[Suggestion] Ability to drop in construction items with new War Assets?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. AntDX316

    Ability to drop in construction items with new War Assets?

    Like, spending some purple or blue to drop in an Ant already preloaded with cortium? Ability to drop in walls, structures, turrets, anywhere a player base could be built? It could add new dimensions to the game. Then balance it out later.
  2. RabidIBM

    I'd say that paying outfit resource for a fully loaded ant would probably be a better version of what they were trying to do by letting players pay certs for buildings.

    I'd say either of 100 green or 50 green and 5 blue would be fair costs to para drop 10k cortium. I would also like to be able to reserve a territory. It's annoying to be getting set up to build somewhere important and be 2 seconds too late because some scrub put a silo up in a dumb place.
  3. TR5L4Y3R

    .... would be just as much abused ...
    there needs to be a decay for unused PMBs ... something like owner needs to be in so much range torwards the PMB otherwise it starts to decay in so many minutes ...

    also: what needs to stop is players building bases too close to cortiumspawns ... cortiumnotes need to be either permanent with ragaining x ammount of cortium per x ammount of minutes or they all need their own no buildzone ..
  4. RabidIBM

    There already are such features. Most buildings cost upkeep. If you don't feed the base it starves to death. At a certain point this becomes the way to kill the base. If you see the base is absurdly over built you don't attack it, you intercept the ants trying to feed it. Since that wasn't enough for Wrel, he also added the absolute cancer that is cortium bombs. In the time it takes to fetch a cortium run the whole base can be wiped out by free bombs.
  5. JustGotSuspended

    I think there should be something so the base can become self sustaining.

    Maybe through a module, or a deployed ant that would generate enough cortium over time to constantly keep up with the one being drained. That way you still need to harvest some to build your base, but you don't have to worry about your base dying because you can't find cortium fast enough - unless the thing generating cortium for your base dies.

    Also it would probably be a good idea to lock terminal, like actually prevent them from being hacked.
    • Up x 1
  6. RabidIBM

    What your are describing is how construction was initially. There were much higher construction costs, but very little upkeep. Once the base was up and stocked, you could walk away from it. Problem was that we saw too many abandoned bases around the place because people who were curious would drop some no reason buildings, then walk away.

    As for infils, I could solve that one easily, make it so that receiving damage interrupts hacking.