The final days of true balance between vehicles, Air and Ground.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exileant, Sep 12, 2022.

  1. Exileant

    Everything had a counter, Liberators and Harassers were unable to cheese, and A.N.T.s were proud upstanding citizens, serving their contracts with pride! :( 0.57 seconds in, shows a little less than 50% of what it took to find, stalk and then kill your opponent. It was not easy. A lot of listening, prediction, watching birds and other signs went into just FINDING your prey. Lining up your meal to fall into your mouth once you found it? That was a whole other animal.... Especially using Cloak, because you could make no mistakes...

    :confused: Also, please fix the glitch where A.N.T.s strike a stopped Harasser at full speed or using Turbo, and the car not detonate at first, but then snap back to its original position killing the A.N.T. as well as the car. o_O It is not fair for me to get the jump on people and THEY get rewarded for MY kill! I am in a truck, that is actually larger than a Tank. A car would scratch me at best....
  2. Mechwolf

    Cloak was overpowered as hell.

    But it should have been changed to be much easier to see instead of completely scrapped.
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  3. AuricStarSand

    Harassers have enough to deal with these days. & air doesn't see the Ant.

    Also less cloaking is op threads since. Tho ye kudos their wasn't that many pro battle ant's at the time.