Can we PLEASE nerf Infiltrators already?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlackFox, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. G.O.A.T

    Been playing since 200 player...I own you kid....Clearly you're delusional tho.

    LMFAO @ thinking infils are OP......easy to destroy....only a n00b will say otherwise.
  2. JibbaJabba

    Playing since PS1. 7k hours in ps2 since beta. No idea at all where I am on the boards, probably low. Sounds like you would dunk on me.

    I extended the 1v1 offer on another thread. We can discuss there or in pm.
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  3. Facts

    Damn shame that what your screed actually is, is opinion. Not facts. Try harder next time.

    What you, and other losers want, is for a complete class to be made irrelevant. Not countered.

    Git gud.
  4. LordAnnihilator

    Then prove it. Show us your stats page, your actual player name, and maybe be a bit more respectful and sound less like a kid trying to puff themselves up like an angry bird. If you are top 200 of one of the current server boards, we should be able to find you, right?

    You've clearly never used the Darklight. It is less than useless, as Demigan states FACTUALLY, and you're clearly too overprotective of your precious "ez win super high skill" gameplay. Buffing the Darklight would counter Infiltrators, but it wouldn't render the Sniper Class useless, the class that usually shoots people from far away, when the Darklight only works at close range.

    Git Gud at not being an opinionated Sniper main, and maybe try to live up to your name, Mr "Facts".
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  5. G.O.A.T

    Not impressed....are you top 200 in the killboard then?....If not then you should **** and stop acting like an elitist.

    Don't give a damn about how many hours you have or your easy to get good stats in that when your camping corners with an outfit.

    So yeah you're not worthy of a 1 vs 1 if you ain't even top 200.
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  6. Demigan

    You must have missed the point.

    Regardless of your highly subjective experience of "they work real well" the Darklight is one of the few attachments with significant downsides, and the downsides of the Darklight are massive when compared to any other attachment.

    Sure in the right situation at the right time you can reveal some hapless Infiltrator, which is 99% of the time a Stalker rather than one of the other versions that will likely decloak and engage before the Darklight can become effective due to their short duration, but for every other situation the Darklight isn't just useless but a downside to equip.

    The Darklight is extremely niche with all those downsides just for the opportunity to detect a Stalker once in a while. It doesn't matter that you delude yourself it is an effective tool despite the clear evidence that it is not (and that is before considering that the Darklight is bugged and stops revealing infils at too close a range), what matters is that the attachment is a burden for a niche role its not even very effective at outside of niche situations called "find the Stalker".

    As for laser sight. It has a shorter range where it reveals you than the Darklight, on top of that you can deactivate laser sights without losing their benefits.
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  7. JibbaJabba

    At least I'm not chicken.
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  8. JustGotSuspended

    you tell em king!

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  9. Demigan

    So the short range is an opinion, not a fact?
    The fact that it warns infiltrators is an opinion, not a facr?
    The fact that it warns other players where you are due to it, you know, creating light is an opinion, not a fact?
    The fact that it takes up a slot that could be equipped with something less niche capable of being used against more classes than the infil is an opinion, not fact?
    The idea that +/-12m to 15m detection range which is still within the maximum damage range of many weapons is a CQC range is an opinion, not a fact?
    I haven't even talked about things like how the Darklight can't be properly used when running because it will send the darklight to the side!

    Come off it, if anyone needs to git gud its you by flaunting your ignorance.
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  10. Clone117

    This is why we need to greatly buff the darklight flashlight. And maybe give it some sort of auto spotting feature. Lets just light everyone up like an xmas tree for all to see shall we.
  11. Atrus2g

    BR 115, Infil for about 5 yrs and all this whining about infils I sort of get, but I wonder where is the same energy when other imbalanced classes, weapons and factions are brought up. I play knife only infil, with about 20k knife kills. I spot other infils quite easily, if they are a stalker there is no one shot option unless they are knife close. If they are not a stalker then why would you stand there waiting to be shot with a bolt action?

    Besides this, I go up against mostly heavies that use overshield, light assaults that simply fly away and spray, vehicles with stealth radar, pain shields, wall penetrating darklight flashlights, flame grenades that cover me in flames while cloaked, friendly fire that blows my cover, emp grenades. And of late a bug or feature that forces a decloak if you select a wielded knife, not if you fire it, if you select it. In short, its hard and I die a lot. We are the eggshell class and cant stand up to most other classes, which was the whole point in our main feature being stealth.

    Do we take away TR's unlimited ammo clips, NC's I win button on the vanguard, Max shields etc etc? I dont get why infils are seen as a scourge of a game that is WAY skewed to support heavy and light assault game play. It wasnt always like this (vets can tell ya'll) but there was a deliberate decision to make planetside more and more similar to AAA mmofps titles so infils are already plenty nerfed.
  12. Shadowpikachu

    How did this go from 'the serverside decloaking for bolting is bad code' to '1V1 ME NOOB YOU DONT GET ANYTHING'?

    It isn't the class it's the feedback and servers, it'd be fine if they actually decloaked on your screen before shooting like they do on their screen.

    And yes darklight flashlight isn't worth it outside of nicher situations over just having a better gun or a good monitor imo and is currently bugged.
  13. Johannes Kaiser

    Those two paragraphs sure seem to contradict each other... :p
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  14. Demigan

    You can't have it both ways.

