[BUG] Why this wasn't a road kill? (video inside)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SheRocks, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. SheRocks

  2. Parsa

    you were going pretty fast too, it should have worked. I think the roadkills are determined from client's perspective so if they didn't see you run them over it wouldn't work. Like this:[IMG]

    So as in sometimes you don't want to roadkill someone, you drive past them and on your screen it seems cool and you didn't run over anybody but the player with high ping sees you with lag so your movement is delayed, if they happen to see you run them over on their own screen then that's a kill.
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  3. SheRocks

    If it was a Flash (small hit box) I was driving, i would also think, yea that's this high ping crap, no develeper can really handle 100% in the right way. Especially for a game like PS2 with so many players online at the same time. Not without reason there is no other FPS with so many players at the same time.

    But the Lightning has a much bigger hitbox than the Flash. And since I am stream in 60FPS, you can see the video very well in slow speed.And if it would have run sideways it could be because of the high ping of the other player. But he just walked straight ahead. Nothing right or left.
  4. Liewec123

    because it was an enemy.

    drive behind an enemy, they're fine.
    drive infront of an enemy, they're fine.
    drive right through a stationary enemy, they're fine.

    drive anywhere within 30m of an ally? OMG YOU MOWED THEM DOWN! MURDERER!

    i've been gathering clips for years of the bias between ally and enemy roadkills.
    hopefully one day i'll put out a compilation displaying just how biased it is.

    my first ever signature gif on this forum was actually on this subject! XD
    (sorry about the fuzziness and low FPS, it was 7-8 years ago!)
    in both cases i'm moving infront of a person who is running
    (i also clip right through the stationary enemy medic on the right)
    but ofcourse the ally dies and the enemies don't.
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  5. SheRocks

    ;) I now exactly what U mean. But somteimes our ally are a bit ... ahhm ... are behaving a bit strange o_O , to say it nicely. Or maybe he just came from a booz and was just still a bit trunk!?

    fxxx.proof (minute 5:39) >>>

    This time I didn't kill him, but was very close to it. And this even though I drove to the right to avoid running over him. But what does the smurf do ... and I'm still being counted for that. Ingenious!
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  6. Parsa

    Yea that's exactly what I mean, but I think its biased because the enemy actively tries to avoid you, see that medic on the right hand side he was moving to his left to avoid you and because of his ping he could make it in time just by strafing. I think the best solution is to go faster so they have no time to react at all.
  7. JibbaJabba

    Note, didn't look at video. But something to understand about collisions and roadkill.

    For purposes of the death decision it is calculated CLIENTSIDE - ON THE ENEMIES CLIENT.

    Keep this in mind and it makes everything that plays out weird explainable.

    Like check out Liewec's above. He drives over the empty space in front of a running enemy. On his screen he did not hit the enemy. But the enemy was actually further forward and the network delay left them appearing that they had not reached that spot yet. They had. On their screen. So... roadkill.

    Also... this same thing happens for C4 when used against vehicles. The detonation occurs where the enemy sees it occur. Your vehicle might not be in that location any longer though. (aka protip: Hit turbo if someone sticks C4 on your harasser)
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  8. JustGotSuspended

    yeah it always seems that way. I can run over a group of 30 enemies and get 0 roadkills, yet I can drive happily by an ally nowhere near me and instakill him.

    Or when the enemy tries to ram you and you dodge, or fly up 30m yet still suddenly explode by taking ram damage even though the dude was nowhere near you.

    I think it's just a combination of wonky hitreg and clientside, but it really does piss me off sometimes. I need 100 roadkills to aurax my lightning and it's damn near impossible when 90% of what should be roadkills don't count.

    My best explanation is that based on the vehicles speed, and the direction/position the enemy is heading to, although the enemy may seem directly in front of your tank on your screen, he's actually safely crossed the road on his. And while your friendly is running in your direction, even though he is actually far from you or stops to avoid you, the game extrapolates that he actually collided with your tank! I'm not sure how to explain the dudes who are still and don't register as a roadkill, but I think that has something to do with weird hitreg on most of the vehicles.

    also plz do make a montage and link me to it!
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  9. Trebb

    Drive like the only thing that kills people is the imaginary trailer behind your vehicle. Happy hunting!
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  10. SheRocks

    Ohh noooo, shame shall come upon you ... ok just a joke ;)

    I know exactly how hard it is to develope proper network code, esspecial for MMOOs like PS2.

    But as I said already ...
    Just straight, all the time before and after, through my tank. Thtat's exactly why I still do not get it.

    And let's face it, these annoying tiny bugs certainly don't ruin my enjoyment of the game.But I still wonder how some things are possible. So it is my curiosity that drives me to understand the unknown. Not more and not less. :D
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  11. AlcyoneSerene

    Friend or enemy vehicle, I actively try to avoid them just the same, as many aren't looking forward, don't care, are themselves under attack, or don't expect you to walk in front.
  12. Demigan

    It's because of clientside.

    Taking Liewec's video as an example. The game uses a latency system, and all collisions happen clientside like Jibbajabba said. This means that it works on the latency system. You have to hit your enemy where they are on their screen, rather than where you see them on your screen.

    In Liewecs Gif you see him pass 3 players. The one where he hits his ally he passes farther in front to "avoid" him, but that's where his ally actually is so he kills him.
    The second one he passes through 2 enemies. The one he quite literally touches is on his screen much farther away and survives. The other one Liewec expects to hit, but he's actually much closer to that enemy than his ally. So this enemy is farther away and can survive.
    Additionally since you only see your enemy reaction a second later, you don't see what he does as you've already passed them by and they are out of your screen. If Liewec had looked around he might have seen the enemy jump to avoid him, turn around or even just keep going as according to both enemies he passed behind them.
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  13. JustGotSuspended

    that would be the best explanation, but there's also times where the player was completely still, or running directly in a straight path in front my vehicle (like parallel to where I was going) - and it didn't count.

    I wouldn't be surprised if bad hitreg and doodoo netcode play a role.
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  14. Anantidaephobia

    The sadest thing is that I can't recall such issues happening in PS1 :(