[Suggestion] If online customer service can't deal with cheaters in time, we'll be GM ourselves

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by David Mission, Mar 11, 2021.

  1. David Mission

    This week,we saw how much confusion Asian service Soltec, you players should be clear, this chaos even affected the UW service Connery.

    Now there is a very serious contradiction. A high-profile cheater who underground, penetrates through the wall, X-Ray sight, aimbots at once and can survive for more than three hours in the prime time of the game and kill more than 5000 times. Everyone confirms that he is a cheater, but None of the victims can deal with the players . Because of the teamkill weapon locked mechanism,It's meanless even we found him. In game reporting is not an effective measure either. If it works, the cheater will not survive for more than three hours.

    So, why not make a breakthrough in the anti-cheating mechanism, let players solve their problems by theirself, and give some players the right to block another accounts? I discussed the possibility of opening up the authority on my own national forum, and everyone's voice of approval is very high. There are such high-profile cheaters. In a round of voting process, the cheaters will be dealt at very few minutes if we found him. Of course, this practice will make high-level players be doubt, but the sametime, it will limit every high-profile cheaters. In contrast, the huge total players are the beneficiaries, aren't they?

    There are a lot of people who have formalistic thinking about opening up permissions to players, which is very extreme, just like shepherds will never compromise with sheep. Even if you don't give the player the right to block another accounts. give the player the right to vote, even for the high-profile cheaters, an hour's weapon-lock cool-down period will greatly improve the status quo. If you don't believe in the judgment of all players, even if you give the right to experienced old players of a certain level, I'm even willing to use ASP to unlock the rights to protect my game experience

    Before we oppose this proposal, I hope you know such things. This game is not easy. If you want to have some fun, you have to pay a certain amount of time and energy to exercise. But cheaters don't need it. It's a free game. A low-cost cheating software and a registration account are enough. This is some way we said pay to win. Similarly, the way they spend money on the game will make me feel that the money I spend on the game is not worth it.

    Yesterday, a cheater of Soltec survived for more than three hours and killed more than 5000 times. Every time he killed, he was advertising for cheating software. There are not many active players in this game now. His behavior is equivalent to forcing everyone who plays the game to watch the advertisement of cheating software once. Some people were forced to watch it several times. Let this kind of propaganda go. Everyone knows what will happen in the end. The night before yesterday was only one cheater. Last night it became three. What about tonight?
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  2. JustGotSuspended

    Again, many ways this could go wrong. A salty zergfit leader could simply get all his members to vote to ban a player they don't like. It's never a good idea to let people police themselves, we don't want this to turn into the wild west. DBG honestly does a good job dealing with cheaters. As you said, they banned the dude in under 3 hours - that's incredible. Seriously, there's a lot of worse games out there.

    I would personally prefer if they banned the guy's IP, but that's not how DBG likes to handle things, and there's ways around it anyways. Ofc it's unfortunate when you die to a human banshee, but thankfully that's a rare occurrence and dealt quickly. Not much more we can ask.
  3. NotsiMadz

    yeah it's always been like that, since the beginning.

    Basically you get two kinds of hackers, the obvious one and the not obvious one.

    What you speak of is the obvious one, killing everyone even inside the spawn from under ground. Those guys get banned, but not instantly, it takes a while.

    That said, it doesn't take THAT long, I mean they get banned withint what, 4 or 5 hours? Something like that? Also, in my experience (on Cobalt) it doesn't happen often. In fact, it's been a very long time since I've that happen at all.

    So to be fair, with regards to the obvious hackers, I think they do a pretty good job, especially considering the game is free to play.
  4. David Mission

    if we saw salty zergfit leader would do sth. we should guide the atmosphere,not avoid the problem.Compared with the legal issue of blocking IP, voting in the game is easier to solve
  5. David Mission

    In recent days, the chaos of Soltec is beyond your imagination. It's very efficient to ban a cheater within three hours in other games. But in Soltec, a person's little entertainment time after work will almost be destroyed by cheaters. What's more, this war game has alarm time. This also means that a cheater will destroy all the game experience of a camp, especially when the cheater forces on attacks the spaw room.
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  6. RabidIBM

    On Connery we've been able to get obvious cheaters banned in minutes, so I don't know why it would take so long on Soltech.
  7. JustGotSuspended

    depends if they're bypassing the battleye or not.
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  8. JibbaJabba

    I think DBG needs to bring Volunteer player mods into the game.

    Choose long time veterans or those that have contributed to the community before. Setup shift times and ask for volunteers during those shifts.

