Add back Forward Grip and Compensator to T9 CARV and Butcher

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Terrince, Mar 28, 2022.

  1. Terrince


    Add the Forward Grip and Compensator back to T9 CARV and Butcher. I am asking the Devs to please look at the two weapons again. The recoil is ridicules.

    I don't understand why they were removed. Both weapons have tough recoil on live, but now it will be even worse! (Especially the Butcher!)

    The NC's GD-22S and NC6A GODSAW both get Grip and Comp, making recoil non-existent, while VS' Orion VS54 and Betelgeuse 54-A only get Grip, leaving recoil noticeable but hardly an issue. TR's CARV gets a Grip, but you can't tell the difference, could be a bug. You still get an earthquake when firing. The Butcher doesn't get a Grip or Comp. Still get an earthquake as well
    Why remove the attachments? Already the Butcher was notorious for recoil and now you don't get the built-in attachments.

    I encourage others to try them all out. It is bad.

    All the best.
  2. InexoraVC

    Current Butcher has no traits making it really usefull gun. Even in pointholding situations Carv/MSWR/T7Chaingun perform not worse. Therefore Butcher isn't worth the time grinding :/
    I begging to add Heavy barrel and Forward Grip for Butcher.

    I think current T9 Carv attachments (on live servers) + new soft point ammo or HVA = ok.
  3. Mocheezy

    Get a grip man, the changes aren't even live yet.
  4. Knjaz136

    Carv always had a Forward Grip, and they didn't remove it from Carv.

    Butcher didn't, which is why nobody bothered with it.
  5. Terrince

    I have one, the Butcher doesn't. Haha, jokes aside.
    That is why I posted, because it is in the testing phase and we are supposed to give feedback so changes can be made before it goes live.

    Yes, I mentioned the CARV only had a Forward Grip, however the CARV also had a Comp before the lasted Test Server patch removed it.

    The Forward Grip appears to be bugged on some weapons atm. So perhaps it won't be as bad when fix.
  6. InexoraVC

    So after 2 days of testing new bugs update on live I can say that the Butcher without Forward Grip is as useless as before. Noone needs 300 rounds mags, KCAP ammunition is for those who love legs shooting, Heavy barrel reduces bloom but not random horizontal side-to-side recoil. Carv is more stable.
    Butcher isn't worth grinding :(

    Betelgeuse-Butcher-Godsaw. You can see that after Arsenal Update the amount of kills with a Butcher decreased compared to other directive LMGs,1879&startDate=2022-03-24&endDate=2022-03-31