DBG now hiring lazy do nothing devs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BBWsissyTransForBBC, Jun 22, 2020.

  1. BBWsissyTransForBBC

    If you don't do anything at all then you qualify to be a developer for day break games!

    Ever wanted to be a game developer but were frightened by the prospect of actually developing and improving a game? Then look no further than a career at DAY BREAK GAMES.

    At DAY BREAK GAMES you can do nothing and add nothing to the game for years and get paid for it!

  2. Liewec123

    well to be fair they have added plenty of stuff!
    its just all annoying junk that is detrimental to the experience XD

    this last patch though, they back-peddled and removed some of their annoying junk which is good!
    and also added a new vehicle that isn't so annoying.
    and a new gun (which might be a little overtuned atm)
    so can't believe i'm saying this about dbg, but last patch was quite good!
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  3. V43xV1CT15

    Many people who use tanks would argue against the “good patch” comment. **** is buggy as hell and unplayable on my end. But hey! We got a new SMG
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  4. Liewec123

    What's buggy about it? I played on patch day and again today and other than the cloak bug
    and the dampener having a bit too much particle effects everything is working like normal
    (I did some tank play too, seemed normal.)
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  5. AgentRed

    What meth are you on? Since they switch over to RPG it seems they have more freedom to work on the game. They are not use just old assets that were from SOE days. Plus their updates aren't as buggy as DBG was just half a$$ing it. They have been doing a great job.
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  6. AlcyoneSerene

    Magrider tank is reported to have a movement sensitivity bug, and I've experienced vehicle guns to get stuck randomly as if hitting something solid.

    The new overshield effect is so subtle I can hardly tell when it's on or off. Subtlety is good, I'm all for it, and for improving game performance, but this is nearly invisible.

    Game performance still running poorer than ever, aim feels slightly off and not snappy like before, feels like I'm fighting unstable FPS more than other players.

    Performance and bug fixes needed priority since forever. I don't want new stuff if it introduces even more bugs and worse performance that lingers endlessly.
  7. Twin Suns

    Take you're 5 day old membership and stick it where the sun don't shine. Savvy! You Chemically unbalanced herbivore.
  8. gunnner10

    Have to Agree with you here. Just ran across a ton of Hackers on Emerald tonight. Wish Devs would acknowledge the issue and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
  9. BBWsissyTransForBBC

    Why hasn't this thread been deleted yet? It's toxic as hell!

    mods please?