Listened to the noobs/whiners

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gfoceRETURNS, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. Scatterblak

    Libs were OP. Grow a pair and deal with it like the rest of us do when our primary wep platform gets the NBat.
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  2. JibbaJabba

    OMG dude, you are so tiresome.
    I replied earlier to someone else. NOT you. Butt out.

    The quote I gave was regarding a SIDE TOPIC., ie YOU GOT BAITED.

    Do try to keep up Mr. "make yourself look stupid".

    And no, the grenades do not do the same thing. One consumes a grenade slot. The other consumes either your entire main gun, or in the case of ASP, your secondary gun slot.

    If you don't understand the difference and why one is better (and thus more expensive) then you're a noob.
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  3. Zagareth

    Just in case it didn't get mentioned before:
    The Skyguards major flaw is its mobility. Of course it is as mobile as a Lightning chassis can be, but that's exactly the point.
    Did you ever try to fire on a hoovering Lib, while steering through rough terrain, with all kind of obstacles, trying to avoid the next Dalton shot? Frustration at its best! I mean, how are you supposed to steer accurately around obstacles, that can stop you immediately, while looking to the sky? So best thing is to expose yourself on a flat, plain terrain, visible for everyone and with best ability to move around? Uhm... NO. That's pretty much an invitation "Hey, I'm here - easiest kill in game, just hurry up"

    So best you can do is: get a cover nearby, keep yourself behind friendly lines and hope, no Harrasser is close and gets attention on you.

    But I'd rather like the Skyguard being mounted on an ANT chassis - smooth moving, being able to go over smaller obstacles (where all Lightnings get stuck) and being able to climb steep slopes (like an ANT w/o Turbo) and with a stabilized Quad-Walker Turret, that can also being aimed downwards, to get all the pesky Harrassers at distance...

    But hey, I don't expect the Devs to give solo players fun vehilces... oh wait, they already gave them... to all the PILOTS, with an ESF!
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  4. Shadowdev

    It's constant with this company, they kill everything.
  5. RabidIBM

    Man, I could roast a marshmallow over this flame war!