No reason to play alerts anymore. LMAO

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChaoticMonk, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. ChaoticMonk

    • To accommodate the additional rewards through the Mission system, alerts no longer offer ISO-4, A7, or Certs.
    • Alert winners now receive 25,000 XP and losers/runner-up receive 10,000 XP.
    • Daily Ribbon Bonuses have also been removed.
    Alert rewards were already somewhat grindy to get but now its a joke, no rewards at all so why even play. Mission system rewards are a joke as well, 25 ISO for a 20 min mission?! HAHAHAhahahahahahaha! No reason to play the game daily either cause daily ribbon bonus is gone too.

    Guess Ill just log in and do my dailies everyday and log out, just like every other crappy half baked MMO! LMAOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOoooooOOOOoooo!!
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  2. iller

    This is just them finally admitting that Vanu won 2/3's of all Alerts because most TR/NC can't stand fighting Vanu.'s the usual Treating of the Symptom, rather than the Disease itself
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  3. ChaoticMonk

    Also the daily missions take 24 hours to respawn so you can only get about 25-100 ISO a DAY!, not to mention if you end up with no missions offering ISO or A7 then you are screwed for the day. HAHAHAhahaha!

    Welcome to Dailyside 2! Have you done your dailies today bruh?
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  4. iller

    Well if ISO gain is really a problem... we can always use that as a springboard to demand ANSWERS from Wrel on where the hell the promised Rare implant Crafting feature went? We don't actually need to be able to craft every Rare, we only 3 or 4 of them made available for Crafting:
    • Carapace for OBVIOUS balancing reasons b/c it's too exploitable & b.c. have vs. have nots FOMO
    • Counter Intel (the one that we USED to have as a common, which told you when you were spotted)
    • Logistics Specialist (the one that gets rid of the need to land your Liberator everytime you wanna pick up a gunner)
    None of these are even considered A-tier by the way (according to Reddit who I never trust but you ppl might)
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  5. Morganoutox

    yep no reason to play alerts, and no reason to play missions too...
    what have they done ? teamplay seems completly destroyed, only madmen starting fights pointlessly, where's my mmofps?
    ive been playing this game for soooo much time, im really desapointed with the way things are turning.
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  6. Arpheus

    Iller you can craft rare implants now - for 45.000 ISO 4 :D . Go on Implants --> Craft Implants.
  7. ChaoticMonk

    And at about 100 ISO a day throught the mission system (if you are lucky) it will take about a year and a half to craft that. HAHAHHAHAHahahahahahahaa!!!
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  8. Twin Suns

    Prey DBG doesn't alter the deal further, with an across the board character wipe for everyone. :)
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  9. iller

    Sounds explicitly like an option which only ever was designed for cash shop users who didn't get lucky on the first 200 deluxe implant box openings. I don't think normal players can even go over 10k iso cap without buying Member Sub for an entire year what I was talking about, is a real crafting materials content update, whether its through missions only or ranking up certain things or even some kind of scavenger hunt... a means to chase down or just focus on grinding specific content for the components needed
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  10. JustGotSuspended

    the cap is 100k for non paying memebers (i think its the same for members).

    But I have been playing on average 6-8 hours a day, every day, and stocking up on iso since the first time they mentioned we would be able to craft exceptional implants with them.

    I purchased quite a lot of crates with certs (only the 750 ones). After months of all that, focusing only on one character, I'm at 22773. Now that they removed alert rewards, I'm guessing I won't be crafting the 3-4 exceptionals I wanted anytime soon.
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  11. banet

    Alarms were the only reason for me to log in and play the game now I can't see why to spend time for not having a reward
  12. Blue_Lion

    Alerts now are just to switch contents and gain experience. (experience is not nothing but not every one needs it).

    Seems they are trying to a focus on the new content hopefully you will get certs and resources again in a few months.
  13. Gadanfar

    Guess I'll come back in a few months then.
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  14. OpolE


    Must come back to Planetside 1 Emulator. Anyone reading this
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  15. V` agic

    Allerts were long dead, only farmers played it..and maybe some outfits, who enjoy redeploy as a party <3
  16. Cyropaedia

    It is a pain to get ISO and A7 now.

    I suspect they want people to encourage/push people to buy implant crates with Daybreak Cash to fund the game.

    Edit: I am fortunate to have all implants minus 2 exceptionals (Disengage, Logistics Specialist) but this will sting slightly for new players. (Although, new players can better catch up with weapon rewards from missions).
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