Time to nerf Magrider Roofclimbing/Flying Capabilities

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arpheus, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. Botji

    Isnt that exactly how things are layed out though?
    If im not completely crazy, most/all Vanguards are facing as if they were going from the top West WG and from the top East WG we have Prowlers going to meet them and 'died' there along the roads.

    I havent been looking for them but are there no Magriders closer to the middle of the continent? Would fit if VS were holding the SW WG, I know there are some in the bottom strip of land but I would assume there are more Magriders on the map than that.
  2. Zipr

    It is a different capability not common to most games Variety is the spice of life << That's my point Rest is TL:DR

    Look here man I do not care to come off sounding like some developer butt smoocher but I'm almost amazed at various counters available in this game | For a real taste of why I do not agree with all developments and/or direction I find it hard to give my blessings to the recent what appears (mission) incentive to knife For instance in alot of games you cant just pick your team not to mention balance becoming an issue I won't go so far as to say you will hear hate being proficient, but you may find that it can or does take away from the desire to be all gung ho or even possibly enjoyment from playing |

    Quite frankly both of the pictures posted by the OP appear to draw into question the value of skilled light assault play using C-4 | In years past I would say yeah this or that mag certainly making shots count on account of time needed to get into position to try an counter his presence on some mountain top However, it takes time, effort, and knowledge not to mention plenty of certing to be able to achieve such capabilities Yet it wouldn't really shock me to hear they sometimes say to themselves woah what happened Listen I drive my prowler over some hill I may hear a loud boom, post cresting It may even cause a delay in traction Now if for some reason Im choosing to enjoy some vanu? Same scenario I might be jumping out w/ a repair wrench (IF I survive) Most likely the deadliest thing for any tank driver is the need to exit I'm just saying odds are we isn't talking about FNG's in no shape or form taking over the game |

    My personal final word would be that I will try an speak with a few players... | As some may have already noted the mag was actually nerfed in the past. Basically, there is a chance my own lapse in playtime affects my ability to judge any such changes? Hard to say that mags appear as good as pre-nerf at this time is my two-cents Bias aside, the examples listed entail a single mag? Couple players w/ many viable strengths like a keen eye, situational awareness, w/ a healthy dose of aggressiveness to get down and dirty Hard for me to say those same players would not cause more grief in a decked out prowler |
  3. Blue_Lion

    Why would you expect an answer to a completely unrelated debate? Your question had the appearance of being more of a personal attack than something contributing to a debate.
    You even provided a reply to what you thought he would come up with. (he even asked what it had to do with his post, something you never answered. so he was looking for clarification on how it related to the his post.)

    Some stat was looked at to determine it most likely its win rate vs other MBT. That at the time it had the some of the most kills against if I understand it. There is a reason other factions called the original vanguard shield a I win button.

    Just because you do not notice or value the stat does not mean it is not there or that it was the basis for a choice. If developers look at it and see it is wining most battles with other MBT, they would nerf it so that other MBT can stand an chance at winning. Its kill rate from other vehicles is different from its kill rate with other vehicles the same class.

    A nerf is rarely based off all stats but instead address the one stat that it is most OP with not the stats that is underpowered on.
  4. pnkdth

    Are you saying you cannot come up with a single reason which doesn't reaffirm your belief the devs favour VS? A belief which may already rest in incorrect interpretation of data and biases. There is the possibility of bad code or there will be a rotation of WGs... Or just about any other reason.
  5. Johannes Kaiser

    Rotation of warpgates will not change the fact that there are 2 factions' MBTs int SWG zone and the third one's aren't. Only a patch can change that. And bad code, how? The spawns seem to be fixed and bound to a specific vehicle type. So unless that is an accident or bad code (for which there is no reason to assume that), this is not the case.
    But seriously, it is quite common knowledge that Wrel is a VS fanboy. And the new update did nothing to change that. Who's on the new loading screen - that ALSO will be a character banner for EVERY faction, I might add? VS, front, center and everywhere else (could spot one Mosquito and one Reaver being hit by lighting, but that is it). Whose MBTs are kept out of the zone where the crashed vehicles see most access AND where they'd be most useful due to their ability to traverse terrain?
    Could all of that be a coincidence? Sure. But they do add up, and many instances of coincidence tend to form patterns.
  6. Botji

    Well if you go into something with a heavy bias like you did then you will see patterns forming.
    I saw that there will be more than this campaign coming and that the current campaign has more than 1 chapter and I just assume that each faction will have 'their' campaign or chapter in them.

    Personally I wished there were Magriders up in the SWG area, both so people can see how **** a Magrider can be when its not fitted to your playstyle/just how bad of a basic template it is and how much difference the experience and skill of the driver makes since people just seem to assume that once you sit in a Magrider you gain precognition and can just slowly slide side to side dodging shots that have likely already traveled at least 1/3 of the way to you when you see the tank shooting at you due to #Clientside2.

