update. But some of them are sore spots.
  11. Liewec123

    alas its even worse, they didn't employ a dev, they employed "the guy from youtube who makes weapon review videos"
    and that guy with zero game development experience is now somehow the guy in control of this multi-million dollar franchise...
    so noone needs to ask why things are so bad, we have a non-dev lead-dev dragging it to hell.
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  12. Kontrollo

    If you don't have anything constructive to contribute, better don't say anything. In a feedback thread, this is just spam.

    To iterate on my previous post: Some missions are way more tedious than others, but aren't really enticing, either. Or in other words: If I could pick the missions to complete in a certain category, it'd be a pretty lopsided selection.

    Even taking personal bias into account, I'm sure there's room for improvement there.