players griefing by making a char on the other faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krozerg, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. krozerg


    TR losing and suddenly your sundies are being killed by friendly fire, and groups of friendlies killed by c4.

    Others do the same with vehicles, blocking colossus with sunderers for drops etc. And joining platoons purely to spy and disrupt them.
  2. JibbaJabba

    Gather any evidence you have, killboards, screenshots, links (not attachments) to videos.
    Get the player names, time of day and email it to

    They'll get blasted.
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  3. krozerg

    Well lets get the cat out of the bag.

    Its not true, reporting does nothing tbh.

    a certain outfit kill colossus with friendly anvils on cobalt repeatedly, I can link you to a whole playlist of videos over the past year. Nothing is done by reporting it.

    The reality is, this is the game we support, and the lack of support we get in return.
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  4. JibbaJabba

    Wrong. I have seen this work repeatedly and so have others.

    using the /report command does not work. Wrel has said so.

    The and emails do work. They auto generate a customer service ticket and those have always worked.

    If you did not get the result you were after then your evidence was not clear and conclusive. Or you expected something unreasonable like action against an entire outfit due to individuals.
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  5. VV4LL3

    Reporting in game has no impact. However reporting via the emails above does return results. Unfortunately, it means having to screen capture, or record your gameplay 100% of the time to capture this behavior.
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  6. Scurge

    People have been faction switching to gain unfair advantages now for 10 years. All they need to do is add the 10 minute faction lockout timer.
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  7. BlackHandCommando

    Well about that, I'm on krozergs side here. Not only about the cheating but about dev feedback/action in general. So many things are bothering the community recently and they rarely get adressed. Also still waiting for action on this case Cheater on Cobalt | PlanetSide 2 Forums ( Nothing happening here as well, last logged on today, has been about a week now.
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  8. JibbaJabba

    Dev is releasing an update tomorrow that has legendary community requested changes. VS gets nerfed, TR buffed through the roof. HAs nerfed, everything else buffed.

    If that cheater in that thread is still online then they are going to stay online. Either the vacation was a short one (following a 1/3/7 day or whatever they use for a non-cheating exploiter), or they didn't find the evidence compelling.

    But the and absolutely work. Have used myself several times and have 100% success. Go find the news post from wrel about it.

    One thing I've noticed after all my game-years.. People really, really don't know what a cheater is. That invulnerable guy on cobalt was likely cheating via some unintentional exploit. **maybe** using an actual cheat but doubt it. But that 5kd 2kpm heavy tearing through whole squads of noobs ain't cheating. And people just really can't grasp that. I think a lot of the cheating reports get rejected simply because there wasn't cheating.
  9. Liewec123

    Tale as old as time, unfortunately.
    And currently dbg don't ban machines, only accounts.
    So if you jump through all of the silly hoops required to get the A hole banned,
    They can simply make a new account and do it again in minutes.

    I can't think of gameplay tweaks to fix the issue (if we reduces/remove friendly fire from low level players it could be cheesed.)

    So the only solutions are to ban the computer that the noob was playing on.

    Or improve the ingame report system, we need a /superreport for high level players,
    If enough high level players /superreport someone, that persons account gets a 24h tempban,
    DBG can then investigate on their own time and take necessary actions,
    if it was troll reporting then the reporters are severely punished, there would be a warning of this when you /superreport.
    I've suggested this a few times because I think it's a pretty airtight solution to trolls and cheaters.
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  10. SikVvVidiT

    This problem was solved in Planetside 1, we had this issue back then.. Devs added Empire switch timers to avoid people from being able to hop back and forth to spy and etc.
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  11. PoodleC0W

    The cheating issue is real just look on soltech, there are literal no clipping maxes flying thru the air and people sitting in rocks right next to sundys insta killing fresh spawns, hell i have a clip of a sundy flying thru the air and ramming me.
  12. Your Secret Admirer

    All of the sol-tec hackers are using clock manipulation to speed up the game which is why you get the glitches you're talking about, battleye catches them and they get banned, the issue is that these were throwaway accounts to begin with.

    If the user is okay with being banned, there isn't a lot that anti-cheat can do. Closing a continent and then starting a new one would end up griefing more players than the cheater is capable of.

    The best FPS security is run through valorant, and they regularly have to shut down matches, and restart wasting everybody's time.

    There are solid solutions for this and windows 11 already presents the solutions where you have to be running a TPM module in order to play the game. This ensures that cheaters can never play that game again using that PC, the problem is secondary parts markets will be contaminated, as your secondhand CPU or GPU could have been banned in a game, and then you get banned when it is recognized by the TPM.

    There is also a general concern with privacy regarding the TPM, you are granting an awful lot of power to another person or organization.

    Mandatory TPM would allow for some legitimately awesome tournaments.
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  13. JibbaJabba

    And... as already said... If you report them with a clip, they get banned. Period. Real cheaters that is.