[Suggestion] NC and TR versions of the Shattered Warpgate banner

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by csvfr, Jan 18, 2021.

  1. csvfr

    With campaign chapter 2 behind us, I navigated to the rewards section of the campaign menu. It seems as if the reward for completing the next chapter will be a banner with the shattered warpgate image, i.e. this image:

    While this will be a fine reward if you are playing VS, it might come across as a bit off for players of other factions. Virtually all banners in the game are either faction specific or contain neutral imagery such as snowmen or pumpkins. Therefore my suggestion is to swap out the prominent soldiers in the above image with NC, TR and perhaps also NSO equivalents, before awarding the appropiate rewards to the players of the respective factions.
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  2. Liewec123

    What are you talking about! The banner is the perfect embodiment of PS2!
    VS at the forefront, NC and TR in the background, explosions everywhere! XD
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  3. csvfr

    While it is a cool banner if looking past the Vanu soldiers, I'm probably not going to use it on my NC main because it glorifies the enemy. There are others like me who would be more satisfied and more likely to use the banner if it showed soldiers from their own faction rather than the enemy one.

    Currently, all banners belong to one of four categories; they are either neutral or specific to one of the factions. Neutral banners can be used by players from any faction. Faction specific banners are only usable by players on the faction to which the banner belongs. Below are some examples:

    . . Neutral Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TR banner
    . . NC Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VS banner
    Neutral banners contain neutral images, faction specific ones contain faction imagery. If asked to place The Shattered Warpgate banner into one of the four categories above, I would certainly place it in the VS category. This due to the Vanu soldiers being the only identifiable ones taking up a large proportion of the image. IMO it would be inappropiate to use the banner on anything but a VS char. But if the soldiers were swapped out with soldiers from the requisite faction it would be better.
  4. csvfr

    Ooops, I used dangerous links for the banner images, which were taken from here:


    . . Neutral Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TR banner
    . . NC Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VS banner
  5. JustGotSuspended

    look how ridiculous the TR one is. They tried to make the NC and VS look glorious or whatever, and then for TR they try to shove the undersize head of a MAX suit in the frame.

    The campaign banner looks pretty lame anyways, like 99% of the banners. Seriously though who cares, half the time the death screen doesn't show up properly, or you can already be redeployed by the time it loads. You can't even see the banner yourself unless you specifically look at your primary character screen for some reason. Not the end of the world.

    The VS being overly present on the banner just highlights dev bias. They advertise VS like this, troll the other factions while giving VS the most interesting lore and items, the everyone wonders why VS is the most played.

    Just use the default banner or a launchers/pistols banner if you wanna flex on the occasional dude that will actually notice it.