TR is awful

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Sep 10, 2021.

  1. UberNoob1337101

    I'm not talking about the faction gear, I think TR has a number of best in-category infantry weapons with the rest being either really good or decent, a capable MBT and a good ESF.

    On Miller and Cobalt TR, the worst thing about TR is the teammates, both the randoms you mostly play to the objective play and platoon/outfit organization.

    Most TR randoms I see are just bad at the game, and most everyone regardless of BR teamkills like crazy, I wish I was playing NC instead. I've been pre-fired around corners by friendlies, shot for no reason, and was dealt some questionable FF, but it's not a big problem in the grand scheme of things.

    Dealing damage to friendlies is no better, as they will completely ignore that you have a firefight and jump right in between you and the enemy to soak up bullets. Then there's the grenade and C4 blocks, I've had some really ugly situations because there's always a player who will strafe just in time to block your nades and C4.

    I've seen BR60+ medics who still don't know that right click revives allies, and that left click heals, and engineers who don't get repairs in.

    Nobody spots, very few players pay attention to the minimap, but surprisingly most medics are decent. Support and most vehicle players are pretty cool, it's that there's a lack of infantry players who care most of the day.

    Individual play is frustrating, but objective play is even worse. Most all TR don't play the objective whatsoever, which is usually fine by me, but sometimes it's unbearable.

    There are 24-48vs24-48 fights where no TR go to the point, at all, for the entire fight. I've seen fights where 5 NC camp a point, it's literally 10 seconds before the cap, I clean up the enemies and hold for a minute, just to see that not a single teammate went to help me... then I just left because NC swarmed the point.

    There's also the fact that a lot of TR are fine with sitting 300m away shelling infantry, while they could be killing sundies and storming points right after. While I wouldn't order anyone how to play, it's a bit much when half the pop in some fights is shelling bases, nobody's having fun then.

    During ops nights, it's alright. Problem is, TR only knows how to zerg. Sometimes they do it right and win, most of the time they fail. There's a lack of tactics and construction use (lol), which could've given them the edge with Routers and free vehicles at times, as well as not doing point holds. By contrast Miller NC uses both of these a lot to good effect, and VS is usually really well spread out with MLG heavies.

    You can see it in alert wins too, TR does alright during prime time and high pop, but during dead hours and pre-prime it gets absolutely stomped.

    Cobalt TR is somehow worse, but still sometimes good with decent outfits. A lot of good folks went VS on the server and you can feel it with both TR and NC, VS having almost 50% alert winrate there. They're not too bad with individual play, but they don't have any good org most of the time and they generally hate fighting VS, which is a shame as it's sometimes necessary to win.

    Emerald TR is completely brain-dead. Every single problem I've listed here applies to them 100%. They're noticeably worse than the rest of the factions on Emmy, and it's not the gear. Their guns have more RPM than they have brain cells, and somehow lose 70%/30% fights. I don't know what's even going on there anymore.
  2. RiP0k

    I chose a faction for myself back in 2013. NC. Because of their weapon design and technology. Moreover, the melodies of nk are guitar ones, and I like it.
  3. Botji

    I think you are describing the "problem" with one faction having the best farming vehicles, it draws a lot of players that wants to use them. Quick comparison on number of unique users goes very much with my own experience of VS having relatively few vehicle users with only a total of 719 unique users for their ESF noseguns while NC have 892 and TR sits on a comfy 1128, they almost have as many Banshee users as VS has combined(586).

    Comparing unique users for MBT main guns its both more even and uneven with VS falling far behind but NC/TR being kinda even. This time NC has almost as many Vanguard AP users(798) as VS have total MBT users.
    VS: 883
    NC: 1377
    TR: 1210

    Harasser weapons are a bit more 'volatile' since the total unique users is low so it changes day to day but the trend is still similar to MBT/ESFs, VS with the least, NC keeping pace with TR who usually but not always has the most(Vulcan being very popular).

    Anyone doubting the numbers, feel free to look them up yourself, these are from 4th Sept(a Saturday) this year.

