Are there any plans to balance the factions in the future?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DerMalle, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. DerMalle

    Was just wondering if it stays broken like this or can we expect any balance updates for the factions in the near future? And before you rage away please just have a look at the and check the facts first.
  2. vonRichtschuetz

    No, there aren't. They just buffed the Betelgeuse on PTS.
  3. UberNoob1337101

    Alert wins =/= faction power, but okay.
  4. Liewec123

    If I'm reading it correctly it's a need, only a small one though
    From what I'm reading it cools down a little bit slower now and if it overheats it won't auto reload while the sweaty heavy is chugging medkits and using sidearms

    But yeah I agree faction balance could use another pass,
    The VS apologists won't agree, but balance needs to be looked at.
    I made a post over on Reddit recently because it's been 666 days since the utterly useless self nerf 'nimitz reactor' was added for vanguard, while VS received their magburner by default...
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  5. LordAnnihilator

    Ayy I saw that one! And you're right. The Numbnutz reactor has zero value over other options and is downright inferior to NAR. It definitely needs a serious buff to be a competitive slot option. Recall TR recieve Lockdown by default too (I think, I haven't bought Barrage yet like a ******* :p)

    Some things need tuning, others do not. But most of the major issues with the game are Faction-Wide. The dominance of A2G, to the point the upcoming NSO Dervish won't have explicit A2G options. Infiltrators being in need of some tuning, with the amount varying depending on your Salt levels and experience. Gods-Damned Wraith Flashes. Faction Balance honestly is not the priority here, and absolutely should not be.
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  6. Liewec123

    i meant nerf, i typed that on my little phone during lunch at work, and apparently 'nerf' isnt a word :p

    yep TR got lockdown by default a while back, and then VS got magburner by default in that "numbnutz" update.

    what i find funny is, during that update the devs added a large deployable shield barrier mode for an MBT.
    AND IT WASN'T VANGUARD! nc have this toughness vibe going, our tanks are slow and sluggish with more tankiness, heck even our maxes have shields!
    so i find it pretty hilarious that this awesome (albeit niche) shield ability gets given to TR,
    whos theme is dakka and speed!

    plus vanguard remains the only MBT without a built in ability,
    so it'd have been perfect to give rampart shield to vanguard as their ability to help defend their allies!
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  7. Demigan

    "Nimitz"? I thought it was the "Numbnutz" reactor? Pretty much describes the feeling of putting certs in and willfully equipping it...

    The NC had been left in the dirt in terms of weapon specificness. We basically dodged some bullets like the new topguns that they were introducing where both TR and VS got the NC faction traits in their weapons and the NC was left with a lower DPS, slower firing Halberd that had a long enough charge up time that it was basically a reload before you could shoot. It was bad enough that the VS got all the good bits of a charge-up weapon (can fire immediately, charge up for higher damage, can hold the charge at maximum for a while before letting go) and the NC got the worst of a charge weapon (can only fire full charge, is a long charge, charge automatically fires upon reaching maximum charge).
    What was worse that both VS and TR topguns were slightly modified ideas for NC tank weapons I had been suggesting for years. Just like I had suggested the forwards Station (now Router), the class- specific grenade for making many weapons fire more uniquely (now added to sell a single SMG) and the ANVIL to help low-pop populations (now a cheap way to herd people into outfits).
  8. Mechwolf

    From the stats that page shows, the NSOverhaul should be fixing it, the server wins are inline with average server populations
  9. Mechwolf

    And according to the stats, NC has the highest win rate on most of the servers, then VS, then TR. So idk where he's getting this "NC needs buffs" thing from
  10. Johannes Kaiser

