[Suggestion] change Rampart Projector and Nimitz Reactor.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 4EMODAN, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. 4EMODAN

    change Rampart Projector and Nimitz Reactor.
    Add new mechanics.
    Everyone knows that the TR tank is the worst of them all and by adding this spotlight you deprive it of its only advantage in ranged combat. I also ask you to nerf the vanguard, the shield of the vanguard and its health and high damage makes it the most powerful tank in the game, which confronts you with the fact that if it reaches you 100% corpse.
  2. VhynSeven

    Rampart projector feels strong because it allows for a pretty low effort strategy of going in balls to the wall and let the extra armor tank the incoming fire.
    Nimitz reactor seems pointless to me.
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  3. Liewec123

    Rampart has some niche uses, but in the correct scenario it is awesome.
    like covering a sunderer in the open garages, or going up against a wall to give allies cover inside a base,
    or just giving sunderers some form of cover at bases without any (like ontop of indar comm array)
    if its a repair sundy that you are guarding then the prowler becomes a pretty formidable obstacle!

    my prowler is almost always running the shield for how useful it can be in the right situations
    there is no better feeling than saving a smoking ally vehicle while it retreats by putting up the shield to cover them :D

    obviously though you need to think about how you use the shield, it requires atleast a few braincells,
    if you plan on camping out in the opena nd shooting at distant targets, just run normal lockdown,
    the shield would just make you a bigger target and you aren't using it for anything.

    but then we get on to Nimitz...
    yeah...NumbNutz Reactor...

    firstly, its a SELF NERF, replacing a small portion of your tanks health with a shield
    of the same amount that takes a whopping 20 seconds of out-of-combat downtime to regenerate.
    (a single engi can repair the same amount in 6 seconds, 2 engies and its down to 3 seconds...)

    secondly, at a hilaaaarious 2150 certs it is one of the most expensive defensive slots in the game.
    (only beaten by the galaxy and sunderer utilities.)

    i'm pretty sure it was only added to deliberately troll NC,
    maggy's multi-directional boost and prowlers rampart shield were both on PTS for a while,
    so the NC were asking "where is our new toy?"
    and so Wrel thought it'd be funny to give us a self-nerf for 2150 certs.

    i've made multiple posts about Nimitz and how utterly useless it is,
    i posted 6 months after it was dumped into the game, and then a year, and then 666 days...
    never had a response from devs, don't expect to, Nimitz is NC so Wrel doesn't give a c**p.
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