The NSO launch experience

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. UberNoob1337101

    Clankers everywhere (as expected). Everyone sounds the same and looks really similar, might want to give at least some extra variation between TR/NC/VS NSOs...

    The starters are neat, BUT I don't like that all weapons are 1000 certs, even the first bolt-action and some weapon variants. It's not a problem now with 2x XP, but it'll be painful to unlock everything later.

    As for infantry weapon power, nothing really stands out. Lots of decent all-round equipment and slightly neutered CQC/long range automatics, standard shotguns etc. The battle rifle and 477RPM/200DMG scout rifle are nuts though, I trialed the auto scout and it's easily the best thing in the arsenal. The LMG handle is kind of annoying, like, at least move it lower or make it smaller. It's the size of a head...

    Tried the MAX on PTS, some of the AoE effects are too strong.

    No opinion on the heavy tank and heavy fighter yet, but they look cool.
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  2. JustGotSuspended

    I mean overall it went better than I expected, considering I was able to log on and actually play the game.

    Seems to be major fps drops and a dozen VR trainings, asides from that I haven't noticed any huge bugs. The NSO content seems a little rushed, ngl. The weps all look the same, they are all priced the same, have no free default attachments, etc. MBT and fighter so far seem a bit off.

    I'm also quite disappointed they've removed outfits and the old directives, for NSO (yes, I know you can get non-arx variants from black market). And I was shocked to see they made the membership users pay 1k to pick which faction they fight for. LOL.

    Also concerned about how people are reliably going to get a7 now that there's actually stuff to buy with it.
  3. InexoraVC

    Update is better than I expected :)
    LMGs are interesting. XMG-100 is allrounder, XMG-155 is low ROF and high accuracy midrange LMG, XMG-200 is something similar to Ursa or TMG-50.
    BUT ! 2x and especially 3.4x scope are BAD. They r small and redice your view.

    And it would be nice to have slightly different sound effects and heavy weapon according to faction you're playing right now.
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  4. Bonemiser

    PLEASE add this! Holy crap it's impossible to tell friend from foe currently. Unless 80% of the new guys get bored of it and go back to their mains, the game is going to remain a nightmare. Giraffe camo is one thing, but when both the color and silhouette of OPFOR is indistinguishable from allies, it creates a beyond miserable experience.
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  5. FLHuk

    Wobots everybloodywhere.

    But this is the future I think. One faction, three teams, FF fun and games.
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  6. Bonemiser

    When everyone is NC, no one is.
  7. LordAnnihilator

    This basically sums up my issues with the update. It was on PTS for what, a few days? Then pushed to live, UNFINISHED. The Chimera doesn't even have it's faction ability for FFS, and we clearly yelled our heads off about the removal of merit boosts (which leaves merit as literally useless once you have everything) to no avail.

    Evidently, there is some kind of code issue that means they have to ditch the NSOutfits. They're already scrambling to allow outfits to transfer to an empire, but its still a blatant slap in the face to paying members, and something that has already driven more than a few robot mains to drop their subs. I know if I'd spent that much time in an outfit, I'd be mad too.

    Speaking of slaps in the face, that 1k cert cost. Why??? It's not a hard cost to meet for members, given they have boosts and whatever, but why does it exist? Members already pay real money for the "privelege" of faction alignment, if you really wanted to put a cap on how much an NSO could swap empires just stick an hour or two cooldown on joining a faction.

    And the A7 thing. Hoo boy. They might have lifted the soft cap on A7 from NSX Eval... but heres the thing. A7 also comes from Bounty Hunter, and I'd bet theres no more A7 from there. A7 is already hard to get for anyone who doesn't grind this game, and while it isn't totally useless anymore with the newly added stuff, it takes a stupidly long time at 200-300 A7 a mission a day to reach the 4000 needed. Or I could scour bases for hours looking for one A7 node worth 20-30 A7. Real profitable grind there.
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  8. JustGotSuspended

    Also super annoying is the NSOs don't get any access to merit and the items it buys, because they aren't allowed outfits. Kinda sucks. I'm also disappointed to hear that the directives suck. I was expecting a little beeter, hopefully some rework. But they really copy pasted the launchers and MAX directive.

    Also there's like not enough weapons available to choose what you want to aurax. You basically have to aurax all the weps available for each class and if you don't like them well hope there's a B or G variant of one you do like and buy it with dbc, or just deal with it.

    The LMG is a worse orion, with a 4.5s reload!!!

    Disappointing stuff
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  9. Blue_Lion

    More so for new NSO that still need to buy stuff they need.