[Suggestion] Don't make us spawn in Sanctuary every login

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Terrince, Apr 6, 2021.

  1. Terrince

    Greetings all!
    This is a plea, not so much a suggestion.
    Stop making us spawn in Sanctuary every login/restart/game crash!


    Anyone else?

    (Also having to go to Sanctuary to get expedition rewards is an annoyance IMO, what do you think?)
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  2. Liewec123

    100% agree,
    We all knew sanctuary was going to be a pointless huge waste of resources.
    All of the 'vendors' there could have easily been worked into ui tabs,
    Waste of resources for the devs, pointless annoyance for the players.

    As you say there is no reason to force people to go to sanctuary for expedition or merit vendors.
    In fact the only reason we are forced to do it is because otherwise sanctuary would have no purpose whatsoever,
    I still think at some point more of the easily accessible things from UI tabs will be removed from ui and added to sanctuary,
    "Oh you want a new weapon, visit the Arms Vendor!" "Oh you want new rims on your sunderer? Visit the garage!"

    Right now the only function of 'Sanctuary' is Space Prison for the poor souls stuck in queue

    Yet another development step backwards.
    We used to start the game in the warpgate, perfect right? So obviously that had to change.
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  3. UberNoob1337101

    It's probably done so offline/AFK players don't fill up warpgates and don't affect the continent pop limit, but why not just let me choose where I spawn when I log into the server?
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  4. TR5L4Y3R

    i don´t realy care about sanctuary ..
    what rather matters to me is to be able to play even with a popballance or maxballanceque, once NS operatives are available to everyone and there is a popballance or maxpopque in place people should just spawn as NSO to simply be able to play, and once the popballance or maxpopque is gone players should automatically spawn as the faction they want to play ..
  5. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Every time I joined a livestream in the past, the devs would get questions like, 'When are we getting Sanctuaries?' or 'When are we getting weather effects?' or 'When are we getting Bastions?' or 'When are we getting more things for outfits?'. These things kept going requested by players. Now players get them and players are complaining they don't want them. I understand why... these things weren't delivered to the spec of the players. Nobody asked for vendors, or a zillion different currencies, or weather effects that beeline for the nearest big fight. Certainly nobody asked for orbital strikes.

    The bigger picture though, is that these things were repeatedly asked for. The development team delivered. I can only hope that things like this will be a lesson to players in being careful what they wish for. Quite literally. Players got what they wanted, just not in the way they wanted it.

    I actually don't mind spawning into the Sanctuary. I like being able to spawn somewhere where all 3 factions are together but nobody can shoot. It's a good social hub. I prefer it to being spawned on some random continent I didn't ask to be on. Or be stuck in VR when I've been in this game long enough to know I don't need to try out weapons.

    However, I do think players should be given the option as to where they'd like to spawn. While I might be ok spawning there, as you've said yourself, you're not. We should be given the option to choose our default login spawn.
  6. Liewec123

    but as you said yourself, these aren't the things that people asked for.
    when people asked for "weather" they didn't ask for a ****-storm to hunt down and delete big fights,
    when people asked for bastion carriers they didn't want an invincible 1000 killstreak abomination.
    i did see some people asking for sanctuaries, but it was never enough to warrant development,
    far more people ask for new faction weapons/vehicles.

    personally i've never seen why sanctuaries would be needed in this game.
    this game is all about hopping in and getting into big fights, not some roleplaying nonsense,
    i play Second Life on the side for that, this isn't the place for "sanctuaries".
  7. JustGotSuspended

    yeah i feel it's something they made for psa and decided was one of the assets they had to salvage when the game miserably failed. I'm guessing OW is something they salvaged from psa as well.

    then ofc since it has no correlation with the game they force players to use it.
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  8. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Yes...? You're just reiterating what I've said. I said already that people asked for these things, and they got them, just not in the way they wanted.
  9. Adeon

    Sanctuary is there so you could wait in queue to the continent.
  10. Terrince

    I like the idea of Sanctuary don't get me wrong, I think it's neat but it'd be better if one logged in to the redeploy screen no?

    The op was alittle steam blowing off because I spawn at Sanctuary, got in queue, 10min wait, got to Esamir, alert started, played almost full alert, storm came, game crashed with 3mins left!! (it crashes more often since storm was inplammented) logged back in, and instead of spawning on Esamir I spawn in Sanctuary! Missing the end of the alert!!

    It is just frustrating... Anyways, I like the idea of Sanctuary, just don't force ppl to spawn, let us choose!

    Redeploy screen (world map or map screen)
    Open continent (like it use to be)
    Or VR