why is cloaking so usless?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkscythe, Jul 8, 2020.

  1. Darkscythe

    title. why does it still exist even tho everyone no mater how sneaky i am even with deep oprative sees me and kills me instantly? will it ever be fixed? will they just remove it and buff the infl shields so they arent weak? ill return when that happens untill then im done
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  2. RabidIBM

    TBH, I'd kinda like to know what BR you are, and on how many total characters. This sounds like a post from somebody low level, but I could be wrong. It's not complete invisibility, it was never meant to be, it just means people not looking right at you are disinclined to notice you. I use cloaker sometimes, sometimes I get found, sometimes I don't, there are a lot of factors. Is there enough cover noise when you cloak/decloak to prevent enemies from hearing it? It is a distinct sound that experience players are VERY familiar with. Is the enemy using motion spotting? Are you operating at day or night? Are you moving while in people's fields of view?

    I'd say my most successful infil run recently would be while deploying flail darts on a thick fight. I was found 3 times in about 20 minutes of flailing. It can work, keep trying, and if you're having a bad run of it, change classes for a while then change back.
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  3. ZDarkShadowsZ

    Cloak is dependent on a lot of factors. Many players have been playing for years. This means we know many of the usual hiding spots, or movement patterns Infiltrators will take. Plus many people don't realise the tiniest mistake is also likely what costs them their life.

    A mysterious Flash deep behind enemy lines. A hacked terminal. That nano second blip on the minimap. Cloaking/uncloaking when thinking it's safe. Accidentally calling something out. The list goes on.

    I've encountered many Infiltrators who've accused me of hacking when really, they don't realise how stealthy they're not being. Before PS2 I was an avid TF2 player, it was habit to spy-check around bases. I carry this method over to PS2 and have caught out a lot of Infiltrators just by random checks.

    When a person has played the game as long as some of us have, you start to learn the names of those on your server. You learn what class they'll likely play as. You'll learn what weapons they're likely to use. You'll learn how well they play in general. There's a long list of players on Cobalt whom I could list here and now. Some of those being Infiltrators. A guy on VS plays Infiltrator religiously and almost exclusively uses the one-hit kill knife. He'll use a Valkyrie to fly to The Crown, then bail over the tower. Since that's all he ever does, sometimes even if VS aren't in the area and I see even just an inkling of VS in the region population, I get my darklight out and start scouring the area because there's a good chance it's him.

    All in all, cloak is more than about being 'invisible' and expecting it to work. Even with Deep Operative. It doesn't guarantee you complete invisibility, it just makes you harder to see. Always assume someone is going to find you eventually.
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  4. Scatterblak

    BR120, 7 years, 99% inf here. I hear you. brother, but it's something you can address. PS2, for a serious gamer, is pretty good with immersion - it can be a challenge to remember that it's a game, and cloaking, like a lot of other stuff, doesn't work quite like we would expect it to. To get the most out of it, and really get it to work, there are 5 things to keep in mind:

    1. Forget about partial cover. It doesn't work, because this isn't real. Your actions are either representing moving pixels on the enemy screen, or they aren't - the usual light scatter, image blend, etc stuff that makes partial cover, camo, etc all work in real life - it's very much reduced or even eliminated here. Don't depend on it. Your enemies attention is 100% focused on the 10% of his FoV occupied by the screen, and the entire world is in that slice. There's very little you can do in front of his eyes that he won't see, cloak or no cloak.
    2. Use his limitations against him. #1 is that PS2, like most games, has a much smaller FoV than reality. Peripheral vision doesn't exist, since the entire screen real estate is in front of the eyes - you can stand up uncloaked right beside an enemy at a 90° angle and he will have *no* idea you're there. Leverage that. The closer you are to the edge of his screen, the harder you will be to hit - even when he does detect you, he still has to turn. If you're moving and you're cloaked, it's even harder. Not real! Use that FoV limitation!
    3. Vertical. The FoV with the monitor is even worse vertically. Get on the roof, get in the tree, get on top of the bridge. Jump down onto the enemy, get that first strike. Cloaking works *way* better if you're up in a tree - not due so much to the foliage, but because people just don't look up. Even with the colossal infiltrator nerf that is the Kill-Cam, I can't tell you how many times I've been in the tree over the vehicles spawn at T.I. killing enemies, and they come storming mad out of the spawn, and run around the base of the tree with a darklight, spamming bullets everywhere but up. **Players rarely think about looking up**. Use this! :)
    4. Patience. This is the #1 thing that high KD infs have. If you like hamburger-hill direct engagements, another class might be better - if you're a career inf (like my squadmate and I), patience is what you have to have. My squadmate is primarily a CQC Inf - he does flash runs, jumps off, knifes everyone, gets killed, and does it again. Typical score for a session for him might be 110/67. I'm old and slow now, and I play a very patient game - I won't get 110 kills, but I'll end up someplace like 70/12. Much less frustrating. I HATE dying. There are plenty of kills that I let go, plenty of shots that I don't take - because my tactical map tells me someone else is near, or because I don't have a sure route to the next place I want to be, etc. Don't pull the trigger or pull out the knife unless you already know you can engage privately, and you know where you're going next.
    5. Get an inf squad mate if you can, and watch each other. My squaddie and I play 4 or 5 nights a week, and we're on the phone, we know where each other is, we co-fly MBT's, we go to the same bases, we attack the same HA's, positions, etc. I still play alone sometimes, but then I'm even more patient - I'll hang around the edges of a big battle, get behind enemy lines, and pick people off until I get killed - then I'll go get a beer and a taco. And note -- a squaddie can tell you when you're visible!!! We've saved each other a lot of times.
    There are other things you can do. Adjust those graphics down if you need to, get that framerate up as high as possible. *Turn off the plants and foliage!* All the way off -- otherwise, you might think you're squatting in a bush that your enemy doesn't have on his screen. Did I mention being patient? Don't take the kill shot, don't even *move* if you're not sure that you're alone and that you can get away with it. Man, I hate to see an inf quit the game - obviously, you dig the class or you wouldn't be pis**d enough to post about it. Forget what the docs and the threads say - this is some practical low-down that'll work for you. Obviously *I* give a s**t or I wouldn't type it all out. :)
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  5. Desann

