Connery Server ghost town + Campaign griefing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cyropaedia, May 9, 2021.

  1. Cyropaedia

    I come back to do the Campaign. Connery server is a ghost town. Squad of TR griefing players doing the Campaign at chokepoints. Nice welcome back. It looks like Connery is on its way to be a dead server.
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  2. Cyropaedia

    Can't blame the players. But people shouldn't grief on a dying server. Poor Campaign design by developers, ultimately.
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  3. JustGotSuspended

    I mean the fact the server is empty does encourage people to go hunt for kills. But yeah they need to merge and never release a campaign like this again.
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  4. OneShadowWarrior

    Connery is overdue on being merged with Emerald.
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  5. RedGeneral

    Might as well. All the Connery outfits are already over here...
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  6. xLluisett

    I hope that PS4 na and eu servers fusion into 1. The PS4 eu server seems it is dieing slowly,only on evenings and weekends have good fights.
  7. Cyropaedia

    Is the migration an unintended consequence of the Outfit Wars? It sounds like the major Connery outfits want more competition on Emerald.
  8. MichaelMoen


    There are some areas where players agree to "cease fire zones", like the very end on that cliff. Kinda funny to see a parking lot of aircraft. But other areas, like the Tech Plant where you use that terminal and then pull a Harasser? It was NC owned at the time and two Magriders, a Scythe, I think a Liberator, and infantry were camping the vehicle pad. I managed to get out before they showed up. The other end of that Harasser run though was pretty cinematic for me, though I couldn't tell if TR were just capping the base or griefing players, but did the jump, drove into the ruins, rounded a corner and rolled right into an ambush of several Heavies perched on the rooftops.