What to do after get the any resources on PS4?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xLluisett, May 13, 2021.

  1. xLluisett

    Answer quick please,i have 8000 of cortium on my ant. What to do after get 8000 of cortium?
  2. xLluisett

    I thanks if anyone give me a quick answer please.
  3. xLluisett

    Please,i have 8000 of resources on my ant. What to do with those on playstation 4?
  4. JustGotSuspended

    Deploy the ant (same as sunderer) and access what you want using the terminal on the back that pops up when deployed. Place a silo first, and you can fill the silo by getting the ANT pointed towards it and pressing the fire button (left button).

    You can also use that to power ant abilities.
    • Up x 1
  5. xLluisett

    I use the deploy button but the ant does not deploy,what i do wrong? I am outside the red àrea.
  6. JustGotSuspended

    could be bugged. If you stopped moving completely and are on a flat surface without anything colliding with you you should be able to deploy. I guess take a vid for CS.
  7. xLluisett

    I tryed to restart the game,riding another ant,and all the ants does not deploy? Is my account bugged or i miss something?
  8. JustGotSuspended

    Share a video with us or customer service.
  9. T.A.94

    You can't do anything with the ANT on PS4, because construction never made it there.

    You gather recources to use the CORTIUM POWERED abilitys of the ANT, that's it.