    The ones I have seen have all been quite a bit less dangerous than the average Lightning tank that drives around so that would also be a plus, free certs for all ;)
    • Up x 1
  7. Cancdemon

    Are Maggies only unavailable in the SWG Zone? I remember finding one in the southern disabled areas. (The Warp? No idea how that area's called).
  8. Trebb

    There is so much evidence of developer preference for VS that in game I taunt them by calling them the deVS faction. It's possible there really isn't a dev bias, but there are so many examples that you do have to wonder.

    Picked up the thumper event ammo that slows reload speed. Guess which 1 faction HAs aren't affected with their Beetelgeuse gun(used more than all other directive weapons COMBINED)? Same faction that is the only one to really benefit from the heat mechanic implant (again given out as an event reward, thanks devs!)

    The magrider / SWG thing is just the latest in a long line of things.
  9. Botji

    Since you went and said that I cant wait for a nice detailed list of evidence.

    I will just go ahead and bet that most/all of it will be very old stories that are not true anymore or simply not true to facts at all but please do prove me wrong if you can.

    I mean, im sure the Beetle is used because its such a overwhelmingly good gun and not because its just very convenient to not run out of ammo just as im sure you see a lot of VS running around with the Cold Heart implant since its also such a massive boost to get "20% faster recovery delay and cooldown rates for 3 seconds." that its entirely worth getting it and sacrificing any other implant you could use instead.

    "The Betelgeuse has a heat capacity of 1000, generates 20 heat per shot, and has a recovery delay of 0.5 seconds. It dissipates 240 heat per second, and incurs an overheat penalty of 3.28 seconds."

    Just imagine, with only the cost of a implant slot you could also reduce your recovery delay by a whole 0.1 second and how much heat it dissipates by 48 per second! The new stats are a mindshattering 0.4 recovery delay and 288 heat per second! To make it even more clear how absurdly OP this combo is it means you can fire 49 shots, then instead of waiting 4.583 seconds for all the heat do dissipate you only have to wait 3.402 seconds!

    Compared to the Orion that can fire 49 bullets as well and get a reload time of a flat 3 seconds, this forbidden and favored combination of the Beetle and Cold Heart is just too good, has to be a inside job by a dev to only grant that to a single faction.

    Anyone else notice that there might be 'some' sarcasm in this post?

    Ah yes, forgot to mention it, the bonus is given on headshot kills only so the implant is even more OP than it might seem at first.
  10. Arpheus

    You forgot the Obelisk. I really don't like the Spandex faction but guess what - I switched faction because of one gun.. the Obelisk. My favored play style at the moment is battle rifle and that gun is so ungodly good compared to the TR and NC ones. The Dragoon is a good gun but once you use the Obelisk you can't go back - Obelisk is godsend. No bulled drop with pin point accuracy up to render range is a click adventure and the very best thing - when you shoot a few shots and switch to the next target there is no reloading since it usually auto-reloaded while with TR/NC you always have to reload because the shots left in the mag might not be enough to down a target so you have to reload whenever the mag is not full.

    When I went back to TR compensating for drop was annoying - often hit the body instead of the head and the worst thing was reloading and running out of ammo all the time. Also the bullet drop on Dragoon and the Bishop are worse than on other battle rifles which further makes the VS trait of no bullet drop even more valuable.
    On the VS char I can run Advanced Shield Capacitator while on the TR Char I have to use enhanced magazines and still I have to run back to refill very often.

    The VS has all the best traits (no bullet drop, unlimited auto-refilling ammo, 10 shots before overheat!, best hipfire without having to equip a laser sight) while the other guns have at best useful but not really good traits. The Dragoon gets autofire but did anyone test it? You can't shoot with it - the vertical recoil is so incredibly insane that it is 100% useless as if the devs wanted to make sure noone uses it. Why would you even implement it then?
    So you are forced to use a single shot attachment to make the gun usable at all while the others get that built into their gun. If it had the same vertical recoil as the other guns while in autofire mode it would at least have something going for it but it seems there is VS bias in the dev team for sure.
    Dragoon single shot one could for example increase the fire rate or bullet velocity - that would be a useful and worthy upgrade.

    So in the end VS got a hugely better battle rifle - the difference for me is day and night. If I could use that gun on TR I would instantly go back to TR - that shows how unbalanced this gun is.
    I can also understand now why people use the beetle - heat mechanic is so incredibly good - people really underestimate it. It is really really good - no reloading, autoreloading - never caught off guard and you don't run out of ammo which happens quite a lot.
    • Up x 2
  11. Humoreske

    I still don't understand why dev set Magburner to passive, can someone explain to me why?
  12. Arpheus

    Seems they wanted to buff the already buffed (speed increase) mobility of the magrider to make it more dominant. There is no reason really - especially now with the new options of turbo recharge and turbo affecting strafing speed the magrider has more in combat mobility than a harasser for pro players. Harassers at least always move forward which makes them somewhat predictable.

    Magriders can instantly burst sideways or forward making them the least predictable vehicle in the game by far followed by ESF. It is crazy. I guess you have to ask Wrel why.