People relogging on enemy alt faction to TK sundy

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NotziMad, Jul 3, 2020.

  1. NotziMad

    This has always existed, and it's annoying, but it's never really been an issue.

    It's still not really an issue tbh, and that's because it doesn't happen very often, in fact, it happens very rarely.

    Maybe it's because of me and I agro a lot of plebs and generate a lot of hate, I'm not even joking, people do this kind of thing to me and not to anyone else just because it's me, but what I wanted to say is, this is happening more and more.

    Look at it like a graph, and I'm pointing at the trend and saying, at the moment, it's going upwards.


    There could be lots of ways to help prevent this, some ways could even be simple, like giving a 2 minute timer on anyone who wants to change faction.

    But like I said, it isn't really an issue yet, but from my experience, this kind of thing can catch on, someone could for example be the victim of this and decide to do in return.
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  2. netBattler

    One time I was playing as a Max near the Bastion... Apparently I was doing good because someone relogged into my faction in order to TK me.

    It's super stupid when it does happen... there should be a report feature for it.
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  3. ColdBackHAND

    Are you a cry baby. Because you act like one.
  4. NotziMad

    Nope, is that all you have to say?

    Do you not find it shocking that someone would do this?

    I mean to log out, to log in again on opposing faction, then to spawn at the sundy you were fighting 2 minutes ago and try andTK it?

    That doesn't strike you as a little crazy?

    And all you care to say is that I sound like a crybaby?

    Let me guess, you do this, you log on alts to TK enemy sundies.
  5. ColdBackHAND

    I'm sorry but your complaint is years ago and nobody cares.

    And yes you are a crybaby.
  6. ColdBackHAND

    I'd double check to make sure any delusional fallacy you have actually hasn't been debated before. You seem educated.
  7. NotziMad

    Ok let's try something else.

    If you don't care, then what are you doing posting 2 times now on this thread.

    Don't answer that, I think I know.

    I killed you in game, I v6 you and made you mad, you sent me tells and the way I replied infuriated you even more.

    Something like that? :)

    You know, PvP is one thing. Taking it out on the forums is another.

    You obviously don't care about the subject of this thread. And you just as obviously care about me ;)
  8. NotziMad

    That's the first on topic thing you say in this thread.

    In 3 posts.

    Well done buddy, you're getting the hang of it hahahhahahaa
  9. ColdBackHAND

  10. ColdBackHAND

  11. Badman76

    Happens all the time on ceres
  12. NotziMad

    Yeah, you're right, you're a BR 30 who plays on Emerald.

    Nice try though ;)

    PS. you're really bad at trolling too..
  13. NotziMad

    In my experience on Coblat, it's not "all the time", more like "sometimes", but it really shouldn't happen at all, especially since it seems to me that there are so many ways the devs could use to stop or limit this.

    In my opinion, people who do this are worse than cheaters.
  14. Badman76

    Like yesterday i got TK'd 6 times for no legit reason by lv 1 to 10 players, and someone from my own team blew up my sunderer twice. It does ruin the gameplay

    Then again, i know players in my faction who blow up friendly sunderers to stop dumb fights or to push a group on
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  15. RabidIBM

    The game needs a relog inhibitor function anyways. Even a 10 minute timer would be enough. I play construction, and it's happened a couple times that "some pub" has added a bunker to my base, then a minute or two later an enemy infil shows up seeming to expect it to still be there. I am very quick to delete bunkers, they are poison pills.
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  16. TripSin

    You said it yourself: people are probably doing it specifically against you. I only just started browsing these forums and already I can see that you're a very toxic person. Anyone with common sense would know that if you treat people poorly, you are apt to get treated poorly in response.
  17. NotziMad

    and another troll.

    I had a an girlfriend once, she always seemed to attract the same type of men, they were always crazy, always violent, even on her, and time and time again, the next boyfriend would be like the last. Until I came around :)

    I think she must have passed on a little of her condition, a taint if you were, because it seems I attract trolls hahhahah
  18. Johannes Kaiser

    Wow. I bear you no ill will, but this post can be SO easily construed in ways to support their claim you are, in fact, a toxic person. Assumption: You know this and posted it as such for them. Query: Why? They'll do whatever either way.
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  19. Twin Suns

    Gotta be NC. We hate our own :).
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  20. Badman76

    What if they just got rid of friendly fire?