[BUG] No line of sight to the deployable

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Djemo, Feb 15, 2022.

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  1. Djemo

    So it appears you guys recently tweaked how deploying items works, I cannot put my spitfires up on places I usually could since the deploy range was nerfed.

    What you apparently also did was make it so "breaking line of sight" from the moment you place the deployable to the moment it spawns in the world a second or two later pops up a red warning message "because there is no line of sight to deployable", its not even a complete sentence for a warning...

    You will notice i put breaking line of sight in quotations, and for a damn good reason. I could have a small random railing infront of me and the game will not allow me to deploy my spitfire. WORSE is that even things that are not tangible in the world are treated as line of sight blockers.

    Any bush or random vegetation is now treated as a line of sight blocker, even if you can both fire and walk through it. So now if you want to deploy your turrets or other deployable anywhere near any vegetation (which I will remind you is VISUAL and not tangible in the world) you cannot, cause the game is treating moving pictures of grass and bushes are something that breaks line of sight...

    Please look into this, this wasn't a thing just a few patches ago, so whatever you broke you broke it recently, and it is annoying to all hell.
    • Up x 4
  2. RabidIBM

    A lot of things are doing this, I've had it happen with other deployables, most annoyingly but not limited to construction. Building bases right now is an absolute nightmare. That said, I've been going outside more since these bugs got added, so maybe it's a good thing ;)
  3. lemurwrangler

    Just a friendly reminder, this issue still has not been fixed and it's been like this for almost a month.
  4. lemurwrangler

    This bug is quite frustrating. This has happened on several conts and across characters within last 2 weeks. Strangely enough, it's on nearly flat surfaces with nothing in the way to cause items to deny placement. The only thing it does is say "because there is no line of sight to the deployable" - when there clearly is.

    It's not too low, it's not too high, it's not in a red zone, it's not too close to other deployables, it's not too close to buildings. It's in the open. This has happened 4 times so far with several different types of construction items. Oshur, Indar, Esamir.
  5. lemurwrangler

    Every single structure is harder to place cause of this.
    Great... Another nerf to construction, like as if it's fu,cking playable right now.
  6. RFMeridian

    I can confirm this line of sight behaviour from the spitfire and other deployables - highly annoying in midfight. And ofc the deploy range got nerfed - you can't place the spitfire on top of a large container and high up objects so easily anymore. I'm getting the suspicion that this is an intended shadownerf. I'm hoping that I'm wrong...:(
  7. lemurwrangler

    Just a friendly reminder, this issue still has not been fixed and it's been like this for a month.
  8. LetMeBeClear

  9. LetMeBeClear

  10. RFMeridian

  11. lemurwrangler

    Just a friendly reminder, this issue still has not been fixed and it's been like this for a month.
  12. Mithril Community Manager

    No need for further reminders, the team is working on a fix for this. Thanks!
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