    You say that cloak is easy to see yet you also use the cloak extensively specifically because of its cloak and you cry for anything that messes with it. The cloak has to be effective for you to use it. You also say that Darklights through walls is a problem. The player shining a darklight through a wall cannot spot you himself and since he's using a darklight he's looking for cloaked players and will not hold his darklight still over you. That means you are in such a visible position that other people will notice a momentary flash of your cloak shining up, but also that your cloak is invisible enough to protect against this.

    Other than that the "threats" you name are either a failure on your side or basic threats all classes have to face. A light assault flying away and spraying? Besides that an LA with its arsenal of mostly short/mid-ranged carbines would prefer to stay close they would fire accurately at any other class, meaning the cloak helps protect you. Vehicles with stealth radar detects anyone, except that you as cloaker have the ability to crouch-walk unseen and avoid detection, again the cloaker has the advantage over other classes. Flame grenades happen when you've been detected or were foolish enough to try stealth through an area where your allies are under fire. EMP grenades are a threat when they know you are there, and do you really want to remove it so its easier for you to go around undetected? And if you get detected by friendly fire something has gone REALLY wrong, besides that it means that you are inbetween an ally and an enemy and still weren't detected, proving again that cloak isn't as easy to spot.

    To complain about this is like complaining a gun can damage you while cloaked. Yes it can, so can any class be damaged regardless of what their abilities are doing.
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  15. Chrispins

    Just recently coming back to Planetside 2 after about 7 years, and I have to say that the counterplay to infils is probably among the least fun parts of this game and it reminds me of why I left. As is, they don't belong in a game with such low TTK, rivaling even that of CoD when you land 100% headshots (which is basically the only way to win any 1v1 these days). The existence of anti-infantry cloaked ANTs and Flashes also took me by surprise and just kinda makes me question what the devs were thinking, but I digress.

    It should take AT MINIMUM 2-3 seconds before you can shoot a weapon after decloaking, and you should not be able to immediately recloak to escape an unfavorable situation. I get that the infiltrator's role is all about flanking, but there's no reason we should be encouraging them to pop out in the center of a dozen infantry, headshot, and then escape completely unscathed in the span of about a second. That's just silly.

    I'd be all about a complete rework for the infiltrator class, including buffs to offset the reduced effectiveness of cloaking. The way I envision their role, their cloak should have perfect invisibility unless shot at (not even a slight waviness when being viewed at the optimal graphics settings), but they are mostly harmless and unable to fight back in this state. The cloak should be effective enough to get them behind enemy lines for an ambush, where they can uncloak in a *safe* location and engage the enemy on equal footing WITHOUT the ability to simply recloak and run when it looks like they're losing the fight. Let them have armor/health equivalent to light assaults and make them have to follow the same rules of engagement as everyone else.
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  16. That_One_Kane_Guy

    It's meant to compensate for the lack of spatial awareness you have in game compared to the real world when it comes to determining where sounds come from. This comes from the era before everyone had a headset. Unfortunately now everyone sounds like a robot with robot guns.
    EMP having an effect through walls I actually have no problem with considering the difference between EMP and every other grenade type in the game, maybe not affecting shields though.
    Ah, I missed that post. Might quibble over certain things but I don't really disagree with most of what you said.

    Darklight is not an Infil counter.
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  17. Somentine

    Idk why it was specifically made, even back then, as it wasn't in CS, MoH, C&C Renegade, old CoDs, etc., for the longest time... and most people had headsets + mics back then.

    The first I remember seeing it was CoD:MW2 and BF:BC2, and I remember being really cheesed that it was a mechanic... especially when it popped up in CS:S in an update. Might have been in BF2, but can't remember as I was mostly playing CS and CS:S at the time.

    I don't like the 'free' information given to players for simply using the main mechanics of the game (though I guess the same argument could be made for sound), and would rather see that information only come from certain class' kits or implants.

    Same more or less goes for spotting.

    Yeah, it's not one or two things, it's the combo of all of them.

    Two different EMP nades to separate their functions, that way you don't have gimped nades, would be my suggestion. One for deployables/screen scrambling, the other for infantry. Make the infantry one more like a conc/flash, with distance scaling, and you can even think about adding back the energy removal.
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  18. Demigan

    The idea of showing the direction of gunfire on the map is actually not a big problem to me, it is simply a visual representation that does not require the player to have good headphones or sound options. However I think we could come up with a compromise: rather than showing the exact location, show an approximate direction. For example when I am east of you, you would see this:

    > (I am to your right and close)
    >> (I am to your right and at 20 to 40m distance)
    >>> (I am to your right beyond 40m)

    Note that the distances are made up since I don't know the auto-detect ranges for firing weapons.
  19. Somentine

    The ranges are based on the weapons, if I recall. Either way, the range you're going to be using them in like 80% of fights will be auto-detected.

    While that idea is actually a good compromise, as it would work similar to sound, I just don't see how they would add it onto the mini-map without cluttering it up.
  20. Demigan

    Increase chevron size for more detections in the same direction. If you have 1 close range and 3 at long range the first chevron is small and the third is bigger. Any way that clutters up the data is just the fact that multiple sound sources simultaneously is difficult to discern.
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