I miss that on sr200 weapon.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xLluisett, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. xLluisett

    The description says is a mix of volt action sniper rifles and semi auto snipers accessoryes. It have ballistic computer for the aim not moving,i bought the bundle of sr200 at màximum,but i miss the reload while aiming accessorye from the volt action sniper rifles.

    EVERYTIME i shot,i must stop aiming,reload and aim again.

    I bought this weapon from the bundle,but i have no idea if is a good weapon or meh weapon. It does 600 of damage per shot under certain distance,but the headshot is the same as any volt action sniper rifle,1 shot kill.

    But i miss the reload while aiming accessorye. The look of the weapon is good btw.
  2. T.A.94

    Funny you mention this. A few of the people I play with, where annoyed of this missing feature, since they are spoiled by this attachment.
    But then again the straight pull bolt attachment got implemented 4 years after the game was released, meaning you used to go out of the scope to rechamber.

    In my oppinion it is no big deal, because this way you can spot potential threats which you might overlook while scoped.
  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    As someone who has sniped in this game for 8 years, I can safely say the straight-pull bolt is more of a 'playstyle' attachment than anything else.

    If someone is a decent sniper, they shouldn't need the attachment to begin with. Targets should be acquired whilst remaining cloaked, then uncloak to fire and kill the target, then immediately cloak and move. Such an attachment creates an environment where the user tends to just sit scoped in a lot more, generating weaknesses and a lack of awareness.

    Once you learn to use a sniper rifle without it, you'll realise you never needed to invest in it to begin with.
  4. Somentine

    The only problem with claiming it's 'playstyle' is that it gives a definite re-chamber reduction, even if you de-scope, as it starts the re-chamber time automatically.
  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    The OP wants the attachment to rechamber without having to un-scope, as per their preferred way of playing with weapons that utilise the attachment. Hence why I used the word playstyle loosely with quotation marks.
  6. xLluisett

    Yes is a big deal,at least for me. I find It useful when you miss a shot,because you can follow the direction of the target. With not straight pull bolt you can lose from the sight at the moment you reload.
    But the sr200 is the only bolt action sniper rifle with ballistic computer,so you do not need to hold breath even with x12 scope.
    The problem with this sniper rifle,also,is that the bullets are no "big",making the user to shoot at the point of the aim sight very close. With the other snipers have "o" radius on every bullet.

    The sr200 is a "." radius. I can not count the times i missed a headshot due this . radius.

    Is that or is something wrong with this sniper rifle that make me miss headshots. Maybe is the bullet velocity,i dunno. But i have 0 problems of land headshots on the main factions bolt action sniper rifles.

    I am not explaining right,but maybe someone understand what i am trying to say if you test the weapon.
  7. Somentine

    What i'm saying is that it is a straight upgrade, regardless of how you play; because it auto-rechambers you don't deal with the time lost when de-scoping before re-chamber, even if your playstyle is to de-scope immediately after a shot.

    Or more simply, that if you have the option to take the straight-pull, you should, always.
  8. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Yes. I understand what you're explaining. However, putting statistics aside, not everyone cares to purchase it. There is no denying that the SPB is a straight-up upgrade. Not once did I ever say this.

    What I stated is that once you've learnt to use a SR without it, you have no need to invest in it. Whether it's an upgrade or not. If you've made it work without, then you have no need to invest in it. Those certs can be put elsewhere. This is what I am trying to say. Again, not denying that it's an upgrade or that a person shouldn't have it. I'm saying that not everybody cares to invest in it regardless of its benefits. That's all.