    Grant access to observer cameras.
    Grant access to the /report output (which on the server side includes location, time etc..)
    Grant ability for them to issue up to 24/hr ban but nothing more.
    All bans must come with a report and get reviewed by DBG to ensure the mods are being cool.
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  9. Liewec123

    Wouldn't even need shifts, just give the ability out to a whole bunch of vets (people with something to lose)
    and make it abundantly clear that abusing the system to wrongfully ban people can end in you being permabanned.
    With enough vets given these soft-GM powers there should always be someone around :)
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  10. JustGotSuspended

    Yeah and the active steamers/youtubers dbg supports might as well get access to this.
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  11. iller

    No... I DO NOT like this idea at all. Look I've been calling for direct player involvement in the GM'ing process for years now, and I have plenty of personal experience myself doing that Role in other games. But giving even a "Committee" of volunteer Mods or Deputies direct action "Powers" is beyond the pale.

    ALL THEY NEED, is just unfettered access to the Server's Vector Logs in real-time which they can use to RECORD the offending players actions without the impediments of round-trip Latency turning the entire show into a Guessing-Game. ...Vectors in particular because they reveal every single movement and which directions their camera is looking at all times (which is especially helpful for identifying wall hackers and aim-snappers). They can then send this evidence directly to a Paid GM with some sort of Direct Messaging agreement and then there will a much faster direct response by someone who is under LEGAL COPABILITY (via direct employment) for Daybreak LLC. ....Volunteers, are not under LLC's which is why most companies only use sub-contractors in an Advisory capacity but still do the actual Banning themselves in "Waves"
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  12. RabidIBM

    I would disagree with giving any volunteer force any actual powers. They should be able to gather and package evidence, then send it to someone on payroll.
  13. UberNoob1337101

    The Overwatch system in CS:GO collects data from reported players, sends a demo (8 matches, roughly 10 minutes of video) to investigators selected by high play-time, high rank and low report count. Then said investigators have to inspect said content, either vote "Insufficient evidence" or "Evident beyond a reasonable doubt" based on their own judgement, and if guilty, have to give a temporary/permanent ban if it was griefing/cheating.

    It's a pretty nice system, but with how childish PS2's community can be, I'd rather do the data extraction and review process exactly the same, then hand over the recent/sus stats and review results and give a paid DBG/RPG mod (if they have one) a final say in the verdict.

    Real question is, how many reports do you need in PS2 to find a legitimate suspect?
  14. jackalli

    Cheater will destroy the game. im really wanaa post cheater video on youtube and share.
  15. Towie

    Just post it on reddit instead - you will find a welcoming community who thrive on sarcasm and publicly suggest that cheating is (allegedly) a problem in PS2 without the usual forum backlash suggesting that everything is absolutely fine so git gud.
  16. JibbaJabba

    Because the DBG helpdesk staff are based in the US and sound asleep
  17. PlanetBound

    Using the log is a good idea. There's a threshold on what is reasonable activity. That would certainly tame down the frequency of using a cheat.
  18. Blue_Lion

    I do not think giving players the ability to ban each other by vote will be very wise for two reasons.

    1 To great of abuse, or use for cyber bulling.
    As there are significant number of hard core players that have high level alts on every faction they could vote off leadership of their less favorite factions to increase their chances of winning.

    The risk for abuse is just to high.

    2 The company is paid to provide a service and part of that service is dealing with rules breakers/cheaters. Doing the job for them means they do not have to pay GMs. Better solution is presure to make sure they deal with it. How about say transparency and follower up in dealing with it. IE system message from GM when he starts his investigation to those who reported and say platoon or outfit leadership and system message when he completes it. -Also work on a type of ban that is not beat with 5 minutes on a free to play account.
  19. Exileant

    :( I oppose this. The reason why they do not give your average player the ability to ban is because the average player cannot be trusted. Arguments break out in squads and next thing you know the leader gets enraged and kicks the person. Now imagine that power in their hands.... :confused: People would get banned because were not liked. o_O What I do support? If they checked out some of the players and set us up with a job of some sort, and the players selected to be a an in game Moderator were proven to be able to keep their feelings professional, sure, sign me up for that. :mad: Blatant team killing should allow for an option to pop up to set off a termination charge to detonate the offending player and their vehicle at the victims disposal. o_O Underground X-ray killing? I say a simple self damage code would work. Meaning if you are stuck under the stage, anything you shoot should register as your own life, so the person kills themself and is forced to re-spawn. ;) Even if they manage to get a Sunderer under there, all they will be able to do is commit suicide, issue solved.
  20. DarkQuark

    Where there is power there is abuse. It's human nature. So no system will be perfect but I do think the fear of losing your paying gig evens that out more than getting your veteran game account banned.