    I can attest to the fact that since i upgraded my desktop rig with a nice 1440 gaming monitor, cloak is useless LOL

    I see cloakers with ease.

    Cloak has gone through many iterations since beta and I think its time to tone back the particle effects a bit, ESPECIALLY when not moving. Or at least improve the effects of chameleon module so its actually worth a damn. Give sneaky playstyles the option to invest into stealth over firepower ie stalker cloaking+chameleon+deep operative+sensor shield for ultimate stealth play!

    Speaking of that, OP are you using sensor shield? Motion sensors will give your position away very easily, especially against an experienced player!
  6. Scatterblak

    You see the ones you see. The ones you do not see, you don't see, pretty much by definition. I suspect you see a lot more of them now, to be sure - I think it's doubtful that you see them all, or cloaking is now useless. Hardware has gotten steadily better over the last 5 years or so - the only time I've noticed any real change in difficulty associated with evading enemies was with the advent of the (no S)killcam. Just my $0.02.
  7. Desann

    Yeah i was 1,000% against the killcam CRAPPPPP
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  8. Booface

    So cloak is not intended to be total invisibility. At close range and if you are moving or have recently moved, best it's gonna do is make someone miss some shots or maybe not zero in on your head like they normally would. Up close, if you're not stationary, in deep cloak, and nobody suspects you, cloak is really just a desperation trick while you relocate away from danger.

    If you are a sniper, cloak is fantastic at mid and long range to let you position and line up shots without taking suppressing fire. It lets you move cover to cover and nobody's gonna hit you cloaked at 100m unless they saw you begin your cloak and predicted your movement (so if you cloak while running under fire, always change your heading after the cloak finalizes to avoid that. And never take a shot and cloak and then forget to move at least a little).

    If you're a stalker, you need to be both stationary and in an unexpected location to really stay undetected. The Catlike implant is non-negotiable, and use your extra jump height to always be above or below sightlines. Pair it with Sensor Shield and a silent weapon to avoid being detected by a random Proximity Radar vehicle driving/flying by or a Recon Dart or something. If you're cloaked and on top of a grate, or wedged in halfway up a wall, or on a rock over/under somebody, they'll look right past you. But if you're already at their sightline, your shimmer will be easy to pick out. And don't kill someone / make noise / disrupt your cloak unless you know you have an opening not only to finish the job but also to reposition.

    Infiltrator is a good class, and lots of people use the cloak to great effectiveness. But you need to learn what its limits are, can't expect it to be an instant disengage/ambush button. You're playing against real, intelligent people, so you gotta learn how to throw them off or you're gonna get predicted or discovered every time.
  9. Demigan

    I am perfectly able to remain unseen for long periods of timr behind enemy lines while moving through an enemy base... as a Light Assault.

    Many players treat Infiltrator cloak like an invisibility. They'll sit slightly off the beaten path but still in full view, relying on their cloak to keep them unseen. This is a horrible way of staying unseen especially with all the people who know the usual spots by now.

    Here's my suggestion: start using shotguns. Doesnt matter which class you pick but I prefer LA with basic jumpjets or Drifter jumpjets. Shotguns force you to outplay your enemy. You have to close the distance, you cannot use 99% of the cover in the game as your opponents will be too far, you have to know how to get around unseen and surprise your opponents as shotguns require more accuracy for the same DPS (exception: auto shotgun). A Carbine that hits the edge of an opponent deals full damage, a shotgun will see a large amount of its damage miss in the same situation.