    Are you serious? I hope not...
  11. LordAnnihilator

    Yep, they did. The weapon now has a slower heat recovery and needs to reload at Max heat instead of cooling. However, the reload is faster than the time it took for the old heat to recover to zero. This means if you focus solely on the Beetle it's got a much lower downtime. The main change here is that Heavies who overloaded the weapon, swapped to a sidearm, then could swap back to a fully recovered Beetle can't do that anymore, and basically need to leave it not fully unloaded to get the same benefit, and slower. The heat nerf is also relatively minor apparently.
  12. RabidIBM

    I think the balance plan is to keep releasing NS gear until faction specific gear is fringey and weird.
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  13. Liewec123

    VS usually have the underpop,
    but they get carried by their superior arsenal and win most primetime alerts by a landslide,
    Again, they are doing this with an underpop, having most of the NSOs on their side will make them even stronger.
    (NSO'S seem to be getting crazy strong when the patch hits live, Chimera is especially powerful)

    The way I see it, NSOverhaul is an indirect VS buff, since most NSOs will get stuck fighting for those OP Aholes
    I wouldn't be suposed if VS primetime victory rate jumps up above 50% after the patch.
  14. LordAnnihilator

    Thats not always true. Take Yesterday, for instance. VS had a 20% overpop on Miller through primetime all the way to late night. They conquered all four contintents in a landslide and made it impossible for poor old me to complete my Elysium Drill missions. It was a nightmare. Usually, server pop is a little more fluid, varies day by day, and according to its a pretty even back and forth between NC and VS, with us poor Terrans stuck in the middle. VS actually have better performance in High to Prime global activity levels. Its a relatively close thing regardless. Its true that VS win the most primetime alerts by a whopping 10%, but is this really down to overpop, or is it faction balance? The stats won't declare what independent population levels are, so how do you know this?

    Either way, I don't have the stats or experience to declare that "VS always have Underpop". Its a case where we need to wait for Live, and if the win rate for VS jumps again, some faction balance might actually be a necessary card on the table. Mainly for TR, because we can't seem to win **** :(
  15. vonRichtschuetz

    They effectively removed the overheat penalty (of 8ish seconds) and replaced with the ability of being reloaded (3.3-3.7 seconds), which is also beneficial to get rid of high heat levels before overheating.
  16. Mechwolf

    On ps4, VS has 28% pop on average, but atnt is the biggest organized outfit that usually focuses one faction super hard (usually the faction with the highest pop). Wetp is the second biggest active outfit, and depending on who is leading, it's either a circus or an alert focused platoon.

    Wpgz (nc) has nowhere near the pop atnt does, and they're easily the biggest NC outfit, and TR has JTFC as their biggest outfit, they're organized but very low pop outside of their ops schedule.
  17. BlackFox

    I would love to see a tweak of the TR guns in regard of horizontal recoil, together with the usually high firerate it makes them more complicated to use than VS or NC guns. Ironically the faction with the highest RoF has to limit their RoF manually below of what the other factions offer to hit the enemies and not shoot around them
  18. AuricStarSand

    I'm ASP 100 VS Connor General.

    VS have the worst Max's, the worst Pistols, The worst harasser gun, & The worst carbines. Out of the 3 factions. Facts.

    VS magrider is only good against prowlers or vanguards that haven't realized they have more dps & armor - than the magrider. Than once they realize that, they can just rush a magrider & win most 1on1's. With a 2nd gunner. I mean gatekeeper does more dmg than saron. Hillside mobility helps, but is overrated.

    Most vs don't use lasher much or at all & it's very situational, even if you do. Limited to Bio fights mainly.

    Most people don't even have a Batelgoose LMG, I don't, been playing 3 years. Not HA main. People need to stop bringing that up. I also find the Godsaw just as good if not better. Or the Butcher is fine too.

    VS isn't winning games because of items. Most vets play the VS. VS has high pop at nights. The servers were getting more balanced, months before this robo update, now they are more balanced pop wise than ever, & seeing equal alert wins now or months before this update.

    To be honest I originally picked VS due to it having low pop at the time 28%, during PS1 too, low pop VS. As VS I want better pistols & harrasser guns.