Imagine if the VS had a good tank canon.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by lllllStArLoRdlllll, Oct 8, 2022.

  1. lllllStArLoRdlllll

    The new one was great until the made it an extremely long to charge and reload burst fire weapon with terrible damage. For once wrel actually give the VS something decent. Not even good just decent. Imagine the uproar if VS had a single shot infy max weapon. People would lose it.
  2. Liewec123

    you can't be serious...
    the new cannon has made mag offensively overpowered.

    this is why vanu annoy me, you get given gold and complain about it.

    this time around you have been given a ridiculous 1,4k nuke with no drop
    that can hold its charge forever allowing you to initiate engagements by taking the other guy down to 30% hp.

    meanwhile NC are given a straight downgrade to AP, WANNA TRADE?!
    i'll get the point and click weapon that 2-3 shots vehicles from 700m away.

    and you can get the weapon that kills tanks slower than AP,
    with massive drop that can't even hit distant targets due to the ridiculous arc
    causing the projectile to despawn before it can reach the target.
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  3. FIRES

    You'd be a good politician MR.VS guy. You downplay the major advantage you have been gifted over NC and TR. I made a post explaining 10 magriders causing wanton destruction on Oshur from 700m away so far beyond TR or NC capabilities to effectively retaliate. There is no downside to your new sniper nuke tank. Stop pretending like this weapon isn't a problem. You are being deliberately dishonest with people reading this. We are forced as NC and TR to do a whole lot of educated guess work with our new weapons. You need not one guess. Point and shoot. This is why people quit!
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  4. melioa

    so....the Mags afterburners never got fully nerfed...or the stupid crab side stepping tactics that also help make the mag does it's Jesus mode by floating on water. how the hell that is even possible only WREL knows. but a cannon like that is just stupid, and totally goes against the balance of play.
  5. Shatteredstar

    This must be a solo magrider player who refuses to run in groups and doesn't know how to hold the charge.

    "I don't know how to use the weapon effectively. It is terrible."

    Meanwhile, Indar and Esamir are VS magrider playgrounds now.
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  6. AntDX316

    The new VS one supposed to be use as as sniper. The 3 shot charge and the halberd can melt 450-nanite MBTs with full HP at quite a distant if they aren't moving. Imagine having 100% HP engaging something then down to 10% lmao. By the time you figured out to move you could already be dead.

    The new NC one is supposed to be used super close as it does mega damage when it rolls up on someones rear.

    The TR Quad and Dual barrels are somewhat OP as it can fire more often? One of the Lightning dual barrel ones hit me while in scythe flying at full speed with fully hp and I died instantly. I haven't tried the new NS one.

    I mainly fly an A2G Scythe with PPA/Hornets and destroy all of them the same way.
  7. Demigan

    I dont have to imagine.
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  8. Mechwolf

    They wanted to give at least one faction something that could toe with a Prowler... but... the way they build those Prowler weapons and advantages it's kind of hard to compete....

    Honestly, their best bet to fix this, is to make the charged shot burst inaccurate, making it to where you'd have to use it close range as the charged shot, and small shots for long range....

    This may have already been fixed, I'm not playing on PC that much.