[Suggestion] NSO Heavy w/Ammo Regen > NSO MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VV4LL3, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. T.A.94

    • Counter point 1: 2 direct hits are leathal yes, yet the defector can survive a single direct hit or a headshot of a sniper, the heavy wont.
    • Counter point 2: it takes practice, being able to reliable 2 shot infantry and scaring away the others due to splash is more effective than a single heavy.
    • Counterpoint 3: you require multiple tools, the defector only needs one.
    • Counterpoint 5: regeneration/autorepair stops working for another 10 sec if you get chip dmg, berserker ignores it.
    So that reduces your "counter" arguments to 1
    • Up x 1
  2. VV4LL3

    False. Heavy with nano, and shield takes two headshots. To counter your counter point, it takes 3 for a NSO Max from an engineer, and their head hitbox is literally their entire upper torso.
    Counterpoint negated.
    You don't get points, experience to be a deterrent. Furthermore, your comment concedes the difficulty to reliably deliver effective damage as an NSO, by qualifying the statement with "practice...and reliability." Neither are required for a baseline Heavy. Again, speak to the top of the bell curve, not the rise or slope.
    Counterpoint negated.
    False. A NSO Max cannot attack air, or storm a room with the same loadout. A NSO Max in mortar configuration cannot perform anti air AND ground support, nor can they clear rooms. All three of these functions require rebuilding, while a Heavy can equip two weapons, and grenades to handle all situations reliability, effectively, and consistently per skirmish. In otherwords, a Demolishion Max cannot even attempt to storm a room anymore due to the massive melee nerf. All damage is severely reduced for rounds closer than 15m, as they do not explode.
    Counterpoint negated.
    Fair. There are no negative side effects to regen. I was unaware that the healing is continuous and does not pause on damage. I thought that changed.
    Counterpoint negated. NSO Max maintains a self and autorepair that will stack, but overall, the increased damage received versus the self healing that both the NSO Max and NSO Heavy can receive, does not outweigh those pros. Heavy can still use medkits. Again, we are comparing NSO MAX with NSO Heavy.
  3. VV4LL3

    I liked everyone's input by the way. :)