[Suggestion] Didn't die to an enemy OS while in the open..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Mar 18, 2022.

  1. AntDX316

    Didn't die to an enemy OS while in the open. This is not good because I had light assault and lived. When an OS hits the people hit by it should die.
  2. JibbaJabba

    There is RNG in the "you die outright" calculation. It favors you dying but it's not a certainty. Particularly near the edges of the blast. Being outdoors means you won't have impact death. And being an LA means you won't have fall death. So yeah... it happens. Maxes sometimes live too (indoors).
  3. AntDX316

    I was in the open on the roof and didn't die. Had 1 hp left with light assault. I was just sitting there not moving. It was a TR OS. An hour or so ago I got hit with a VS OS and didn't die so I thought the friendly fire damage was reduced.
    I had this installed though on the 2nd which was a TR OS and the one before was a VS OS and I was an infiltrator. https://planetside.fandom.com/wiki/Implants/Paratrooper

    Any infantry/vehicle in the open within blast radius should immediately die. It keeps the game balanced knowing if you didn't take cover inside before the blast went off you die with 100% probability.
  4. JibbaJabba

    Sure you didn't soften a fall with jetpack?
  5. AntDX316

    I didn't touch anything and flew up in the air. I should be dead upon the initial explosion.

    The OS should do like 1200 damage to all infantry in the open in the blast radius, and less damage to infantry inside of course. It seems to do like 950 damage..
  6. JibbaJabba

    It does RNG damage based on distance.

    And no, I don't think any adjustments to make a no-skill item an even ****tier experience for the masses on the receiving end.. If you happen to live, it's rare, enjoy it.
  7. AntDX316

    I was near the center. OS should kill all infantry in the open with full HP and shields. I didn't even have an aux shield or any implants that boost HP or damage reduction.
  8. AntDX316

    Someone also said to me on a direct message in Discord, "Curious why everytime someone does a oribital strike that it tells you that you committed suicide. LOL"

    The person who called the strike should be getting the credit.
  9. JibbaJabba


    It doesn't. It's never been guaranteed. So when you say "OS should kill all infantry.." you're giving your opinion on how you would like it.
  10. AntDX316

    Running inside usually prevents death. It was good like this. Being outside in the blast should cause instant death.
  11. JibbaJabba


    Do you realize it's acting as indended.
  12. AntDX316

    Being outside isn't always instant death and the flight into the air after the explosion goes off is less than being outside the blast radius.