Wait times are killing what is left of the game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by melioa, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. melioa

    as a paying member....wait time 1 sec.....4 minutes later and still waiting! so.....log out of the game.
    well, i had the option to go to another continent, but there were NO fights there.
    Wrel need's to stop worrying about faction balance!!!!! nobody needs to have to wait in line to play a damn game!
    and i feel bad for none members, as that wait time will never go down.
    WAIT times are the main reason the game is dying, we never liked it years ago, so it was scrapped, Wrel comes along and worries to much about faction balance and re-introduces it back to the game....and he worries about ghost capping and choke points too.
    Wait times are not needed! the player numbers do not justify Wait times! and even when we had a larger pop of players, the wait times were scrapped!
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  2. BlackFox

    'The worst is when there are two continents open and each has a line of 60+ players waiting to enter
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  3. RabidIBM

    But...the NS robots were supposed to fix this.
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  4. Liewec123

    worst part is OPVS still win with the underpop and no more TR or NC are allowed to play.
    try playing NSO (the faction designed to balance things out) and get put...on the winning faction.

    in 'ye olden days' the VS arsenal advantage was offset by TR and NC having a much greater player advantage.
    but now that TR and NC aren't allowed a much greater player advantage VS are just laughing their way to 40% primetime alert wins.

    they should do away with faction queues like it was in the best days of planetside 2.
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  5. BlackFox

    That's literally the joke about NSO - they are basically the VS with more punch and yet still mostly join the VS in fights
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  6. PlanetBound

    And when you finally arrive at the WarpGate, there's a large number of people standing around firing at each other.