Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JustGotSuspended, Jun 16, 2021.

  1. JustGotSuspended

    I don't wanna sound like I'm crying or anything. TBH I've only used AU once or twice because it doesn't encourage my playstyle.

    However I've read the description and saw it brings a 80% reduction to headshots.

    I was wondering should there be a reduction to body damage as well, considering , yknow, the bullets are the size of canon balls and easier to score hits with?

    Just a wild question.
  2. JibbaJabba

    LOL now that you mention it, probably.

    That 80% on the headshot makes it so lousy that only people that don't click heads are gonna be interested though. And those people need the help so let them have it. :p
    • Up x 3
  3. JustGotSuspended

    true it is just a random thought that occurred to me reading the description after a skilled infil managed to kill my therum shuffle with his AU canis. lol.

    I guess I'd much rather they fire canon bullets than banshee me to death so it's whatever I guess.
  4. Blue_Lion

    Makes in ironic that some one tried calling it a cheat. When it is as much a nerf as a aid.
  5. Johannes Kaiser

    To veterans, it is a nerf. To newer players, it is very much an aid. Damn, back when I started I would have murdered for something like that. This was my first ever shooter and I sucked big time. Having a little help with hitting is a dream to newbs.
  6. JustGotSuspended

    Surprisingly I've seen a lot more "vets" using it than there should lol
  7. Blue_Lion

    Honestly it was just some one salty against VS, he called several of the VS special items hacks.
  8. InexoraVC

    I love unstable ammo (MAW & Horizon) :) "Fur ammo"
  9. Zhakathoom

    Never even tried UA.. I don't get the point of it. And I'm working on my second Maw aurax now..

    If you don't get the HS multiplier you will die to anyone who can aim for HS (which seems to be everyone these days).

    Is it just to make it so you can use the Maw at range?
  10. JustGotSuspended

    from what I understand it's to slap a laser on the maw (or any other UA wep) and basically run and gun. So you don't need to ads and lose some movement.

    Haven't tried it though so I can't really say.
  11. Liewec123

    Tough question!
    On one hand I know how hilariously OP unstable horizon is on a LA with adrenaline pump and ambusher jetpack,
    On the other hand it is my guilty pleasure to masssacre squads with it and I don't want it to get nerfed!
  12. InexoraVC

    MAW with Unstable Ammo = all rounds hit their target. This works at least not worse than aiming for a head with ordinary ammo.
  13. Zhakathoom

    Guess I finally should try it then.. I have about 200 kills left on the AE Maw.
  14. JibbaJabba

    Unstable Ammo. When you need a coffee break in the middle of your TTK. :p