    On Miller I feel this has been brought to a near extreme simply because TR used to have a big overpop advantage so they could just spam vehicles and hope someone else dealt with the bases since even with loads of them living in vehicles all the time there were still an equal or more of them going for the bases than as there were defenders.

    I think this set some habits into people, lots of TR vets love their vehicles while lots of VS vets are neurotic CQC fanatics, afraid of going anywhere without a roof and walls to protect them while NC had to face reality when the great Biolab culling started.. otherwise they would all still be hiding in there with their MAXes.
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  4. BlackFox

    The problem the TR has is that most of the infantry weapons are outclassed by NC and VS due to their lack in presicion. On paper they have the highest firerate but in the field they have the lowest due to the absolute necessity to burst fire more than the other faction do. Without numerical advantage there's not really a way for TR players do get things done.

    I currently play NC, and doing what needs to be done is easier with their infantry arsenal
  5. Liewec123

    TR also suffer most from the game engine limitation of low framerate crippling ROF (since they have the most bullethoses.)

    One thing I love about playing my TR though is never feeling at the mercy of A2G s%%tters
    because I ALWAYS run striker on my HA, So it's not all bad for TR infantry :)

    I personally prefer the bullet-hose weapons to the slow ones (my rig is good enough to not get ROF nerfed by framerate)
    Not only do they generally have higher damage output but they're less punishing for missed shots too.
    Watchman and Promise are up there amongst my favorite weapons

    I would say TR and NC are fairly evenly balanced, we can even see this if we look at primetime win rates,
    both are usually neck-and-neck at 26/27%, so I'd say the devs did a pretty good job balancing them,
    Only issue making TR/NC feel underperforming is the cheesemode-easy VS, but that's a topic for another thread!
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  6. Gustavo M

    TR has the most newbie-friendly weapons in the game -- which does not mean "best". Or else you'd see tryhards playing TR more often than any other faction. And your post is a giveaway that it simply does not happen.
  7. iller

    Funny how no one ever talks about TR's air-game when talking about how bad the TR have it coordination-wise.

    I'm not saying the TR *don't* have it pretty rough in Close-up Tank fights or most Infantry bases... I just find it a little too convenient that no one ever mentions the longevity of their Air focused players.
  8. Botji

    Anyone still denying Mossie being the best ESF?
    They have so much going for them I think it would be kinda crazy to claim otherwise.

    I know people like to say that Scythes have the thinnest profile when fighting them but even with low latency there is still a difference between where you are on your screen, where the enemy sees you and vice versa = a Scythe wont look right at you if you are moving because they are aiming for where you are on their screen which trails behind where you are on your screen = you fight them at an angle where you see their front and part of their top/bottom side.

    Mossies are also a small target no matter what direction you see them from which helps them a lot in everything that isnt a 1v1 fight while both Scythes and Reavers are huge targets if they are fighting someone else and a ESF approaches them from top/bottom... Mossies dont really have that to nearly the same degree because they are thin no matter what.
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  9. Liewec123

    Which is why scythe is the best ESF for dogfights,
    Face to face it has a notably smaller hitbox.
    the only time scythe has a larger hitbox than the others is from directly above or below (which should never happen in a dogfight)
    Scythe also has the ramming niche, they are more likely to get a kill and survive if they go Yolo and ram.
  10. Tunashamed

    I'm shopping for a second home now that I'm near 2k directive on VS Emerald and I play off hours and sometimes the fights aren't there. I have a 50ish BR character on TR from when my outfit went over for a laugh. I gave that a try this weekend and my mind is also boggled at just how bad TR pubs are. 50+ allies and no sensor darts. Four medics all in one useless corner of the base. 80% of allies somehow not looking in the direction of the objective.

    I was really trying to make TR work. I know its a personal opinion but with TR guns my kdr triples. The guns don't kick, they just pleasantly rattle. I guess maybe my FPS weak-spot is re-aiming while firing, so with VS/NC guns I'm always trying to stay on target.

    Oh, and for the "agenda" guy above. I'm a leftist pinko commie and I'm drawn to TR. Its fun to play the bad guy. Its a video game after all.

    I re-subbed and found my answer. Robo-NC it is.