So this is a thing now...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChaoticMonk, Dec 7, 2022.

  1. ChaoticMonk

    I made a post about daybreak halfing the daily mission rewards and putting the other half behind a members only paywall, and talked about how its a blatant attempt to force more people into membership.

    The post GOT BANNED and I got warned by a mod for "spreading FUD". How Orwellian. Its not "FUD", I literally posted a picture of it happening:

    Apparently talking about bad monetization is a bannable offence now. Do better mods. I expect better from you mods and from daybreak. You guys should be ashamed.
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  2. FLHuk

    I've been F2P since 2012. Never ever felt the way you describe. I can't envisage a way they could force me!

    Making certs has never been easier. You're only limited by your imagination.

    There is also nothing wrong with people needing and wanting to get paid for their work.
  3. ChaoticMonk

    Ive been f2p on and off since 2013. As a player who occasionally touches grass and doesnt play this game 8+ hours a day, I do often find it difficult to grind certs quickly.

    "Making certs has never been easier. You're only limited by your imagination."
    Your mileage may vary.

    "There is also nothing wrong with people needing and wanting to get paid for their work."
    Is there also nothing wrong with banning posts for criticizing your games monetization and labeling the post "FUD"?
    Go ahead and try to justify blatant censorship, I'll wait...
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  4. Shadowpikachu

    Making certs even without membership isnt that hard, just an ammo pack here or there or a sunderer or any big contribution, it may take a bit if you are going an hour a day but hell, the certs in the missions are just bonuses if you want to do them.

    The game's always had this slowness it's just the missions sped it up insanely fast for those that were less efficient.

    Not saying to powergame, farming is fun and silly.
  5. FLHuk

    You're not being censored, not at least in the way you're inferring. You're posting on a private companies space. They are allowed to have rules and priorities unique to them.

    You're free to post criticism anywhere else you like, as I do often using Twatter. When there's a blatant cheat during prime time on a update cycle I will hurl it and enjoy it. It's still there now as is the Youtub vids showing the same...
  6. ChaoticMonk

    "YoU aRe NoT bEiNg CeNsOrEd"
    Here is my original post here have a good read:
    Oh wait you cant cause its gone, I think there is a word for that.. maybe starts with a C..e..n..?

    "You're free to post criticism anywhere else you like, as I do often using Twatter."
    I dont post about this game on social media because 1) I have a life that I post about on social media and 2) I actually want the devs to see it, hence why I posted it on the official forums.

    Censoring basic criticism about the game on their forum shows a clear disdain for their own playerbase.
    Im sure they will censor this post as well, the only reason they haven't yet is because its currently the mods bedtime.
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  7. FLHuk

    Censored would be you're too scared to say or think what you want. You are not.

    Your POST was deleted due to a commercial decision.

    You have a life but you're using it to argue about moderation on the very forum you claim is censoring you. By the way, while you're freely criticising moderation on this forum I'm sure you'll love this >

    So yes, they more than likely will delete the posts and rightly so.
  8. ChaoticMonk

    "Censored would be you're too scared to say or think what you want. You are not."

    1. the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security

    Nowhere does it say anything about being afraid. You clearly dont even know what censorship means yet you mean to tell me that I haven't been censored. LMAO!
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  9. ChaoticMonk

    7) Abide by moderator direction
    - If you disagree with a moderator or employee's actions, do not discuss or challenge the matter in forum posts. Contact a member of the Community team and clearly state your concerns.

    "So yes, they more than likely will delete the posts and rightly so."

    Of course they dont want to be challenged in the forums, then they would have to justify their censorship openly for all to see. When you are banning posts for such vague and nebulous and made up things as "FUD" then of course you would want to hide what you are doing.
  10. FLHuk

    You clearly have never read much in the way of history.

    Has your view, or your ability to express it, been changed by their actions? No, therefore it's moderation ( for whatever reason and in one place ) not censorship.

    I realise you understand the difference and are playing to a crowd that does not exist but come on.

    EG : Myself being a union official for over 30 years I can stand holding a sign saying an employer is a cu#t but if I move onto their property is the sign being removed censorship? No, I can just take a few steps and make a new one..
  11. ChaoticMonk

    "Has your view, or your ability to express it, been changed by their actions?"
    YES! My ability to express it on this forum has been changed by their action (and likely their further actions). Even by your own definition I am being censored. How are you not understanding this?
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  12. FLHuk

    You are expressing that view right now....

    Ok, fair enough it will more than likely be removed due to the 7) break.

    I will just point out one thing you've not thought of while assuming for one second you're right about censorship.

    So here we are, in a forum owned and run by a games company who have access to coders etc.

    Why were you able to post your original thread?

    Personally I would have censored it at source with a keyword script! As this would be suppression and not moderation, just like your dictionary description.
  13. JibbaJabba

    Ok can we skip past the persecution stuff and get back to the real point? :D

    "...daybreak halfing the daily mission rewards and putting the other half behind a members only paywall, and talked about how its a blatant attempt to force more people into membership."

    So you're telling me they are trying to make more sales? On what planet would a business NOT do this?

    You know this is already happening right? I get 50% more reward for EVERY action I do in the game. Not just missions. Everything. Kills. Heals. Ammo packs. Alert Wins. It's been this way since day one.

    It's like daybreak is, how did you put it, "a blatant attempt to force more people into membership."

    Free to play does not mean free to provide. I fully expect them to try to get as many people paying as possible. And you should be glad for this! If it doesn't work, you don't get a game!
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  14. VV4LL3

    wHaT dO yOu MeAn iT's A bUsInEsS????
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  15. TR5L4Y3R

    i don´t mind rewards having been limited THAT much ... the current missionsystem overall seems like an improvement to me than what we had before .. still could be done a slight bit more accessible with generally allowing players to complete combatfocused mission through dmg dealt than kills same with general XP gain in infantrycombat and directives ..
  16. Grandizer

    The removal of some missions, medic, engi, heavy as a choice kinda stinks for those that can't log in and play for hours on end. Those missions carried with the flow of the game and that's why they removed them. Too easy to obtain.

    Log in tonight and see you need to be squad leader, have a rep Gal, or hack towers as a general ftp mission and only one of those offers 80 certs, the rep Gal. One of those missions gave A-7 which once you get everything, have no use for so it's meaningless. Who really wants to try and go to enemy bases and hack towers instead of playing and getting into the action. Besides, it's not a guarantee you get certs for that anyway. If there are many than I'm out of touch then.

    Those who do not fly, or have no rep Gal or certs to outfit one, lose out.

    I've been a member but never am I going to become one as a new player just to get the increase in certs.
    If the lag keeps continuing the way it has been, no new player is going to stick around and others will just get fed up. I don't see this a plus to retain or obtain players.
  17. TR5L4Y3R

    they were always random before, there was no way to chose which class you wanted to do a mission for, one day it was engineer, the other it was infil when you actualy play heavy assault .. you had even less choice of missions to pick ...
    at least they seem to have put a few missions back again they had formerly removed from the non-member missionrotation ...