Quick Note - Cloaked Sunderers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yaesu, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. Yaesu

    Cloaked Sunderers are less stealthy if you place Spitfire Turrets and/or proximity/tank mines around them.

    That is all.
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  2. JibbaJabba

    I like to spawn at a cloaked bus and immediately engage with any enemy I see without moving away first. ;)
  3. Chimarah

    Its so frustrating and funny at the same time when it happens lol
  4. brutes359

    Ever seen one park next to a capture point building? Had it happen once at the crown while playing TR. An ifiltrator walked right up to me and stabbed my chest plate; thinking I was another infiltrator. I really wonder about his reaction when he realized the "Cloaker" he stabbed turned out to be a MAX with dual onslaughts.
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  5. Liewec123

    and always, ALWAYS
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  6. JibbaJabba

    I do, but hate that I have to.

    If it gets spotted I want someone to be able to defend it. But alas we know how that tuns out. :(
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  7. AuricStarSand

    I was just playing my low lvl alts. & realized sunder deploy shield is 50 nanites to start with. Tho a cloaked sunder costs 1500 nanites or so to unlock.

    I don't believe a new player should have to wait that long to get a invisible sunder. My low lvl alts have had so many busses die, while only having 50 nanites worth of deploy shield & no certs for turrets. Usually not able to fend off anything, nor hide a sunder.

    I'd give all new players nearly free stealth sunder or make it price the same price as a sunder deploy shield & give new players at least 1 bus turret that isn't a weak basi turret by default.

    I'd also raise the hp value of Blockade Armour, from 20% more hp to now 30% more hp. So a +10% buff. While ridding the c4 defense, as blockade is for driving fighting bus, not parking bus.
  8. Liewec123

    I think the cost of a stealth sundy is ok, because it requires knowledge of the bases, it's not really new-player friendly.
    you can't just park a stealth sundy in a garage and expect it to survive for long.
    by the time you know which base are good for a cloak sundy and the spots to use,
    you are probably quite adept in the game and have certs to splash around.
    What isn't ok is the ridiculous bubble that comes with the cloak,
    it serves no purpose but to ruin the entire purpose of running stealth.

    Also iirc new players now get deploy shield rank 1 for free, and imho deploy shield is the best option at most bases.
    So cloak shouldn't be a priority purchase for anyone, especially newbies.
  9. ShadowyN

    Also known as: "How to let newly-spawned infantry get farmed by air without being able to man the AA guns on the sunderer", or "how to let 12 alllies die because they couldn't enter the sunderer to save them from the orbital".
  10. Liewec123

    ok then, pull a cloak sundy and don't lock it, i dare you :)
    see what happens!

    spoiler: someone will jump in and start shooting at any enemy in render range.

    also ofc if an OS comes down i unlock the sundy ;)
  11. pnut

    I want more "vehicle management" options.
    Include "Only allow squad members spawn"
    "Only allow yourself to spawn"

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  12. Yaesu

    I'd like those options. With the AMR's and now playing a stalker more and more these days my tactics have changed quite a bit. I rarely spawn at a base under attack. Instead, I spawn at a nearby base, pick up a cloaked sundy, then park it as close to the battle as I can without being detected. Most times from behind the attackers. Then I get a good distance away from the sundy and have a blast. If playing on my engineer, taking out vehicles with the AMR(although now, since they nerfed the crap out of them, not so much lately.) If playing my infiltrator, I flip a coin as to whether I want to be a sniper or sneak up behind attackers as a stalker. Thing being, you place the sundy too close, it gets heavily used as a spawn point and don't last long. Too far away, you spend more of your time running to the battle. If we could set it to where only we can use it, that'd be cool.
  13. ShadowyN

    I never use cloak sundies. Repair sundies all the way! :D
    (And if I really don't want it to die; deployment shield.)
  14. PlanetBound

    It's also not a good idea to engage Liberators with your cloaked Sunderer and assorted peashooting infantry lighting up your position.
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  15. Your Secret Admirer

    Cloaky Sunderer is only cloaky to the enemy, your friends report them cross faction