[Suggestion] Make the Slicer's delay-fire worth it

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Armagomago, Aug 2, 2022.

  1. Armagomago

    Basically, this is a request for a buff for the Slicer, in order to make its delay-fire gimmick yield something in return for mastering it.

    I assume some time and effort went into the Slicer's delay-fire animation and sounds, so I don't think the devs will want to toss that work into the trash can anytime soon.

    The other existing delay-fire rifle, the Railjack, rewards users with unmatched damage and bullet velocity. The Slicer... only has some better reloading, minimal damage and more ammo:


    Pretty decent overall... if we ignore the harshly punishing delay-fire. These improvements alongside the no-bullet-drop (in a sniper-like gun, no less) and the target-piercing gimmick are still not enough to justify it.

    I request that the damage numbers are amped up to, say, the Masthead's levels, while maintaining the delay-fire gimmick. Make mastering the gimmick reward the user with a good weapon, not just pain for pain's sake.

    On paper this request sounds good to me, but I would like to hear other thoughts and opinions on the subject, in case I was missing a crucial detail or two.

    Thank you for reading!
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  2. Mechwolf

    Masthead level damage, and being able to pierce vehicles would put in on par with the Masthead. the bullet velocity is ungodly slow for the delayed fire mechanic, it has a very meh shot for such a handicap.

    Honestly, without the ability to pierce vehicles, VS just has a hard-nerfed Bishop for an AMR.

    On this note, the DAGR needs a buff as well, the damage can stay the same, but it's bolt function shouldn't even be there, and it should shoot 1 shot per second, making it slightly faster than the Slicer.
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  3. Shatteredstar

    Honestly they should tweak the Dagr and Slicer a bit to make them feel more interesting.

    For Slicer given the charge up it should honestly be the hardest hitting of the bunch, or do something like it adds a burning damage to vehicles in addition to the upfront ala 'plasma' flavor for vs. Give it a bit more damage but in a delay. Something flavory and make up for the more difficult use.

    DAGR just...remove the rechamber completely already...if you need to can just make its max damage after falloff the same across the board or something but make it semi auto so you can spam click mag dump if you want or something, be with the TR vibe or have it just you click and do a burst of fire or something like up the clip like give it a clip of 12, you fire a 3 shot burst with the current rechamber. Reduce damage slightly to balance.

    Gives each faction a uniquish flavor.

    NC has the flak stuff
    NS has the havoc effect
    VS has a bit of damage over time or higher single shot damage (and their whole pierce mechanic)
    and TR has the most damage total but split into a burst.

    Keeps the factiony feel, and gives them each less reason to feel bad when next to NS and NC.

    I dunno for sure. Spitballing.
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  4. LodeTria

    Sorry, nerfed the darkstar instead.
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  5. Armagomago

    I really like this whole "remove the bolting from the DAGR" idea, really would make the weapon's supposed gimmick properly shine like it should. It'd certainly be unique in its category for a better reason this way.

    Thank you, the Slicer and DAGR are finally viable now!
  6. Yaesu

    Just cert'd the Slicer. The thing, outside of VR land, is TOTAL JUNK!
  7. MonnyMoony

    Slicer is pretty pants. It should be given a bullet velocity buff to compensate for it's delay fire. Having delay fire and slow bullet velocity is a ball ache.
  8. Armagomago

    With it's one ammo attachment option (wave accelerator) it can outspeed the Archer's rounds. It's still overall pretty slow for a sniper-like gun, however...