Where did 1,000 paragraphs & 20 threads about construction get us? Nothing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Mar 10, 2022.

  1. SilentSueRia

    Sadly it gets worse. The whole reason why you had to stay there, is the Devs nerfed the repair system to where only 1 source of repairs would work on the turrets, if they where not multiple players using the repair tool. They disabled the whole Player + Vehicle + Module repair stacking.

    So no more multiple module, multiple repair sundy, multiple repair modules helping to repair anything any more. You will be lucky if both you and your sundy, proving repairs at the same time will still work, but everything I have seen suggest that was disabled too.

    And they nerfed that more then a year ago...

    This is the pattern they have been following for construction for a while now. It is the downward spiral that matchs that of other game developers downward spiral that eventually lead to deleting features in other games. Why I a convensest Daybreak just wants to get rid of construction and is using insultingly minimal efforts that "look" like they did something too help it, just to check a "we did something too help it" check box, they know will have an irritation effect.
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  2. brutes359

    Hey at least you guys HAVE building. We poor saps on PS4 and Xbox have been waiting over a decade for construction to come to our version of the game. Rant aside, no, its not going to get better. Why? Because the devs have already said they disapprove of anything the interrupts their mystical "Flow of combat", and anything that disrupts that flow (MAX suits, bases, MBTs, Engineers and heavy assault rocket launchers) are being brutally crushed by the nerf hammer to coddle the fast paced aspects of the game (LAs, harassers, aircraft in general, SMG infiltrators, and more). The issue here is that Daybreak has forgotten their game isn't COD or Fortnight. This isn't a game that focuses on rapid twice reflexes and who can pull the trigger first. This is a REAL war game, where grand strategy is the name of the game and battles rely on combined arms tactics to work.

    So if the devs were smart, they would remember that and start working on new asymmetrical systems that benefit their factions. In the case of building and construction, from the complaints I have heard, the problem seem to revolve around how wonky its placement, snap to, and stability issues (I cannot speak from first hand experience being a console player however). I would say that a good way to fix this issue to be to have specific positions that key base features can use (key being any major production facility or large scale building) while allowing smaller items such as barricades, bunkers, walkways and turrets to be freely placeable. This I think would cut down on many of the bugs and problems, and games such as Battlefield 5 used this in a limited capacity.

    But that wont happen of course. What will happen is another round of nerfs, another round of suggestions by actual fans and players of the game being ignored by developers that refuse to interact with their game, and another round of useless cosmetics or maybe a new gun or overly-situational vehicle for their new NSO baby that they keep trying to force on all of us instead of focusing on the real factions of the game.
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  3. A-T-L

    Construction? Oh you mean that thing that takes 20-30 minutes to build just so that 1 tank can destroy from a range beyond the AI modules capabilities?

    Yeah that...
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