Where can I buy these cheats everyone is using ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Celludriel, May 23, 2021.

  1. Celludriel

    After a lot of years I wanted to try the game again

    2 / 48 after half an hour of playing. Getting one shotted 100% of the time and there are these guys playing with such a dark armor and then stealth as well that you can NEVER see them yet I'm perfectly visible it seems all the time getting focussed.

    So pretty sure about 99% is using some kind of aimbot or some cheat that puts an outline around enemy players. There is no other way possible ...

    Anyhow uninstalling .... not fun to play
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  2. BlackFox

    That's not a cheat, it's the abundance of players as Infiltrator class with one shot kill rifles
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  3. JustGotSuspended

    Infil's been broken since they tweaked nanoweave and added stalker.
  4. Blaargh2K3

    I would like to add that there are other ways to go stealth which do not depend on class. Id suggest giving the mod catagory a thorough once-over.

    Also on being 1-shotted. Those guns need to reload often and aren't a big issue unless you stand still or move predictably barring imba skills from just a handfull of players on each faction.

    Add to that the understanding of q-ing, meaning if someone sees you and presses q you show on the minimap for all folks closeby.
    To cancel this i love to run with the copunter-intelligence mod which warns you if someone q's you or hits you in combat showing their location on your factions minimap.

    I just hope you didn't uninstall it yet because with some info / teamplay there is a very good chance you'll like the game.
    Even with it's flaws.
  5. JustGotSuspended

    No. This is a common misconception, and a point people abusing these crutches often bring up. Unfortunately in an MMO FPS, it's quite easy to catch a person off guard say when they're engaging another target or whatever. I guess sure, if you want to add 1hk weapons to punish them..whatever.

    However if we factor in clienstide, these things become even more cancerous than they already are. The time it takes these weapons to kill someone leaves no room to react. Fair enough. But factor in lag and compensation. It's not hard to get people simply moving in predictable linear trajectories. I'm sure it takes not genius to figure out that makes easy kills even easier to obtain. Besides, even if you do react to the person wielding the 1hk weapon, it takes less time for him to kill you that it does for you to process the fact you need to dodge or whatever. By the time you've proceeded to evade on your screen, you're long dead on his.

    No time to react, no room for improvement...and considering most of the playerbase isn't very good at the game, and not dedicated to improve, more and more people are turning to this. Where there used to be one or two infils per fight, they're now 60-70% of the players in the fight at least.

    1hk weapons are the worst, but there's often scenarios with regular weapons as well, where if you land headshots in certain conditions there's 0 room to react. I've played with an against extremely skilled players. It gets to the point where it's just a game of peeking in and out of cover, sometimes preferring. This back and forth peeking goes on until one person makes a mistake, or simply gets extrapolated a bit further or for longer than he actually was an instantly dies. While it is exciting and scary to know you're going to kill the guy shooting at you from behind simply by ducking into the nearest crate, pulling out your pistol, peeking and 2-tapping him before he even sees you on his screen again, it's not hard to understand why it's frustrating for most.

    Every skilled player will tell you this game's not about skill, and they're entirely right. It's just about who surprises/clienstides the other guy first. And 1hk weapons take this extreme even further because you now only need to land one shot, instead of having to land 3-4 with COF + bloom + recoil + fsm + screen shake.

    great video that explains how the game engine works and why in some cases it's just impossible to counter some people/weapons:
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  6. RabidIBM

    If you think 1% of the players are cheaters, there's a decent chance you're not wrong. If you think 10% of the players are cheaters, you're probably getting frustrated by the many problems this game has which its long standing player base have learned to account for. If you think 99% of the players are cheaters, you're mad 'cause bad.
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  7. CptLegshot

    You just suck because you have 0 experience and it's not an easy game.
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  8. Liewec123

    psst! you! i heard you were looking for some cheat codes and hacks, i've got you covered!
    hitbox hack! never need to hit your enemy again!
    infinite ammo! ammo packs pff! forget that! never run out of ammo again with this glorious cheat!
    no reloads! comes as a freebie with the infinite ammo hack! hate reloading? never do it again!
    no recoil! do you hate recoil? thought so, now you can fire without it!
    no bullet drop! do you love sniping? do you hate adjusting for bullet drop? download our hack today and simply point and click!

    k i'm done :D
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  9. Celludriel

    Kept it for a little longer just to give it a chance. So an entire evening of play 00:00 to 04:32 (give or take a few minutes)

    41 kills / 185 deaths ... mm no thnx , uninstall for sure now
  10. Johannes Kaiser

    Sounds like my start in the game for sure. :)
    Seriously getting into this one is hard, and I recommend playing with friends or finding an outfit with people you enjoy being around. Because playing it alone is just not as fun.
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  11. JibbaJabba

    Surviving your third hour in planetside...

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  12. Blaargh2K3

    All this you have with the basilisk scout rifle from vanu.
    Wanna play no bullit drop play vanu..
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  13. Blaargh2K3

    What server/faction are you playing ?
    It will get better with organised team play, TS etc.
    This game was not made to do it all solo.

    If you want an example of teamplay :
  14. Celludriel

    I understand that but getting one shotted all the time when you need 2 clips to get someone down. Not that you get to reload though, you are dead a ms after he sees you anyhow. Gets old really really fast. I had the most fun shooting my teammates in the back and getting some kills that way ... I know doesn't count and evil and blah blah blah. But if this game brings this much hatred out of me, ... I uninstalled it so meh ...
  15. ObiVanuKenobi

    Sounds like it's better if you stay away then.
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  16. BlackFox

    The easiest way to get somewhere in the game is abusing the meta - don't bother with useless stuff and run around with the broken toys from the beginning

    Stopping to play is the best advice people can get with this game anyways - either it forces Daybreak to balance the game for once or make a better game next time
  17. Celludriel

    Thing is like everywere I look they say that for example for the light assault the mercenary gun that you start with is THE best ... and sure I get a few kills with it tap tap tap tap the mouse ... but it STILL feels I need 1000 shots vs all the one shots I got.
  18. OneShadowWarrior

    Is it from sniping by any chance?

    Since they have no scope sway and can cloak, infiltration is the ultimate cheapshot class.

    They should just get rid of heavy assault, light assault, engineer and medics and just have infiltrators and maxes.
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  19. BlackFox

    The automatic rifles and SMGs are peashooters in this game - shotguns, revolvers and precision rifles ALWAYS outgun them, You should have a shotgun unlocked already (IIRC), try to use that with slug round ammunition - works just like a battle rifle that way and brings down enemies way faster than any carbine could
  20. adamts01

    My advice is to cowboy up and grow some thicker skin. Challenge yourself. List your server, faction and name, and you'll find someone to show you the ropes. The beauty of Planetside is that there's a role for everyone. If you give this a real shot then you'll find something that suits you and you'll be addicted, and look back at this post years later and be embarrassed. Reddit is also a better resource than these forums.

    Anyway, best of luck to you.