NSX Masamune issues after recent Auraximas patch

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by LunarTM, Dec 16, 2020.

  1. LunarTM

    I've been using the Masamune almost exclusively for the past 2 months, so I have a strong understanding of how this gun works. There's two main issues here that came with the recent update. The first isn't a bug, but because of the no rocket trails and miniscule rocket size, it's near impossible to track rockets visually past about 50 meters.

    The second issue I believe is a bug. The Masamune's rocket velocity was normalized. Meaning, before the update, the ADS rockets were slow and controllable, but the hipfire rockets were extremely fast with almost no bullet drop. Now, both firing modes are incredibly slow, and the hipfire has bullet drop, making it even more useless. Before, it has a good use with hitting air targets with its fast velocity and no drop, but the caveat that you rely on RNG for the rockets to hit.

    Please revert the velocity changes, this weapon needs all the help it can get.
    • Up x 1
  2. OneShadowWarrior

    Sounds about right, Bull in a China Shop with Rogue Planet.

    They tried making it a contender like the Decimator but you still have to hit with all 4 shots, most of the time your lucky to get one off before a vehicle kills you instantly.
  3. Foxassassin

    I came here to post these exact things. I've been using the Masamune for about a year as my go-to launcher. Without rocket trails, it's impossible to hit anything outside of near point blank range thanks to the gravity drop. And I thought something was fishy with the velocity of both hipfire and ADS speeds. They both feel very wrong.
  4. Foxassassin

    I hate to bump. But these bugs are pretty breaking to this weapon. I've tried to use it for the entire length of my playtime since this patch, but it's worthless outside of point-blank ranges.
    The buffs would've made this weapon far more worthwhile in combat only to be pushed into near unusability from these bugs. I really like this launcher and I'd hate to see it stuck like this...