EMP Grenades should remove HA Overshield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pnut, Mar 27, 2022.

  1. pnut

    Why does their overshield remain after an EMP, isn't that the whole point of an electromagnetic pulse? To remove things such as shields?
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  2. InexoraVC

    What an awful signature .... The wall of doubtful suggestions ...

    The removal of HA overshield is the way to make Infils event stronger than they are now. They will dominate either in large distance fights or CQC. ASP Engineers too btw...
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  3. BlackFox

    How about we make stuff that was introduced to counter infiltrators useful again instead? Like flashlights highlighting infiltrators that are closer than 5 meters away or thermal sights showing them again?

    The last thing this game needs is an infiltrator buff of any kind
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  4. TR5L4Y3R

    funny thing, EMPs back in the day DID remove ability energy .... it was a bit to powerfull ...
    scrambling your hud and dealing 500 shield damage is still nothing to laugh at ...
  5. MonnyMoony

    EMP nades and Thumper EMP rounds should also de-cloak infils, sundies etc

    They used to - then that ability was removed, which was a mistake IMO (and I run infil main a lot of the time)
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  6. Mcsonic00

    Don't EMP grenades already de-cloak Infiltrators? They at least make the Infiltrator shimmer so that you know where they are, because I EMP'd a vehicle terminal and was alerted to an Infiltrator in the area by doing so, and got the kill afterwards.
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  7. TR5L4Y3R

    they make them shimmer cause of their shield being depleted
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  8. JibbaJabba

    Sure... we can 100% drain the HA ability so long as we also 100% drain other abilities like the infiltrator themselves.

    Yes, that means you're gonna fully decloak.

    And while we're at it let's fix the Orbital strike so it does the same. It currently 100% drains HA ability but does nothing to infiltrators.

    Next, let's fix your broken cloak that you crutch on mercilessly.
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  9. MonnyMoony

    That's how they used to work - and IMO it was a bad move to remove that ability. EMP nades should decloak infils (and sundies, flashes etc).
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