    Then when you've learned how to play with shotguns you can use what you've learned with infiltrators and cloaking. Use the cloak to add to your stealth, not rely on it as your primary method of stealth.
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    because deep operative is useless trash
    because you don't use sensor shield
    because you impatient and run for full energy bar from time to time
    because once you make cloak/decloak sound in ~100m proximity of a player he will be aware of your presence
    because you use Q button on your keyboard
    because hiding in corners and alongside the walls isn't a smartest idea

    For example if you encounter some @$$hole like me here what you have to expect:
    As soon as you spot me i start to fire in your general direction with decent chance of landing headshot in your ******* face with my first burst. I am aware about my current class, i am aware about classes of my allies around me, so when you spot someone new this would mean what he entered your line of sight, repeating this 1-2 times and i will certainly know your position.

    Once you get impatient and decide to cover some distance outside of cloak you will have to make cloak/decloak sound. If you not a stalker then your will constantly provide me intel about your current position by just spamming your ability, no wonder what you gonna be tracked and slaughtered, violently finished by tea bagging.

    I don't even use a flashlights, because enemies unlike allies have collision box. So if there is another pesky little ghost capper i will just walk alongside all walls around point room and most probably bump in to you. Get rekt kid.

    Don't even try to pull the a knife son, such action will trigger my situational awareness at the next level, i will not allow you to hummiliate me at all cost. And don't think what if i shot someone i will ignore decloaking sound behind me, no no no, you are the highest priority target. Also if you chose vanu don't think what your onehit knife is silent, because it's not and it actually wont onehit against overshielded heavy, so you gonna be wrecked by my own quick melee attack instead.

    Basicly your problems are:
    You make a lot of noiseYour movement very predictable
    Your implant choice is poor

    Typical for 95% of all cloakers in this game
  11. DarkStarAnubis

    Many cloakers simply choose the wrong environment in which to operate. The vast majority believe an almost deserted base immediately behind the front-line (thanks to the Moronic spawn system of course) is the ideal spot.

    That is true for low level preys, the players who run straight to the terminal to get a Sundy or a Flash and are instantly killed by a cloaker waiting for them.

    But many people aren't that straightforward. Maybe they go cloaker themselves before exiting, often dropping recon beacons or shooting darts left and right. Or mines in the ideal spots. Or go LA and survey things from the roofs before going down.

    If you are isolated you know very well you have to be extra vigilant for cloakers. Possibly avoid the ground altogether (go LA).

    The best environment for cloakers is an heated battle. Noise and tracers everywhere, nobody has the time or patience to scan around for a odd reflection on the screen or listen to cloaking/de-cloaking/knife activation noises or see a weird dot on the minimap, too much background activities.
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  12. BamaRage

    All I know is I have been killed multiple times when cloaked and a fair distance from the one that killed me. Seems they can see me when cloaked even when perfectly still. Its like most other things they have ****** up
  13. Johannes Kaiser

    I am not a regular cloaker, but there are 2 things about that that need to be noted.
    1) Inexperienced players will not know this.
    2) Some hiding places come with collision that kind of masks your own.

    Had a guy look for me for about 3 minutes once, in and around the point room of "this base north of Split Peak" (forgot the name). For one of those three minutes he stood directly next to me, looking in my direction and I was simply curiously waiting whether he'd find me or no, so I held off on attacking. Occasionally I'd bait him with pressing Q or decloaking to get the point contested (I really wasn't interested in killing him or any such at this point, it was only about how long that guy'd take).
  14. Badman76

    I had a hard time looking for a cloaker last night, couldn't find him even with a flashlight. Turned out to be a LA's with the cloaking implant standing halfway up a double wall!

    I think the guy too wanted to see how long it would take me to find him.
  15. Quimcity

  16. Necron

    With Kill Cam body shots from the tier 1 snipers should be one shots. Fair's fair and all that. Kill cam is the Biggest BS thing ever added to the game...well after Harassers.
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  17. Desann

    Killcam is dumb. In any game!
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  18. That_One_Kane_Guy

    First and foremost as many have said the cloak != invisibility. Once you reconcile your gameplay to accommodate this fact things will go much easier for you. Think of it like 'stealth' in real life. You are at your most powerful when the enemy doesn't know you are there, but once they know where to look finding and killing you is not terribly difficult.

    In all likelihood the times you are killed while cloaked came about because something tipped off the enemy to look for you, and there are no shortage of reasons for that in this game. Sometimes you give yourself away audibly through Q-spotting or via the cloak/decloak sound*, sometimes you cloaked in LOS of an enemy and he was able to track you that way, sometimes you just get unlucky and the enemy was looking in the right place at the right time.

    There are also numerous bugs with the cloak that can and will give your position away to an attentive player. A couple notable ones are the "flicker" that sometimes happens in Biolabs, the bad model for certain NS guns that makes them more visible when cloaked, or the ghost outline that appears if a cloaked player passes through the model of another cloaked oblect like an arm or a gun.

    *I can't stress enough how important this is. The sound of an enemy cloak is distinct, loud, and obvious. Often times this is all it takes for an experienced player to kill you. There are times where you are better off not using the cloak at all because the sound will tip off enemies to your presence that would otherwise have remained happily oblivious.
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