[Suggestion] Selective experience boosts during alerts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RabidIBM, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. RabidIBM

    Many of the alerts aren't as fun as they should be because so many players don't really play it. 1 faction grows to be absurdly large and the other two keep mashing each other into oblivion.

    I suggest adding an experience boost during alerts, scored by any faction which is not the winning faction when they are fighting the winning faction. The boost should be proportional to the amount the winning faction is winning by. I'm not going to field an exact number, as I find it likely that someone who objects to the concept will pick at the number instead, but it should be enough that players will respond to it. The screen shot is an example of what this should avoid. Our platoon were bored with the lack of good fights, even when we warpgated both factions, so we went for the warpgate wrap around on the NC just to try to get any fight going. Nothing personal NC, it's only because we touched the TR's warpgate first. If we'd warpgated you first, then the TR, we would have gone for the wrap around on the TR.

    In this case, we are 36% ahead of 2nd place, so with my proposal there would be a substantial exp boost to anyone fighting us. Yes, the activity pips show that by 7 minutes left in the alert we were finally able to get some good fights going, but that was after more than an hour of very little action.
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  2. PauPC

    Back then we had continent related benefits if your faction managed to lock them. For example, if you managed to win Esamir you would receive a discount on vehicles and such, not sure which benefit each continent gave, but you get the idea.
    It would be nice to see these come back in a similar fashion.
  3. RabidIBM

    Yeah, I remember those, but they were before there was even continent locking. They also were only 10%, so it wasn't amazing.
  4. RabidIBM

    Another example from a different server, same problem, same proposed solution:
  5. CruelDestiny

    Another idea could be to penalize Nanite gain or spawn times for the winning faction based on how much territory they have.. because having so much territory would put a strain on resources, that would be far more of a force multiplier than just giving additional XP to the losing factions.
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  6. RabidIBM

    I wouldn't directly penalize the winners, I don't think that would be well received by the player base. If I were to penalize anyone in any way, I would penalize the exp gain for the two factions fighting each other when one faction is clearly ahead, but again, penalties are generally badly received by player bases. I would instead just keep adding things to the game that certs need to be spent on, then adding bonuses for players playing correctly. This would create a hidden penalty for playing wrong through inflation of certs.

    Where I would penalize logistics is in cut off territory. Even something simple like base spawn timers doubling when cut off would help get the population blobs out of the cut off territory. I would also like to see expansion from cut off territory disabled, but that's another conversation.