[Suggestion] Bastion Recrafting

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Deathfromamy, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. Deathfromamy

    I dont understand why the Bastion has to be recrafted onece it has been crafted used and returns to space once an hour has gone by and it hasnt been destroyed. Or atleast that is how it is for PS4 if no then my Bastion has seemingly just disappeared. If, it feels like a waste of time. You go through all that time to craft a bestion only for to be able to use it for an hour and if it doesnt get destroyed and goes back into storage you lose it anyway. It feels like a huge waste of time effort and resources. I spent around 2 weeks crafting it alone. Used it ran out of time then. I go to use it again and find out I have to recraft the entire thing. That just made a huge turn off for me. Whats the point? Why craft it in the first place or why use it when your just going to have to soend all that time recrafting it. Especially for the smaller facting that have to wait 36 hours to get 30 purple resources just to recaft it. If they have to wait on the blue resources thats even more time to add. To me it just felt like a huge slap in the face and waste of time. Make the Bastion a permanent Outfit item unless it has been destroyed.
  2. RabidIBM

    The hour of getting to meme on the whole server is your reward for crafting it. You don't own that bastion, you rent it. You paid for an hour of bastion, you got an hour of bastion. If you didn't get good value out of that hour then that's on you. Also, if you were crafting it alone then why were you crafting it? It's not meant to be a solo asset, it's meant to be the party bus.

    Sorry if I came off sounding like an @$$hole, but you got what you paid for.
  3. Deathfromamy

    The hour I got to use it was fun believe me but still for the amount of work that goes into it the Bastion should either A have a longer time slot or B be reusable with cool down cycle. As to why I was crafting it by myself all the other factions either dont give you permission to use it or dont use it at all.
  4. JibbaJabba

    Do consider others just for a fraction of a second.

    The experience on the receiving end of a bastion is not fun gameplay. Others will experience:
    • Being tossed about, ruining any interaction they happed to be in at that moment.
    • Killed repeatedly with no option for recourse.
    • Whole offenses ruined in 30 seconds of spawn bombardment.
    • Ultimately you are forced to leave the part of the sandbox you were having fun in.

    I'd like to see bastions cheaper but limited to 30min.
  5. RabidIBM

    It's not a question of choosing to give permission. By game design it is only available to the one outfit. As for deciding not to pull it, either they judges it to not be a good time, or they just didn't have enough outfit members online to justify it. Again, it's meant to be a party bus, not a solo death machine.