Crouching has unintended and exploitable consequences.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NotziMad, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. NotziMad

    Crouching with your infantry character in game doesn't simply make you crouch.

    I'm sure of it, 100%.

    There"s a reason all the tryhards are using macros / scripts to easily and quickly spam C, and it isn't so that the opponent shooting them misses.

    Now I'm not a technician, and I'm not competent either in IT, what I am competent in, is playing PS2, cause I've played this game since 2013 (on and off) and I've got a ton (a ton) of game time.

    Just like anyone else with a little experience, there are things we learn, we "know" thanks to that experience, like for example, when your opponent is going to die. You know that before he dies. I even very often stop shooting before he's dead because I know this.

    It's the same thing on the receiving end, and when a player is shooting me but not killing me, and in a split second he spams crouch and I instantly die at that point, I "know" that it isn't because he was missing me before and hitting me more accurately now. That's not i.

    What I don't know is the explanation, how that happens, why, and how to fix it.

    But then, that's YOUR job isn't it?


    Edit --> I was thinking about this, and was thinking, it's just a speculation, if I had to guess :

    Pressing C or spamming it could, for example, instantly reset your recoil, allowing you to constantly shoot but without recoil.

    It might have an effect on your weapon's accuracy.

    It might have an effect on hit detection

    There might be lots of other things that it might be doing, but at the end of the day, it's doing SOMETHING
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  2. RabidIBM

    Bump, because this guy isn't the only one noticing people who start crouch spamming when they shoot and stop when they stop shooting. They clearly have a macro to rapidly press C when they press left mouse button.
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  3. Nighda Venesis

    Whether it does something or doesn't, and I personally incline to believe that it does have more effects than what can easily be seen on the surface level, it is quite frustrating that crouch spamming of all things plays a big role in the "meta" of one on one gunfights.

    The crouching animation looks very out of place when spammed as such, not only makes it hard to track while shooting, but also gives that mental "wtf this looks so wrong" factor, which reduces focus even more. The animations of course aren't to blame, and they look perfectly fine when used reasonably.

    I've thought about this for a while, especially as someone who's interested in making games in the future as well. I think crouching should be uninterruptible once the command to enter that state has been issued, as well as the process of changing stance being slower rather than faster. This shouldn't prevent people spamming crouch as fast as they can, but it would certainly mitigate the effectiveness of that "strategy".

    If you can tell by my quotation marks, I hate this. It feels like an I Win button that's much worse than the heavy assault shield with nanoweave to me. I hate it being used against me, and I hate using it against others. That being said, just crouching once isn't that bad if you ask me. The spamminess just makes it feel like I'm at a shooting range where the target is bouncing at an unreasonable speed.

    Props for making this post, I definitely think there's something here to improve.
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  4. P149U3

    *Crouch macros* o_O I just mash CRTL a bunch
  5. HeLLoEthnicTR

    No one cares about it, everyone using script
    It's became legal now thx to piece of sht Daybreak devs

    And they call himselfs "Pro player" CAN YOU BELIVE THIS SHT?